The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Son suffers from fever
My two and half year old son frequently catches cold and fever. He loves cold however. He always has his water bottle with him sipping water. He always has some nasal obstruction and discharge. When he sleeps we can hear the sound of cough rattling. Please advice if Ars Alb suits.kkdwkkdw on 2009-11-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pulsatilla is thristless and prefers cold. Ars is thirsty for sips and prefers warmth. So more symptoms are needed. It will be better to consider mental symptoms as decisive symptoms if other symptoms are mixed up.
♡ kadwa last decade
My son is irritable somewhat. When he wakes up he is more irritable. Usually wakes up late and sleeps late.
He loves to break his toys none of the toys last for more than 2 day.
I would appreciate if you ask some questions.
He loves to break his toys none of the toys last for more than 2 day.
I would appreciate if you ask some questions.
kkdwkkdw last decade
From heat/cold point of view my son prefers cold. Loves cold drink. As soon as he wakes up he runs to outside to see outer world even if he is suffering from fever and cold.
kkdwkkdw last decade
kkdwkkdw last decade
day 1 and day 2
please give him three doses of pulsatilla 30c at a gap of 4 hours.
day 3 to day 10
please give him 1 tablet each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali mur 6x
ferrum phos 6x
Please report after 10 days.
please give him three doses of pulsatilla 30c at a gap of 4 hours.
day 3 to day 10
please give him 1 tablet each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali mur 6x
ferrum phos 6x
Please report after 10 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Puls 30 has resulted in strong reaction. Violent cough and frothy vomiting. Have to stop this.
kkdwkkdw last decade
If he has taken the dose that should act internally inspite of vomitting. Such reactions pass away on their own. Don't give more doses of pulsatilla. You can give tissue salts now.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thanks, I understand if i give him weekly doses of Puls 30 he will develop immunity for cough and cold. This is my goal. Please advice.
However i thank you for figuring out the remedy. Since he holds his water bottle most of the time i was thinking of Ars. But Ars never helped him in his rattling.
I studied Puls and noticed similarity in mental symptoms. Such as he can not live without her mother even for a moment. However i have seen other children of same age having no problem when mother is away. It seems to me more like Puls than Ars.
By the way i would like to understand your logic of prescribing Puls.
However i thank you for figuring out the remedy. Since he holds his water bottle most of the time i was thinking of Ars. But Ars never helped him in his rattling.
I studied Puls and noticed similarity in mental symptoms. Such as he can not live without her mother even for a moment. However i have seen other children of same age having no problem when mother is away. It seems to me more like Puls than Ars.
By the way i would like to understand your logic of prescribing Puls.
kkdwkkdw last decade
The following symptoms point to puls or phos
From heat/cold point of view my son prefers cold. Loves cold drink. As soon as he wakes up he runs to outside to see outer world even if he is suffering from fever and cold.
The following point to cham
My son is irritable somewhat. When he wakes up he is more irritable.
Cham follows puls well. So i would have recommended it down the line. If puls alone works no need of cham. It is not good to give medicines every week or like that. One should give remedies as per symptoms.
Another simple method of strengthening immunity is to give him tulsi ark daily.
From heat/cold point of view my son prefers cold. Loves cold drink. As soon as he wakes up he runs to outside to see outer world even if he is suffering from fever and cold.
The following point to cham
My son is irritable somewhat. When he wakes up he is more irritable.
Cham follows puls well. So i would have recommended it down the line. If puls alone works no need of cham. It is not good to give medicines every week or like that. One should give remedies as per symptoms.
Another simple method of strengthening immunity is to give him tulsi ark daily.
♡ kadwa last decade
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