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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature Ejaculation and Lycopodium Clavatum

Hi there,Im a 22 years old Male and ive been having PE my whole life, ive went to doctors and they just pan me off with leaflets about keggles etc, ive tried searching solutions but all i get are those ebooks and people claiming instant cures (which we all know dont exist).
I came across this site just by chance and read a bit about Lycopodium Clavatum.
I'm wondering if people have experienced results from this in relation to PE?
Also what sort of side affects are there to taking this and what sort of dosage someone in my position should be taking if i decided to go that route?
sorry im completely new to this, but I am feeling a bit more hopeful now that ive seen there are possible 'remedies'.
My problem is that i will ejaculate anytime from first stroke to 30 seconds, occasionally if im drunk (only seems to happen when i drink tonic wine) i can last quite a while, but its rare.

So any information people can give me will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards.
  needinghelp on 2009-11-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
agnus castus 6c thrice daily for 15 days along with LARCH ,
OLIVE bach flower mix one drop of each in one table spoon of water and to be taken twice daily for 15 days
akshaymohl last decade
Sorry can you be a bit more specific, ive no idea about any of thise stuff or what it is or where to get it.
Also has this method been successful for anyone and does it have any long term use side affects?

thankyou for your post
needinghelp last decade
the cure is very very simple please read carefully it worked 4 me when ur about to ejaculate first squeeze VERY hard lower part of the penis with one hand and top of the penis with other hand when u do this sperm can not come out
imagine you penis is like a pipe you squeeze lower part of the penis very hard with ur fingers around the lower part of the penis the other hand squeezeing top of the penis VERY hard with fingers round the penis head its important u do this when ur jus about to ejaculate with ur both hands squeezeing at the same time
when i say lower part of the penis its very lower part of the penis
when sperm dont come out for few months u will get better its worked for me the advantage is u get the satisfaction but do not lose energy. recovery can be slow but u will recover when u do this breath in and out sometime u have to push the testicals gently down so its easy to wrap ur fingers round the lower part of the penis
when ur getting better please let me know i will be happy vishnu05hotmailcom
vishnu5 last decade

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