The ABC Homeopathy Forum
rheumatic fever
Iam treating a lady with rheumatic fever since a month.Initially she responded well and her pain and stiffness of joints for the past week she has evening rise of temperature,fever with chill and thirst. pain and swelling of joints.desire for warm drinks.swelling of both legs.kindly advice.madanbhms on 2005-02-25
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Thanks Passkey.Ihave already given bell,bry,rhus tox,pyrogen,ars as and when indicated but fever hasn't come down
madanbhms 2 decades ago
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks Sabra,
But the patient is very chilly,wants to be covered,with lot of sweat which aggravates the fever.
Also she has thirst for large quantities of water.
dont you think these symptoms contradict Apis.
presently i have prescribed aconite 200 even though the fever is in the 2nd week as the acuteness corresponds to that drug.
sulph 1m,streptococcin 30 have been given as intercurrents.her CRP is +ve.though ASO titre and RH factor are-ve.
But the patient is very chilly,wants to be covered,with lot of sweat which aggravates the fever.
Also she has thirst for large quantities of water.
dont you think these symptoms contradict Apis.
presently i have prescribed aconite 200 even though the fever is in the 2nd week as the acuteness corresponds to that drug.
sulph 1m,streptococcin 30 have been given as intercurrents.her CRP is +ve.though ASO titre and RH factor are-ve.
madanbhms 2 decades ago
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