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Posts about Cold

Slow developing cold5Warm temperature but i feel cold3Acute sinus headache post fever and cold1Cold3Pain in left testicle due to cold1permanent whistling in right nostril and increased smell after cold3Sneezing hot and cold3Dry cough and feeling cold4Sneezing hot and cold1Suffering From Hoarseness Cough Cold1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cold and acute coryza

I find this article very informative.

COLD AND ACUTE CORYZA (which means sneezing)

The common cold may be caused by variety viruses such as the rhinoviruses
and adenoviruses, influenzaviruses. More than 95 rhinovirus serotypes have
been discovered in relationship to coryza yet there is still no effective
treatment in orthodox medicine. Homeopathy, on the other hand, works
directly on strengthening the immune system allowing it to overcome the
virus and establish more immunity to it in the future. Not all colds,
however, are caused by viruses in the first place. Some acute coryza may
have other causes, such as the elimination of waste products, specific
allergens or pollution.
The incubation period is usually 18 to 48 hour after exposure after which
the onset is often rather abrupt. The symptoms often start with a scratchy,
itchy, or burning throat, followed by sneezing, a clear watery discharge,
and varying degrees of malaise. This may be followed by a hacking cough,
laryngitis, tracheitis with substernal tightness and burning discomfort, and
mild bronchitis in those who are susceptible. In the adult a cold is usually
afebrile although it may cause a mild fever (100 to 102 F) in infants an
small children. Complications include sinusitis, swollen glands,
tonsillitis, ear infections, bronchitis, and secondary infections marked by
purulent sputum.
A common cold usually follows four distinct stages that assist in choosing
the correct remedies. The first is mark by the scratchy throat, clear
discharge, sneezing, and malaise. The second is marked by a white creamy
discharge, less sneezing and a tight, hacking or tickling, itching,
irritating cough. sore throats, and fever and chill. The third is marked by
a yellowish discharge,, loose coughs, and pain in the chest. The fourth
stage is marked by greenish or brownish discharges, the coughing up of lumps
and plugs, and soreness deep in the lungs. After this fourth phase, the
coryza may dry up and convalescence begun, or complication arise that
continue toward a chronic state. Bed red and plenty of fluids is advised for
those who are strongly affected.
Materia Medica
ACONITE (2). First stage. Coryza caused by cold, dry winds, dry at first
with violent headache, roaring in ears, fever, sleeplessness, heat and sense
of fullness in nares, and muscles sore all over body so that sneezing forces
him to support chest. Fluent coryza with frequent sneezing and dropping of
clear, hot watery discharge, inner nose swollen, red, interfering with
breathing. Better > in cool room and open air.
ALLIUM CEPA (3). Colds with streaming discharges from the eyes and nose,
with headache and frequent sneezing. Profuse acrid discharges from the nose
corroding the lip and nose and bland lachrymation from the eyes (reverse of
Euphr.). Violent laryngitis, tickling in larynx. cough seems to split and
tear the larynx, grasp larynx when coughing. Hot and thirsty. Worse <
evenings, indoors, warm room. Better > in open air.
ARSENICUM (3). Thin watery discharges from nose which excoriates the upper
lip, while nose is stuffed up all the time. Always taking cold in the nose,
from every change of weather, colds begins in the nose and drops to the
chest. Always chilly, hovers round the fire, can't get enough clothes on.
Chilly with burning, relieved by heat. Thirst for frequent drinks in sips.
Restless, anxious, morbidity fastidious and exhausted.
ARUM TRIPH (2). Nostril raw and bloody, bores and picks at bloody surfaces,
worse < morning. Continuos discharges of burning ichorous fluid from nose,
excoriating Nostril upper lip and corner of moth, nose stuffed, can only
breathe with mouth open. Bores and picks in nose till it bleeds, worse
mornings. Sneezing, worse < night, can hardly talk on account of phlegm in
back part of throat, Snuffles of babies.
