The ABC Homeopathy Forum
black and small penis no sex drive longer
hi my penis is black not only penis penis testicle.and all penis area.other problem penis is very small and thin girth.from many time i use rube honey with arnica q and olive oil no result and other time many days i had taken aurbathy/unini medicine one hekim treatment me thats time i have sex day night average 6 time and long time my partner said me good male but now so down that every week one time i cannot sex my age now 40 about my sperm is very few and thinSALIM KHAN on 2009-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
agnus castus 1m one dose daily for three days repeat after 15 days pl take olive bach flower thrice daily for one month one drop on tongue as one dose
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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