The ABC Homeopathy Forum
help for cystic back acne
16 yr old son has severe cystic acne only on the upper middle back and neck. His face is otherwise clear, just a few on his forehead. The nodules are painful and some are very large. What can we do? This started about 6 months ago and he's been on three different antibiotics that haven't worked. Any suggestions?smcconeg on 2009-10-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you may please stop the antibiotics.
please describe modalities of the eruptions. is there any pain. describe the appearance of the eruptions.
does this aggravate on taking some specific food.
what are his cravings and aversions in food.
please describe modalities of the eruptions. is there any pain. describe the appearance of the eruptions.
does this aggravate on taking some specific food.
what are his cravings and aversions in food.
♡ rishimba last decade
They are cystic nodules- they are large in size about a dime, and very painful to the touch. We haven't noticed any food aggravators. His diet is not great, he likes milk, tends to be heavy on grains and does eat some fruit and some meat. Craves sweets.
smcconeg last decade
please give him HEPAR SULPH 30C one dose a day for a week.
observe for next 7 days and come back with the changes after about 15 days.
dose should be taken in empty stomach in the morning and no food or water for next one hour.
one dose would be 4 drops in 10 ml of water slowly sipped up.
observe for next 7 days and come back with the changes after about 15 days.
dose should be taken in empty stomach in the morning and no food or water for next one hour.
one dose would be 4 drops in 10 ml of water slowly sipped up.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thanks I will go buy tomorrow. Another thing he has is a very stubborn toe fungus on both of his big toe nails, and he had thrush as an infant. Do you think it could be yeast/candida related? Is so will the Heph Sulpha help with that?
smcconeg last decade
yes, hepar sulph will help in this one too..
however, a few doses of SILICEA 30c daily once will take care of the toe nails.
however, a few doses of SILICEA 30c daily once will take care of the toe nails.
♡ rishimba last decade
All the health store had was Hepar Sulph 12C....will this still work daily (you had recommended 30C)? And they are the Boiron pellets-
And do you think he will see a flare up and get worse before he gets better?
Please advise, thanks!
And do you think he will see a flare up and get worse before he gets better?
Please advise, thanks!
smcconeg last decade
you can give 12c potency about 4 times a day.
give for 2 days and note the reaction. this is a low potency and initially it will promote suppuration.
the acne may suppurate some pus initially and then would heal for good.
take abouut 4 pellets under the tongue as one dose.
no food or water one hour before or after.
give for 2 days and note the reaction. this is a low potency and initially it will promote suppuration.
the acne may suppurate some pus initially and then would heal for good.
take abouut 4 pellets under the tongue as one dose.
no food or water one hour before or after.
♡ rishimba last decade
So we are almost a week with the Hepar Sulph. The acne seems to be a bit better, drying a bit. But some dormant ones are flaring up. He's also mentioned a slightly sore throat....not sure if that is a good sign or not related. Tomorrow will be a week of the 1x daily dose of Hepar, and about the third day of the Silicea. Should I stop the Hepar tomorrow and continue w/ the Silicea? And what can I put on topically to speed the drying? Can I make a wet dose of the Hepar and apply directly to the acne?
smcconeg last decade
to speed up the drying you can raise the potency to 200c one dose a day for three days max.
later, you can stop hepar sulph and continue with silicea for some days.
later, you can stop hepar sulph and continue with silicea for some days.
♡ rishimba last decade
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