BELLADONNA (2). Suppressed catarrh with maddening headache. Throat raw and
sore, very red and shining. Hoarseness and painful dryness larynx. As if
larynx inflamed and swollen, with snoring breathing and danger of
suffocation. Acute catarrhal laryngitis. Cough with red, injected throat.
Dry, tearing cough, which scrapes throat. This remedy is characterized by
redness, heat and dryness. Tend toward thirstlessness.
BRYONIA (2). Often begins in the nose, sneezing, coryza running at nose,
lachrymation, aching eyes, nose and head the first day, then trouble goes
down posterior nares, throat, larynx with hoarseness and bronchitis which
may end in pleurisy and pneumonia. Extreme dryness, dry spasmodic, hard,
racking, expectoration scanty, lips dry and parched, thirsty for large
drinks. Cough with stitches in chest, with headache as if the head would fly
to pieces. Irritable, wants to lie still and be left alone, Cough worse < at
night, after eating and drinking, entering warm room, on taking a deep
inspiration. Worse < cold, dry weather.
CAMPHOR (1). Useful at the very beginning of a cold before the catarrhal
symptoms have begun. Feels chilled, can not get warm, yet wants to be
uncovered. Can abort the entire process if given early during the chill.
Fluent coryza on sudden change of weather, violent stitching or crawling,
from the root of the nose almost to the tip.
CARBO VEG (3). Worse < warm moist weather, evening. Loss of voice every
evening, rawness of larynx and pharynx.
DULCAMARA (1). Colds from cold, wet weather and snow, from getting wet, or
chilled when heated. Worse < sudden changes of from hot to cold. Dry coryza,
sore throat, stiff neck and limb painful. More fluent in warm or house less
fluent in cold air, cold room. Starts sneezing in a cold room, nose stuffs
up in cold rain.
EUPATORIUM PERF. (3). Coryza with deep aching in every bone, and lassitude.
Fluent coryza with sneezing and hoarseness, weight over head and forehead,
nose and eyes both streaming with water at intervals.
EUPHRASIA (3). Burning coryza, increasing in the evening, with fluent flow
of tears and cough. Mild discharge from the nose with acrid tears from the
eyes (reverse Euphr.), aversion to light, worse < at night while lying down.
Cough worse < during the day, after windy weather.
FERR PHOS (2). Coryza at the very beginning, frontal headache, better > by
nosebleed. Starts with the fever. Chill returning at the same time every
day, while sitting at table, and 1 p.m..
GELSEMIUM (2). Catarrh during warm, moist, relaxing weather, with
excoriating discharge form the nose, making the nostrils and wings of nose
raw and sore. Frequent sneezing, sore throat, tonsils red and tumefied.
Difficulty swallowing from paretic state of the muscles, great prostration,
wants to be left alone. Dullness, heaviness, droopy eyes, muscular soreness,
fever without thirst (reverse Bry.).
HEPAR SULPH. (3). Colds from the cold, dry weather (Acon., Nux-v.). Sneezing
and running from the nose, first watery, then thick, yellow offensive.
Sweating all night without relief (Merc.) Hoarse croupy cough, phlegm is
loose, rattling and choking. Hypersensitive to touch, pain, draughts of cold
air. Wants to strike anyone who lets cold air in the room, very irritable.
Better > moist, wet weather ( reverse Gels.).
IPECAC (1). Colds with overwhelming nausea, no thirst.
KALI BICH (3). and other kalis. Catarrhs with great accumulation of ropy
mucus and expectoration of solid chunks from posterior nares. Cough with
expectoration of tough phlegm which can be drawn into long strings. Pressure
and tightness at the root of the nose, sinusitis, loss of smell. Flow of
acrid water from nose, excoriating the nostrils causing ulceration (Arum-t.,
Ars.). Yellowish and greenish discharge.
(a). Kali-m (1). Colds in the second stage with swollen glands, white coated
tongue, and white or grayish discharges.
(b). Kali-i (2). Nose is red, swollen, tender and the face is red. Discharge
from the nose feels cold and is acrid and watery. Discharge is yellowish or
greenish. Hot and dry, then, alternating drenched with sweat. Alternating
heat and chill. Late stages of a cold.
(c). Kali-s (1). Coryza with thick yellow offensive discharges alternating
with a watery flow. Follows kali-m well.
