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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

premature ejaculation / ready emissions

I suffer from premature ejaculation , but I prefer to say ready emissions , allergy to dust and some chemical odors and depression/always sad . I was always reading posts from other people and decided to buy some remedies from your site and use them, though I noticed improvement in my mentality , but I still suffer from ready emissions and allergy .( Argentum Nitricum 30C, Conium Maculatum 200C,Lycopodium Clavatum 200C ). and I also was taking some food supplements like ( Selenium , Zinc, magnesium and Iodine )I noticed very good improvement with my depression and ability to concentrate .Now I will answer the questionnaire you usually request from people :

1.age :
I am 31 years old
2.Sex :
I was electrician, now a clerk
4.brief description of the problem.
A- depression : I suffer from depression for almost 7 years or more, my mental situation worsened in the last two years specially after death of a close member of my family when I was not able to sleep for three day , a psychiatry gave me anti-depressant to help me deal with the situation, then drinking coffee worsens my situation a lot and still even now days .
B- allergy to dust and some chemical odors even some soaps ,during allergy attack I sneeze a lot and my depression worsens and I become more hungry, the more I eat, more hungry I become .
C- Premature ejaculation or ready emissions, I was over masturbating ,if I don`t masturbate I will ejaculate at night , I ejaculate even if the dreams are not sexual and some times ejaculation does not waken me up . And I also ejaculate when two persons kiss each other in the bus, I ejaculate very quickly with my penis semi-erected and can`t control it .
5.how do you cope with the disease i.e. what the disease forces you to do?
A- depression , when depressed I tend to stay away from people as I can`t stand any debate and when angry my face ,hands, and legs shake and itching on my face and head .
B- allergy . After every allergy attack I become very hungry and eating make me feel full and I become very angry and depressed .
C -premature ejaculation – before every sexual relation I feel very worried, worried to fail again and my heart beating strongly, I ejaculate fast and my penis is semi-erected and then I become more depressed because of the failure .
6.any medicine taken or not. ?
Depression : yes, I have taken anti-depressant
Allergy : I don`t medicines of allergy as afraid if I become addicted to it. So I was taking honey every day instead .
Premature ejaculation : once doctore gave me anti-depressant and helped me once as I was able to have sex for about a minute and I tried Viagra and Cialis, but both were useless .
7.do you ever think about your disease or not? if yes what is the thought process ?
Yes, I always think a lot about premature ejaculation and my depression and how to heal myself
8.write about your nature in general ?
I am very quite person, but in my relation very suspicious and actually all my suspicions are right so I have very few friends. I don`t talk a lot and almost never talk about my personal affairs and problems with others . I prefer to be alone and can spend the whole day at home.
9.any change in moods during the sickness pl.explain. ?
after every alergy attack I become very angry and depressed , and more depressed after every unsuccessful sexual relation
10.what makes you angry and what do you do during the period anger stays with you
in normal situations, nagging drives me mad and I always try nagging people and other people home are angry or shout . And after allergy attack I become very hungry .
11.any repentance after getting angry. if yes how much time after getting angry you feel repentent.
Yes, I apologize from people if I did something wrong at my anger , but usually I can hold myself
12.liking for music?
Yes, soft rock and classic music .
13.your appetite, thirst and sleep. pl. explain in brief.
Thirst : normal
Sleep : for the last two years I tend to sleep more, usually more than 12 hours a day
14.speak about your bowel movement.if constipated since when.if any history of pilesor bleeding or pain during or after stool.
For stool usually once a day at morning, usually with diarrhea. Before one year my it was constipated and causes bleeding after every stool and I have Hemorrhoids. Bleeding almost stopped for the last year
15.how your body reacts to heat, cold or weather change?
I catch cold easily . So I always have handkerchief in my pocked as I always have runny nose and in cold my feet becomes very cold and ice-like to touch even if covered
16.your liking for sweets or saltish
I like sweet things a lot and salty cheese
17.any angery or bitter feelings towards any relation (name the relationship with the preson who you feel is the source of discomfort.)
yes towards government informants, and mentioned above that all my suspicions are right. So I left my country as I am anti-regime and my depression was so bad back home.
18.please write about your negative emotions, if any, as they will help in the selection of the correct hoeopathic remedy for you
in fact I am very optimistic , but some times I worrie a lot about my family back home and about my future as a foreigner here
  Neel.fi on 2010-01-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I just want to add that when I was 15 scorpion stung me and I was not hospitalized as there was no hospital nearby . and I wish I get a reply to my query ASAP .
your help is very appreciated
Neel.fi last decade
May any Dr reply to my query. pleeeeeeeeeeease
Neel.fi last decade
the cure is very very simple please read carefully it worked 4 me when ur about to ejaculate first squeeze VERY hard lower part of the penis with one hand and top of the penis with other hand when u do this sperm can not come out
imagine you penis is like a pipe you squeeze lower part of the penis very hard with ur fingers around the lower part of the penis the other hand squeezeing top of the penis VERY hard with fingers round the penis head its important u do this when ur jus about to ejaculate with ur both hands squeezeing at the same time
when i say lower part of the penis its very lower part of the penis
when sperm dont come out for few months u will get better its worked for me the advantage is u get the satisfaction but do not lose energy. recovery can be slow but u will recover when u do this breath in and out sometime u have to push the testicals gently down so its easy to wrap ur fingers round the lower part of the penis
when ur getting better please let me know i will be happy vishnu05hotmailcom
vishnu5 last decade

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