The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Help with baby Diarrhea + Cough
My 1 year old son is suffering from a horrible cough that is going around. Worse at night + outside. B4 it was dry, but now phlem + some mild sniffles. Fever spiked twice but is now low grade (36.9). cough getting better, but now he's got horrible, painful diarrhea (greenish + mucousy)....and sleeping on his knees face down on my lap. i am still nursing. the other moms all took their babies to the doctor + were give cough medicine + antibiotics, saying flu season is really rough this year. i really dont want to give antibiotics. We are both Pulsatilla types. And he is crazy clingy right now. Any reccommendations?mamagee on 2009-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Merc Cor 6 is a high promise to help his Diarrohea checked. This will remove the toxins in the blood, which is very important. Given only as long as a Diarrohea persist. Not more than 4 doses in a day.
Most promising for cough is:
Drosera 30 - 1 dose, followed in 1 hour by Nux Vomica 30 - 1 dose
Use it only if cough still exist. In most cases, one dose of each is enough to keep the cough checked
With the above two under control, fever should eventually go. If you want to give some help there, give:
Ferrum Phos 6x - 4 pills
Kali Mur 6x - 1 pill
Natrum Sulph 6x - 1 pill
Mix all together in water and give every few hours to help Fever.
Reva V
Most promising for cough is:
Drosera 30 - 1 dose, followed in 1 hour by Nux Vomica 30 - 1 dose
Use it only if cough still exist. In most cases, one dose of each is enough to keep the cough checked
With the above two under control, fever should eventually go. If you want to give some help there, give:
Ferrum Phos 6x - 4 pills
Kali Mur 6x - 1 pill
Natrum Sulph 6x - 1 pill
Mix all together in water and give every few hours to help Fever.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
bless and thank you Reva V...two problems:
1/ I live in the republic of Panama where there are ZERO homeopaths and extremely limited supplies, which is why i have begun studies in homeopathy myself, however; i have a starter-kit of 50 remedies only in 30C dosages. Is there a way i can use these?
2/ I have merc vivus, but not merc cor !!?? This always seems to happen to me that the best remedy for the situation is not in the kit - ugh!
Thank you sooooo much for your insight - and a speedy one at that!
1/ I live in the republic of Panama where there are ZERO homeopaths and extremely limited supplies, which is why i have begun studies in homeopathy myself, however; i have a starter-kit of 50 remedies only in 30C dosages. Is there a way i can use these?
2/ I have merc vivus, but not merc cor !!?? This always seems to happen to me that the best remedy for the situation is not in the kit - ugh!
Thank you sooooo much for your insight - and a speedy one at that!
mamagee last decade
I understand your situation.
If Merc Cor is not available, I would suggest Podophyllum 30c (1 pill), once every time she has loose motion. It is suggested to continue once a day for next 1 week, even after the loose motion has stopped. This remedy will improve the digestion so well. Dont repeat after 1 week.
I dont believe Merc Viv can give similar result.
If Cell Salts are not available, you can give the same medicine in 30c potency also (FP, KM, NS), but keep the repetition low. These are nutrition remedy and hence safe.
After the Fever is gone, please try to give CP and FP together in the morning and NS in the evening as preventive for 1 month. All these in 6x potency (cell salts).
Reva V
If Merc Cor is not available, I would suggest Podophyllum 30c (1 pill), once every time she has loose motion. It is suggested to continue once a day for next 1 week, even after the loose motion has stopped. This remedy will improve the digestion so well. Dont repeat after 1 week.
I dont believe Merc Viv can give similar result.
If Cell Salts are not available, you can give the same medicine in 30c potency also (FP, KM, NS), but keep the repetition low. These are nutrition remedy and hence safe.
After the Fever is gone, please try to give CP and FP together in the morning and NS in the evening as preventive for 1 month. All these in 6x potency (cell salts).
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
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