MERCURIUS (2). Frequent sneezing, copious discharges of watery salvia,
swelling, redness and rough scraping soreness of nose, with itching and pain
in the nasal bones on pressing. Fetid smell of the nasal mucus. Painful
heaviness of forehead, night-sweats, chill and feverish heat, great thirst
pain in the limb, worse warmth or old by dampness. Watery, swollen, flabby
tongue showing indention of teeth, with thirst. Creeping chilliness. Painful
teeth and jaws with swollen glands. Suspicious, cautious, introverted,
hurried, and at times slow and hesitant. Worse from cold and heat.
NATRUM MUR. (2). Cattarhs watery, or thick whitish, like white of egg "raw
or cooked". Colds with abnormal quantity of secretion with paroxysms of
sneezing. Fluent alternating with dry catarrh. Watery vesicles about lips
and wings of nose, cold sore and herpes. Cough with bursting headache
(Bry.). Urine spurt when coughing. Depressed, serious, feels weepy but only
cries when alone, worse < consolation. Craves salt. Tongue is clean, watery,
with small bubbles.
NUX VOMICA (2). During the first stage, dryness and obstruction of the nose,
with heaviness in the forehead and angry, impatient mood. Catarrh fluent in
the morning and dry in the evening and at night, with dryness of the mouth
without much thirst, worse < in warm air, better in cold air. Sneezing early
in bed, scraping in the nose and throat, chills and heat alternate in the
evening, with great heat of the face and head, acrid discharge from the
obstructed nose, stoppage of the nose, particularly out-doors, but fluent
indoors. Worse < exposures to dry, cold air, sitting on cold stones, etc.
PHOSPHORUS (2). Fluent coryza, dullness of the head, sleepiness, especially
during the day and after meals, blowing blood from the nose, alternating
fluent and dry with frequent sneezing, dry, forming firmly adhering crusts.
Profuse discharges, flowing down into faucets, neck swollen, eyes staring.
Cold begins in chest and runs up nose. Chest tight, cough hard, tight dry,
rack the patient, worse < open air. Thirst for cold water, desires cool
food. Highly sympathetic, lively, expressive individuals who are often tall
, thin, hungry and desire for cold water and cold foods.
PULSATILLA (3). Old catarrhs with loss of smell, thick, bland, yellow
discharges, in nervous, yielding, timid, or passive temperaments. Better >
in open air. Lips chapped and peel yet patient is thirstless. Chronic,
thick, yellow, bland discharges or later yellow, green and offensive.
Tearful, craves sympathy and is better by > consolation (reverse Nat-m.).
SULPHUR (3). Constant sneezing, stoppage of the nose, fluent, like water
trickling from the nose, nasal discharges acrid and burning. Dirty looking
discharges. Often useful when colds are lingering in individuals who are
intellectual, philosophical, eccentric and messy in appearance.
ACUTE CORYZA - Acon., ALL-C., Arum-t., ARS., Bell., Bry., camph., Eup-p.,
EUPHR., Ferr-p., Gels., HEP., kali-m., KALI-B., Kali-i., kali-s., Merc.,
Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., PULS., Sulph..
abdomen, pain in, from coughing or sneezing - Bry,
alternating heat and cold - Kali-i..
acrid - All-c., Ars., Bels., Kalo-i., Mer., Nux-v. Sul..
bland - Euphr., Puls..
offensive - Calc., Hep., Kali-b., Merc., Nat-c., Puls..
greenish - Kali-b., Kali-i. Merc., Puls..
easily chilled - Ars., Bry., Hep., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls..
head, pain from coughing or sneezing - Bry., Nux-v., Phos..
modalites -
air, open
< Bry., Hep., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos..
>Acon., All-c., Puls..
< cold air - all-c., Ars., Dulc., Hep., Nux-v., Phos..
< cold dry weather - Acon., Bry., Hep., Nux-v.
< cold wet - Calc., Dulc., Rhus-t., Nat-s..
< inhaling cold air - All-c., Hep., Phos., Rumex..
< wet - Calc., Dulc., Kali-i., Merc., Puls., Sul..
< warm wet - Gels., Carb-v..
>warm wet - Hep..
warm room
< All-c., Merc., Nux-v., Puls.,
entering - Bry..
first - Acon., camph., ferr-p. Nat-m..
second- kali-m.,
third - kali-s., Puls.,
fourth - Puls.,
sinus, frontal affected - ars., kali-i., lyc., Merc., sil..
sore throat - Merc., Nux-v., Phos..
sweating -
better > - kali-i..
worse < - Hep., Merc..
travels down - Ars., Bry., Carb-v., Ipec.,
travels up - Phos..


