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Inguinal hernia can cured with homeopathy medicine???

I've inguinal hernia on bothsides. whether i've to go surgery or homeopathy clinic???

please help me
  vijaywithhernia on 2009-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
yes insallah ur Inguinal Hernia is cure with homeopathy medicine plz take these two medicine one week and report me thanks
First Dose Nux Vomica 200 daily at night
and LYCOPODIUM 200 morning time
alrahim last decade
You can definitely try homeo clinic if your hernia is reducible and you have some time to try homeo. If it is strangulated and is causing lot of pain then you may have to go for the surgery.

There are some good remedies for treating hernia in homeopathy.
srisri last decade
u must follow alrahim these r good medicines.
isha_dr last decade
The chance of your being helped by any Homeopathic Remedy is very remote especially since you have a Hernia on both sides.

You are advised to consult a competent surgeon who has experience in using the Mesh technique for the repair of Inguinal Hernia where a mesh is used for the permanent repair of the Hernia.

The surgery itself will take under half hour per side and is not at all painful. You can return home almost immediately after the surgery.

You can take 2 pellets Arnica 30c 2 hours prior to surgery and immediately after surgery. You can take the same dose every 2-3 hours post surgery and you will not require any pain medication at all.
Joe De Livera last decade
And what is best medicine for Hernia on right side and Vercocle on left.

I want treatment through medication.

and If Surgery what are the risks.

kashifjan last decade
Purely pathologically Lyco is well indicated.
srisri last decade
i've incomplete inguinal hernia from the past four year. it is not paining but some days in a 6 month duration. 4 years before i consulted a doctor and he said that you are in the risk to have hernia please dont lift weight i followed that so only it is still incomplete.

how can i recover from this???
vijaywithhernia last decade
Please start Calc Phos 6x and Calc Flour 6x - Daily 2 tabs each.

You have to share lot of info about yourself for home prescription.
srisri last decade
good morning sir

I'm Vijay 21 years old i'm doing M.Sc., living in Trichy (Tamilnadu, India.)

Weight- 52kg

as i mentioned above i've incomplete inguinal hernia from the past four year. i didn't take any medicine and there is no improvement in my health.

where can I buy the medicines which are prescribed by you?

Could you explain the 'mechanism of action' of those medicines?
vijaywithhernia last decade
Recommended medicines will help you strengthen the muscle fibers. You will get them in any homeo pharmacy.

If you share more about your personality, I will be able to reco some more medicines.

Why dont you visit a good homeopath in person?
srisri last decade
Just three days before only i came to know that there is some medicines to treat hernia. and i don't know whether there is any homeopathy doctor or pharmacy near me. i've to search hereafter.

is there any side effects by those medicines???
vijaywithhernia last decade
No side effects for the medicines I suggested.
srisri last decade
good evening Mr. Srisri

could you provide me a detailed prescription (power of the medicines like 100mg 200mg etc...) which can help me to get the suitable medicines.

thanking you in anticipation.
vijaywithhernia last decade
I have already done so. CP and CF in 6x potency.
srisri last decade
I got the medicines, whether I've take this before or after having food?

how long I've to take this tablets??

thank you...
vijaywithhernia last decade
Anytime is ok but you have to avoid eating/ drinking 30 mts on either side of taking the medicine.

You have to take them for quite sometime. Those are tissue salts and they work at the tissue level.

As I told you before, you have to provide lot of info about yourself for homeopathic prescription. It is best to visit a homeopath in person.
srisri last decade
what are the informations i've to provide?

i don't know what you are asking about?
vijaywithhernia last decade
Let me know your personality, mood, thought patterns, thermal preference (warm or cold blooded), thirst levels, sleep and dreams, sensations in the body, family health history, etc.

You may refer to other posts for an idea and/or questionnaires if that helps you.

If that is difficult for you then follow alrahim's prescription: Nux & Lyco. This is in addition to the tissue salts I prescribed.
srisri last decade
Yesterday I consulted a homeopath and tell the problem he give some medicines (two tubes of small ball like medicines and small ordinary tablets)

but he didn't give any prescription in black and white

I don't know the names of the tablets.

but he didn't give CALC FLUOR, calc phos, nux vom, or lycopodium.

why he did like that???

is any natural foods containing calcium phosphate or calcium fluoride there??? can we use it???
vijaywithhernia last decade
i have incomplete hernia on the right side. please suggest me which medicine i can take and how much time of the course of medicine. which power of medicine i can take & what time i can take medicine.
jsvinder last decade
hello, I am suman.I am 26 years old. 2 month ago I operated my right side inguinal hernia with mesh. no pain or no problem at this side. but 15 days ago I noticed that my left testicle vein is swelling and groin also swelling and some pain.what can I do?
sumansakib 8 years ago
Sir Nux vormica 200 tabs & drops are same??? If yes than sir please tell me proper dose for hernia.. Thanks
Sunny6 8 years ago
Hello sir
How much time it take to cure inguinal hernia if it is less than inch in size
By using homeopathy
Amrinder1 7 years ago
Sunny6 said Sir Nux vormica 200 tabs & drops are same??? If yes than sir please tell me proper dose for hernia.. Thanks⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     👍Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. We're not yet displaying this information but plan to when we have sufficient endorsements.Endorse Post  

I have same question :)
xceptional88 7 years ago

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