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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

dry skin, possible eczema?

hi, i have suffered from 2 bouts of horrible, painful dry skin this winter. the first was before christmas, which cleared up after about 2 weeks, and now i have had the same problem again for the last 2 weeks. it started between my fingers, it was intense, burning and itching, the skin was very dry and started to 'scale'. It was just on my left hand to begin with. it then spread to my knuckles, and then to cover my whole fingers, front and back. it is worse on the knuckles. i also have a couple of deep cracks on the sides of my fingers near the joints, which are extremely painful. the pain is much worse for immersing in water, especially hot water. It has made my hands really rough, like sandpaper, which is a nightmare for me as i have a little baby who needs her nappy changed etc. i don't know if this is eczema, or just dry winter skin. i have taken one sepia 30c about half an hour ago, as that seemed the best remedy from self diagnosis. however i am concerned that if it is eczema it could be that my problem is miasmatic, which is something i don't yet feel confident prescribing on. what do you think? also would a topical cream like calendula cream relieve the itching and dryness short term? i tried putting cocoa butter on my hands a couple of days ago and it was agony, i had to wash it off again, it seems that any kind of moisture really aggravates the condition. hope someone can help, sorry to ramble on!
  jennieandbabydaisy on 2005-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is due to tiny insects who have made homes in your skin. This is curable under homeopathic treatment. Mostly cold season suits them.

You need to find constitutional remedy. Lyco, sepia, silicea and staphy are closed remedies for the said state.

A patient got cured with sars 30 when Agaricus was also used during treatment. The case was started with a dose of lyco 200.

I am not a doctor.
I am not a doctor 2 decades ago
You have only spoken of your hands. Homeopathy treats the whole body. You are not just your hands, you are a whole person. Please tell us a bunch more about you as an individual.

To help you right now, go to regular pharmacy and get some cheap Glycerine. Comes in small bottle. One can dilute it a bit with water if you want. This is what cement workers like to use. Cement is so drying. It is not a cure, but you will feel better while you report more. Won't hurt baby.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Why should the patient say those words when diluting? Does homeopathy work as hypnosis? Or is it to have a placebo effect? Just curious..
zoomzipper1 last decade

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