  bandarbabu2000 on 2005-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I enjoyed reading the informative treatise above on remedies which can be used to avoid Colds and Coughs.

I was a frequent sufferer from frequent colds up to 1965 and it was after I was cured of these colds by a Homeopath that I decided to study this science and to use it to help others later.

I had been suffering from frequent colds up to that time and was on a permanent daily dose of Piriton which was prescribed by doctors to provide some immunity from my frequent colds whcih I used to catch on a fortnightly basis, and this drug left me in a state of suspended animation and would have eventually killed me long years ago if I did not change over to Homeopathy.

The remedy I use to prevent catching a cold is 2 balls Gelsemium 30 which I take every three hours as soon as I get the usual symptoms of a cold coming on. It is important that this medication is taken as early as possible every three hours on the first day and continued on the second day when it is taken just twice.

I have had some instances when the cold in the nose dries up and migrates to the throat. I use Bell 30 in the same dosage and it usually clears the throat quickly.

In the case of both nose and throat infections it is important that the medication is started as early as possible and is not stopped when one feels relief. The medication should be continued on the day after one is fully cured of the symptoms when just 2 doses are taken. There is every chance otherwise that the virus reappears in a more virulent form which is then difficult to abort.

I hope that this information together with the information contained in the previous post
will help to keep colds at bay.
Joe De Livera last decade
Phosphorus is also extremely promising.
kuldeep last decade
Phosphorous cold affects the chest first, and is likely to travel upwards.The larynx is affected later.
bandarbabu2000 last decade
Clinical studies has indicated that Hedera Helix is as effective as Benadryl Cold medicine.

