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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Somebody help, I have bad habbits. I pull my hairs and chew nails.

Please some body help me. I have a bad habbits. I pull my hairs espacially from my eyebrows. I have bald spots on my eyebrows. I chew my nails. I can't help it.
  kapil on 2005-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First dose Belladonna-30 today. Second dose after a week. Third dose again after a week. Fourth dose again after a week.

After a month Belladonna 1M. a dose after every 15 days till the bottle lasts.

Today is the last day of your bad habbits.

Come to this post tomorrow to say me thanks.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Thanks for attending me. I bought Belladonna-30 (Germany). Just took a dose.

Will this break my habbit for ever?

I can do anything to break this habbit. I am in very bad shape, everybody laughs at me.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
what is your date of birth and zodiac sign.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
June 30 and I am cancer
kapil 2 decades ago
June 30 and I am cancer
kapil 2 decades ago
June 30 and I am cancer
kapil 2 decades ago
June 30 and I am cancer
kapil 2 decades ago
June 30 and I am cancer
kapil 2 decades ago
June 30 and I am cancer
kapil 2 decades ago
June 30 and I am cancer
kapil 2 decades ago
June 30 and I am cancer
kapil 2 decades ago
Sorry for so many posts. I thought it is not working.
kapil 2 decades ago

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