The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lycopodium antidotes Pulsatilla?
Hy all!I'm so sad. My child has caught cold, and her symptoms seems like Pulsatilla. I gave her 9 ch, for her yellow nose discharges.
But! She is taking Lycopodium 9 ch for her eczema, prescribed by a homeopath.
I1m affraid, that this antidotes Pulsatilla, that's why it does not work. The homeopath said that the two remedies are COMPLEMENTARY, NOT antodoting each other!
Please help....
Julibella on 2009-11-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your homeopath is right. Puls and Lyco are indeed complementary.
Lyco follows Puls well. It (Lyco) also doesnt antidote Puls.
So if you gave Puls for the acute problem. It is OK.
However Puls antidotes Lyco. That is not a problem either because your homeopath will review and repeat a dose at appropriate juncture after the acute is cured.
Lyco follows Puls well. It (Lyco) also doesnt antidote Puls.
So if you gave Puls for the acute problem. It is OK.
However Puls antidotes Lyco. That is not a problem either because your homeopath will review and repeat a dose at appropriate juncture after the acute is cured.
srisri last decade
srisri last decade
Thanks for the answer.
Well... our homeopath prescribed Pulsatilla...
She (my child) is treated with eczema, and gives her: Silicea and Lyco.. Silicea, is not her remedy, but 'only' because the doctor presupose that all her skin simptoms is due for the bad effect of the obligatory vaccines since she was a baby... Silicea and Lyco worked well for the skin, quite excellent! Since 2 month she is going to day nurcery, and she caught cold, it is not too hard to catch something there... Our homeopath prescribed Pulsatilla and Sulfur Iodatum next to Sil and Lyco, until the symptoms persosts... but the symptoms are saying in the same place... from a coulpe of days.. I was doubt, that Lyco antidotes Pulsatilla, that's why is not working.
In my sight my daughter is Pulsatilla, or something near... our homeopath is more careful.. she didn't expressed yet.. what she thinks abaut her constitutional remedium..........
Well... our homeopath prescribed Pulsatilla...
She (my child) is treated with eczema, and gives her: Silicea and Lyco.. Silicea, is not her remedy, but 'only' because the doctor presupose that all her skin simptoms is due for the bad effect of the obligatory vaccines since she was a baby... Silicea and Lyco worked well for the skin, quite excellent! Since 2 month she is going to day nurcery, and she caught cold, it is not too hard to catch something there... Our homeopath prescribed Pulsatilla and Sulfur Iodatum next to Sil and Lyco, until the symptoms persosts... but the symptoms are saying in the same place... from a coulpe of days.. I was doubt, that Lyco antidotes Pulsatilla, that's why is not working.
In my sight my daughter is Pulsatilla, or something near... our homeopath is more careful.. she didn't expressed yet.. what she thinks abaut her constitutional remedium..........
Julibella last decade
Until and unless you describe the personality and behavior, present thermal and other modalities it is difficult to prescribe for the acute or state the constitutional.
If you are prescribing Puls on the basis of yellow discharges then alone, please note that even Lyco has them. FYI.
If you are prescribing Puls on the basis of yellow discharges then alone, please note that even Lyco has them. FYI.
srisri last decade
That's fain...! I was affraid that it could be a proving...
there was white bumps in her throat, the mucus analysis was negative bacterially, but the bumps persisted...!
It is a very good homeopath... let's hope that she is not miscuring my child..............
Thanks for answer srisri!!!
there was white bumps in her throat, the mucus analysis was negative bacterially, but the bumps persisted...!
It is a very good homeopath... let's hope that she is not miscuring my child..............
Thanks for answer srisri!!!
Julibella last decade
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