(Low potencies)
kuldeep last decade
I am copying an article on the Common Cold which is of interest by an authority on Homeopathy who is due in Sri Lanka in a few days with his team of members of Homeopaths Without Borders to help the survivors of the Tsunami. His team takes over from the present team of 3 Homeopaths who leave for the US tonight after 3 weeks of dedicated service to the survivors in Southern Sri Lanka.
Common Colds, Coughs and Flu
Dr Luc de Shepper
    Every year the public is warned to get flu vaccinations, but alas! The benefits of flu shots are doubtful at best, and they are potentially harmful especially for the most susceptible populations—children and the elderly. Vaccinations made from the previous year’s flu strains offer no protection against this year’s new strain. The best proof is that public health authorities admitted this year that the flu vaccine “did not take.” Guess what they recommended? Revaccination! Isn’t there something better we can do?
     After many years of homeopathic practice, I have found nothing easier than solving each year’s upcoming colds and flus. No flu vaccinations are necessary, and the well-indicated remedy will resolve a flu within a few days if taken at the onset. Readers hesitant to go without their flu shot may be reminded of the success of homeopathy in treating the virulent Spanish flu pandemic (worldwide epidemic) in 1918. Studies done in British hospitals showed that patients treated homeopathically had only a 5% death rate compared to a 45% fatality rate among those treated with drugs.
    Granted, this was before antibiotics were discovered—but what medical authority recommends antibiotics for viral illnesses like the flu? None, yet flu patients are inundated with antibiotics—adding to the problems of candida yeast overgrowth and increasingly resistant micro-organisms.
    So how does a homeopathic physician go about preventing and treating each year’s flu? After seeing 10 to 20 patients we can establish the leading remedy of the current epidemic. We record all these patients’ symptoms and among them we immediately see what we call the cardinal symptoms, indicating the remedy for the epidemic. The Asian flu which began to make inroads in December of ‘96 typically begins with a sore throat, quickly evolving into extreme fatigue and muscle weakness (“as if a truck ran over me”), putting the patient into bed in a debilitated, weak state with a temperature of 102¼. The patient feels dull, has no thirst or appetite, and has a severe headache. All these symptoms point to a Gelsemium flu. Patients taking GELSEMIUM every two hours usually recuperate from this flu the same day or at most two days. (Put one pellet of Gelsemium 200c in 4 oz. water, dissolve, and take a tablespoon every two hours. People who tend to be sensitive to medications, vitamins, etc. and those who are not familiar with homeopathy should start with a milder dose, 30c.)
     Patients who haven’t been treated with Gelsemium will come to the second stage of this flu: the accumulation of stringy, thick yellow mucus collecting in the sinuses and ears and causing post-nasal drip. KALI BICH. is the remedy at this stage, as well as Gelsemium. Use the same dose but dissolve the two remedies in separate cups and give at least 10 minutes apart.  
     “Walking pneumonia”, as it is called in Western medicine, is the third stage of this particular flu. It includes a severe dry cough, worse at night and when lying down, so bad that I have had patients break ribs from coughing so hard. Yet BRYONIA brings relief immediately and no antibiotics are necessary. (For Bryonia and kali bich., use 30c or 200c as for Gelsemium: dissolve one pellet in 4 oz. water and take one tablespoon every two hours.)
     One cent a day is the cost of this procedure! Think of the schools that have had to close because of this flu. But if each student could get one teaspoon of Gelsemium daily as a preventive during this epidemic, most of them would never get the flu! And this without any side effects. The world is not yet ready for these simple measures, but you parents can protect your children at home with a teaspoon a day of Gelsemium 200c.
      So Gelsemium is definitely the remedy of the present epidemic—not necessarily the remedy for the next flu. What can you do to protect yourself from further flus now and next season? Once solved, coughs and colds even of long duration will disappear with the well-chosen remedy. This is the magic of the minimum dose (homeopathy’s highly-diluted remedies).
      Here are some of the most popular and frequently-used remedies. All of them should be taken in 30c potencies (for sensitive people) or 200c potencies, with one pellet dissolved in 4 oz. of water and taken by the teaspoon or tablespoon. (See ‘Homeopathy’s Best-Kept Secrets’ in my previous newsletter, vol. 2 no. 1, for details.)
       The most popular cold remedy is ARSENICUM. Any beginning cold with a clear runny nose can be aborted with a few doses. It stops the cold in the early stages—sneezing from a change in weather, and a cold that starts in the nose and tends to go down to the throat. The patient is restless, anxious and thirsty for cold drinks which he usually drinks in little sips. Often there is a burning of the throat, improving with warm drinks.
       ACONITUM is unparalleled for sudden onset of a cold with high fever typically coming on at midnight. Often the child has been running around during the day when there was a dry cold wind. The child goes to bed with no problems but suddenly wakes up around midnight screaming, restless, with a high fever making the whole body hot and asking for cold water to drink. It is amazing how a couple of teaspoons of Aconite will bring down the fever and let the child fall asleep peacefully. The next morning the child will get up as if nothing happened. The storm of illness has been calmed by the marvel that is Aconite.
       It might well be that the child suddenly gets a high fever (105¼) around 3 in the afternoon, with a bright red face, ice cold extremities and the rest of the body cold as well. All the blood in the body seems to be collected in the face. The pupils are large and there is a severe, very painful headache. The child can have a wild look in its face. If there is a cough, it is a dry, explosive “machine-gun” cough, a sharp, violent, repetitive cough. BELLADONNA will tame the fever, the headache and the cough.
      For a totally different kind of cold, sometimes a patient tells you that he coughs from the throat because of an ever-present postnasal drip. He has difficulty bringing up the mucus because it is ropy and sticky. When he finally brings it up, it is yellowish-green. “When it sticks, use KALI BICH!” is our motto. This sticky mucus can also cause sinus headaches and ear pains mimicking acute ear infections in children, so Kali bich. also works well for these conditions.
  I   I remember the case of a lady who always fell ill with sudden chills and coughs. One particular time she had a hard time recuperating. This severe ongoing cold seemed to get the best of her, until I discovered that she always got worse around 11 pm, had a severe tickle in the throat, the trachea or windpipe was raw inside and sore to any pressure, while her exhausting cough hardly brought any mucus up. All these symptoms combined indicated RUMEX as a remedy, which miraculously gave this lady back her life. After one week on Rumex this suffocating cough and cold of two months disappeared. Coincidence? It happens so many times that it is no lucky fluke. The well-selected homeopathic remedy cures any common cold, chill or cough time and time again.
      Everyone knows how your eyes water when cutting an onion. This means you are practicing crude homeopathy! ALLIUM CEPA, the red onion, is indicated for a cold with the eyes running, not burning tears but bland, and a copious stream of burning water from the nose like a faucet running, with the skin beneath the nostrils raw, red and burning. The throat is raw and the rawness quickly extends into the chest, which makes you cough from inhaling cold air. The cold usually comes on from exposure to cold damp winds and is worse in the evening and in a warm room. If you get these symptoms, you will love red onion in homeopathic doses!
      For harsh, choking coughs, in addition to Belladonna already mentioned, every mother should have SPONGIA TOSTA on hand. This miracle of nature, made from sea sponge, is the number one remedy for croup and those painful, barking, choking coughs which torture the patient day and night. The cough sounds like sawing wood and there is an immense fear of suffocating since there is a feeling of a plug in the throat.
      There are many more remedies for coughs, colds and flus depending on the details as outlined above. Observing your symptoms will help your homeopath to find the right remedy, or you can find it yourself from one of the many good books on homeopathic remedies available in health food stores. When you see your symptoms clear up in one day while others are suffering for weeks, you will see for yourself the power of homeopathy!

