The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Foggy Brain
Hi,I am 38 years old male and I am sufferring from foggy mind. I read but i cannot understand what i am reading. I forget things quite often. I listen a lecture but i cannot understand what he/she is saying. I cannot grasp things at all. Lack of concentration. Do not like to work. Very very inactive.
This was not the case 7-8 years back. It is affecting my professional life a lot.
I have a cool mind. I like neither hot nor cold weather. I prefer sweets if sweet and sour things are given to me. I am a simple person. Have become short tempered and take time to cool down. I have become very impotent too.
Someone told me to take Nux Vomica 6x. I went to the shop to buy it but 6x was not available so I bought Nux Vomica 6. I read the article about Nux Vomica and found that it is too risky to take as it is a poison of some kind. Can anyone please suggest me the correct dose. I have Nux Vomica 6 in form of big globues.
Is it risky to take this medicine.
homme2ca on 2009-10-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sorry forgot to mention that I have a negative thinking most of the time. I have lost selff confidence. I always think that I cannoot do anything. I am really worried now what to do.
Please suggest.
Please suggest.
homme2ca last decade
please take LYCOPODIUM 1M two doses 10 minutes apart.
take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth.
no food or water one hour before or after.
one dose would be 4 drops in 10 ml of water slowly sipped up.
take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth.
no food or water one hour before or after.
one dose would be 4 drops in 10 ml of water slowly sipped up.
♡ rishimba last decade
take the two doses only on a single day.
no further doses or any other remedies.
come back after 15 days and report the changes.
no further doses or any other remedies.
come back after 15 days and report the changes.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hello Dr.Rishi,
Today 15 days are over. I do see some change but it cannot be considered as 100%. Its about 20% better. Any suggestions ?
Memory very very weak. Can keep information for about few seconds only.
Today 15 days are over. I do see some change but it cannot be considered as 100%. Its about 20% better. Any suggestions ?
Memory very very weak. Can keep information for about few seconds only.
homme2ca last decade
Forgot to tell you that i sleep for aprox 7-8 hours but when i get up in the morning, i feel that i have not slept at all. In the day time i feel sleepy specially when I try to concentrate or read or watch somethign on the TV etc.
Forgot to tell you that i sleep for aprox 7-8 hours but when i get up in the morning, i feel that i have not slept at all. In the day time i feel sleepy specially when I try to concentrate or read or watch somethign on the TV etc.
homme2ca last decade
please repeat LYCOPODIUM 1M every 20 days.
if you see continuous improvement, you should stop after 3 doses.
if you dont see continuous improvement, you need to take a single dose of LYCOPODIUM 10M.
if you see continuous improvement, you should stop after 3 doses.
if you dont see continuous improvement, you need to take a single dose of LYCOPODIUM 10M.
♡ rishimba last decade
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