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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I am 35yr old female. I have one child via 4 cycles of IUI. In the process of conceiving again, this time using IVF, I wound up with two back to back ectopic pregnancies. One of which resulted in emergency removal of part of my right fallopian tube. The left tube is intact. However, that is where I had the other ectopic pregnancy. I was able to salvage that tube with the administering of a methotrexate injection. The theory that the infertility Doctors came up with was that I had a reverse cycle. They could not explain it. I have since gone for a hystosalpingogram and my left tube is patent. My OBGYN said that the good news is that I can conceive. However, I only have a 50% chance in doing so. I asked to be placed on clomid, but he said no to bother and to go straight into IVF. I don't want to put my body thru that again. I also have an irregular cycle making it difficult for me to know when I am ovulating. I am currently under the care of a acupuncturist for the past 9 months. He has managed to at least regulate my cycle by treating me not only with acupuncture but with herbal teas that he prepares himself. I need your help in trying to put together some remedies that may help me and my husband to conceive with out having it counteract against the herbal teas I am currently taking.
PS. My husbands seaman analysis are normal.
  bambi917 on 2009-09-24
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