AUTHOR: Dr. Luc De Schepper, M.D., Ph.D., Lic.Ac, C.Hom
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Joe De Livera for making another great effort. Your email was quite informative.

(Put one pellet of Gelsemium 200c in 4 oz. water, dissolve, and take a tablespoon every two hours. People who tend to be sensitive to medications, vitamins, etc. and those who are not familiar with homeopathy should start with a milder dose, 30c.)

I liked this thing. Even if you add one pallet of medicine in one liter of water, the medicine potency is raised by just between 3 to 4. I don't see a huge difference between 200 to 204. I visited homeopathy manufacturers and their ways to potentize medicine is also questionable. A 200 potency could be 190 or 210 or even more deviation. How you know that manufacturer is using which method. How you know they procured the herb or just mother tincture. There is no standard procedure to see the potency of mother tincture itself. I myself buy mother tincture to make cheap medicine after dilution stages. Each manufacturer’s mother tincture seems to be in different potency and viscosity. Even color is different. I bought Phytolacca Berry’s mother tincture many times and each time its potency was significantly varying. Now I know Phytolacca herb and when in USA and if it is Phytolacca Berry season (Sept-Nov) I make my own mother tincture and I know what it should look like.

Even here on this forum lots of people come for help and some of them may be not well off. They can safe money as well as effort by diluting the medicine. Lots of people need to buy medicine again when it runs out.

If we raise potency from 30 to 33 or 200 to 203 by a simple dilution, what a big deal but a big are saving as well as educational about homeopathy. Frequent doses of high potency medicine is a must to hammering the acute infection.
kuldeep last decade
I am looking forward to the arrival of Dr Luc who will be staying with me overnight en route to the south SL where the last HWB team was helping the villagers who to a man are all convinced that Homeopathy is the way to go in treating their ailments.

It is this personal encounter with Homeopathic greats that helps to broaden my horizon in Homeopathy by dialogue as the last team who left for the US were astonished that with my limited knowledge, I have been able to help so many with my rather unusual use of remedies which are not recorded so far. Nat Phos and Arnica are examples.

I was gratified to note that Dr Luc too suggests Gels to stop a cold and I have found that it is easily the best remedy to do so. I was intrigued with his method of potentizing the remedy further in the manner you quoted but I have found it better to stick to the little balls which I activate myself from the liquid remedy which I pour a few drops into the No 30 lactose balls in little glass containers which I get from Opticians who discard them after selling their contents of contact lenses.
Joe De Livera last decade
I would like to add a remedy that I recently used to stop an oncoming cold to the many remedies that are listed in the previous posts above.

It is Ferrum Phos 6x. I have used it myself and on a few others and they have invariably been able to abort the cold virus before it affects them with the usual malaise. The dose I have used it 1 tablet 4 times daily. I have also used the same remedy in the 12x and also the 30x potencies and am not quite certain which of these potencies is the most effective but I believe that the 30x seems to perhaps get more positive results that the lower potencies.

