The ABC Homeopathy Forum
legs spasticity, pain
Dear Sir/Madam,I had a spinal card tumor which was successfully removed in August 2007. Latest MRI shows no reoccurrence of the tumor but there has been Syrinx in the Spinal card. Latest MRI also states the presence of Syrinx.
I am facing pain and spasm in my legs, feet and lower back, legs crossing inword. There are reflexes which produces sudden jerks and immense spasm for few minutes which sometimes goes on for minutes. After that the spasticity continues for hours. I face constipation almost regularly.
I request you to let me know what are the process to removing the syrinx in homeopathy. Is there any medicin in homeopathy for which can reduce pain and clean the syrinx in the spinal card.
Thanks in advance for your response.
Best regards,
sajidawan67 on 2010-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may have to consult an experienced Homeopath in your local area (who has a great track record of success and atleast 20 to 30 years of active experience on principles)
In the mean time, please take these medicines and report after 10 days:
First 6 days of a week:
- Hypericum 30c, 2 pills, once in the morning (daily, but only 6 days in a week)
7th day of the week:
- Cocculus 30c, 2 pills in the morning (once a week)
Continue the above medicine for a while.
For constipation, take TRIPHALA, once in the evening.
Follow the instruction in the bottle for dosage, but take only once in the evening (a herbal remedy, sold in Vitamine shop or herabl stores).
Try Triphala for 2 days and see whether it suits you. Otherwise, dont continue.
Reva V
In the mean time, please take these medicines and report after 10 days:
First 6 days of a week:
- Hypericum 30c, 2 pills, once in the morning (daily, but only 6 days in a week)
7th day of the week:
- Cocculus 30c, 2 pills in the morning (once a week)
Continue the above medicine for a while.
For constipation, take TRIPHALA, once in the evening.
Follow the instruction in the bottle for dosage, but take only once in the evening (a herbal remedy, sold in Vitamine shop or herabl stores).
Try Triphala for 2 days and see whether it suits you. Otherwise, dont continue.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
Dear Sir,
Thanks but unfortunately there is no such homeo Doc in town. When I discussed my problem with one of the most fanous homeo doctors he wass not even aware of the terms. So I need you special attention pl.
There is slight improvement after using steriods but it was rather temprary.
Pl advise what should I do?
Best regards,
Sajid awan
Thanks but unfortunately there is no such homeo Doc in town. When I discussed my problem with one of the most fanous homeo doctors he wass not even aware of the terms. So I need you special attention pl.
There is slight improvement after using steriods but it was rather temprary.
Pl advise what should I do?
Best regards,
Sajid awan
sajidawan67 last decade
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