The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Period Problem, Please help me as sson as possible
I am 27 years old female struggling with a mentioned period is irregular approximate 1 year ......during this time i took treatment also for this problem and the only cause of medicines it was regular ....after leave medicines its again irregular...but since 3 months its come after 10 or 15 days ...I'm very afraid this reason ...plz any body can tell me what the reason behind it any serious problem?poonam.thakur on 2009-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take the following medicines with confidence for 2 months and write back:
Monday and Friday:
Cimicifuga 6x, 4 pills, one dose in the night
Wed and Sunday:
XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM 6x, 4 pills, one dose in the night
(If you cannot get 6x, get 6c)
One dose of Sepia 200c, 2 pills, only one dose in a month (not on any other day of the month). It is prefered that you take 1 week before the expected period or 1 week after the last day of mensuration.
No other medicine on the day you take SEPIA 200c.
Sepia to stimulate your system, XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM to increase the circulation to Uterus and Cimicifuga to directly help the Uterus health.
Herbal Experts use XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM and Cimicifuga for the health of uterus for 100s of years with high success and permanent results, while Classical Homeopaths are busy with symptom matching.
There are more effective remedies, offered by Chinese Medical doctors for your problem, who gives 100% success (the same remedy works for every women - I personaly witnessed it). I am working to make Homeopathic Pills from them to make it affordable for the large suffering womens (Chinese herbs are very expensive in US otherwise)
Lastly, Yes, it is a concern if your periods are not regular. With His grace, there are some medicines to help it!
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Reva V
Monday and Friday:
Cimicifuga 6x, 4 pills, one dose in the night
Wed and Sunday:
XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM 6x, 4 pills, one dose in the night
(If you cannot get 6x, get 6c)
One dose of Sepia 200c, 2 pills, only one dose in a month (not on any other day of the month). It is prefered that you take 1 week before the expected period or 1 week after the last day of mensuration.
No other medicine on the day you take SEPIA 200c.
Sepia to stimulate your system, XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM to increase the circulation to Uterus and Cimicifuga to directly help the Uterus health.
Herbal Experts use XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM and Cimicifuga for the health of uterus for 100s of years with high success and permanent results, while Classical Homeopaths are busy with symptom matching.
There are more effective remedies, offered by Chinese Medical doctors for your problem, who gives 100% success (the same remedy works for every women - I personaly witnessed it). I am working to make Homeopathic Pills from them to make it affordable for the large suffering womens (Chinese herbs are very expensive in US otherwise)
Lastly, Yes, it is a concern if your periods are not regular. With His grace, there are some medicines to help it!
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
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