I would recommend that anyone who is interested in experimenting with the use of this remedy to stop an oncoming cold posts his observations on this Forum to enable some statistics to be made available for its use to abort the common cold which is perhaps the most common ailment to affflict mankind.
Joe De Livera last decade
I would like to confirm my post above where I indicated that Ferrum Phos 6x is effective to stop an oncoming cold.

A few days ago, I felt a cold coming on and used Ferr Phos 30x and noticed that it seemed to deal with the infection better.

I am mentioning this fact for the benefit of our members who may like to use the 30x to stop a cold and post their reaction on this forum.
Joe De Livera last decade
It is a good idea to take Ferrum.Phos at the first signs of cold,and contine it for a week afterwards. If you take it in 6x potency, 2 doses per day, should be enough.

But, if you get cold, despite taking Ferr.Phos, you may have to look for other medicines.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I have observed that if I have not been successful to stop a cold getting established, and this is very rarely, there is very little that one can do to abort it. All one can do in these circumstances is to take Gels 30 and this will put the cold into a state of suspended animation when it will keep the coryza to a low level and also help the sufferer to minimise the discomfort and perhaps the slight temperature that usually accompanies a cold.

I have observed that when this state is reached the virus sometimes migrates to the throat and this can happen in a few hours when the sufferer finds that the nose has dried up but the throat feels dry and itchy.

This is the time to hit the virus with Bell 30 dose 2 pellets every 3 hours and continue the therapy till the discomfort in the throat is helped. It is important to keep on taking the remedy even after all symptoms have left as in the event of the remedy being stopped the virus stages a come back when the whole process has to be repeated.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Joe or Bandaru Babu,

I had a a feeling of getting cold and tried what Joe asked as had 4 tablets of Ferr Phos 30x (More than what he had suggested) as I was have a scratchy throat yesterday night.

After 1 hour I had 4 pellets of Gelsem 30c

Regularly I took 4 pellets of Belladonoa 30c every 3 hours.

I continued the same patter today morning, started with Ferr Phos, then Gel after 1 hour and I am continuing Bell 30 every 3 hours.

I do not see any improvement and my scratch through continues, my nose block remains, my tongue is bittery and all the symptoms that one gets when we get a cold.

I am a frequency cold getter and Joe is already handling my case, I am on Nat Sulh 6c treatment in succucusion method the alternate days and Gel 30 in 2 pellets alternate day for my wheezing and nose block.

What went wrong, How can I prevent cold the next time and when I enter such stage where I see I have more problems what medicines to take ?
homeop1975 last decade
I'm afraid that you cannot use Homeopathic remedies in the manner that you are now using them. You just cannot take 4 tablets of Ferr Phos 30x which is a gross overdose and alternate it with Bell 30c and then again Gelsemium 30c. As you have already noticed, your cold has forged ahead and you would have felt miserable. I am relieved however that your wheeze did not flare up as this would have knocked you down completely.

When treating UTI's in future, you must first figure out what you are going down with. If it is a cold in the nose with sneezing and coryza the remedy of choice is Ferr Phos 30x dose 2 tablets every 3 hours. (Not 4 tablets as this is a gross overdose). However in your present problem you seem to have started your illness with a sore throat. Bell 30 is the remedy taken every 3 hours. This usually settles the soreness in a day or so but one must not stop the dose after this soreness disappears and it is essential that the Bell is taken for a day (at 3 times per day) is taken as otherwise the soreness can come back.

I have often noticed that after a throat virus is aborted another virus takes over, this time in the nose causing the usual coldy symptoms. This is dealt with by taking Ferr Phos 30x. It is important however to note that both these remedies must not be taken together as I believe that they antidote each other. When you add the Gel this makes a lethal cocktail which just does not work at all, as you have no doubt have discovered by now.

I would suggest that you nurse your cold and throat as best as possible this time, using one of the remedies indicated above and I hope that you are clear that all these remedies must not be used at the same time.

Please remember that your wheeze is your first priority and you must ensure that you do not have to go back to the Inhalers again. The Nat Sulph 6c in the Split Dose is your life line and you may have to use it for some time in the future.

After you have got over your nose/throat infection there is a remedy which you can take in just one dose to help you to get the resistance to your frequent colds. The only reservation I have about using it is that your wheeze can be affected and I just cannot anticipate what can happen after you take it.

I shall think more about the pros and cons and let you know in a few days.
Joe De Livera last decade
How much Bell 30c do we take (Number of pellets) ?

Also as I mentioned in my post for Allergic Rhinitis, I feel that wheezing only comes when my nose is completely blocked on either of the side ? After taking Nal Sulp I have not had wheezing , but my nose block continues.
homeop1975 last decade
Two pellets twice daily under the tongue
Joe De Livera last decade

As I read through, I am in the 3rd stage of cold,

My throat is not itcy and i do not have running nose. What I have now is think yellow mucus coming out which I need to suck in once every hour. My voice has changed a bit, I get early morning cough.

What is the medicine for this ?
homeop1975 last decade
I do not think that you need a remedy to help your cold which is now in its last stages. You can use steam from an open electric kettle or jug on full boil with the lid open and inhale the steam to help your sinus to discharge and get the phlegm out.
Joe De Livera last decade
the article is very informative. i enjoyed reading it and take it for future guidance.

bryonia also works very good at 30c in the initial stages of cold.
sumi58 last decade
Have you discovered the medicine get the resistance to my frequent colds
homeop1975 last decade
Take one dose of 4 pellets Bacillinum 200. Please note that this remedy is a nosode and should not be taken on a regular daily basis. It may only be taken when you are completely free of all ailments.

You must take a booster dose after 2 weeks to assure better resistance to colds and coughs.

All homeopathic remedies when taken in the dry dose should be placed under the tongue till they are dissolved.

No coffee and cola drinks may be used for 2 days before and after medication.
Joe De Livera last decade
So I take one today and after 2 weeks again. i continue with Gels 30 and Nat Sul daily and avoid on the day when I take Baci 200.
homeop1975 last decade
Please remember that in using Homeopathic remedies one does not take them like drugs many times daily for an indefinite period. As soon as you find that you have relief from your ailment, you should stop the remedy as it is possible that if you take it after it has cured your ailment, it can aggravate and can cause other problems in your body.

If you are now free of your constant cold, stop taking all Homeopathic remedies.

Please remind me as to the reason why you are using Nat Sulph daily. As far as I remember I did not prescribe it to you.
Joe De Livera last decade

I have learned quite a bit from your posts. You indicated that to take for example Ferr phos for a oncoming cold and to take it also for the day after. I have been feeling for the past 2 weeks....flu symptoms:

Fever: 99.8F
No appetite
Weigh loss
Slight Nausea
Hungry, but no appetite

State of mind:
No confidence to deal w/sickness

I am a breastfeeding mom, up at nights with her. Mother to 3 girls, husband home late.

These symptoms would hit one day...and be gone the next. I would feel good and do stuff ex....run errands, house work. Every 3 days it would come back. Could I have a relaspse from say the flu?? Can it be in my head? This started as my husband went to the emergency room for Vomiting, kidney aliments. End up being Stomach bug or Food poision. Anyhow.....was really scared my kids will get it....I think I have a phobia! Thanks....in your spare time your advice would be greatful!

jtlaharder last decade
I am glad you dug up this thread as it has a lot of very valuable inputs from many of us who have shared our discoveries on the treatment of the common cold.

In your case I believe that you have the flu, judging by your symptoms.

I have used Gelsemium 30 taken in the water dose every 3 hours as this will deal with the virus which you state you have suffered from for some time.

Please note that the dosage that I indicated is for the water dose and not the dry globules.

This present virus that has hit Sri Lanka where I live has in most instances hit the throat first. If it starts with your throat the remedy is Belladonna 30c also taken 3 hourly in the wet dose.

Report response in a few days when I am confident that you will be OK
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks so much for replying! I have to order the Gelsemium 30c liquid form as stores around here only carrying 30x potency. So it takes 3-4 business days. I am assuming the wet dose is stronger than the globules? I will report as I take it.

jtlaharder last decade

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