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In Hormone Hell 33 year old Female

Hi, first I want to say thank you to anyone here that takes the time to help people with their health issues. I truly appreciate your time. About me, 33 y/o female mother of 2 boys 9 & 5. I have taken the homeopathy Remedy Finder health questionnaire multiple times for my symptoms past and present and it keeps suggesting Sepia. I have major hormone flucuations throughout my cycle and I have exhausted all herbal/natural remedies. My body responds to herbs for about 1-3 months then it fights back and my symptoms return sometimes worse. Appearance: I have dark hair, I am average height and thin (118lbs). Fair skin but now has adapted to tanning easily. Freckles, and dark hazel eyes, thick eyebrows, narrow face. Personality: short fused, straight-forward, honest, loyal, caring, worrier, can't lose control of anything, needs things in their place (tighty), doesn't like loud noises, fear of heights and spiders, loves cats, constantly feels the need to improve in every aspect of my life.
Started my period when I was 10, always been very heavy. Early teens through early 20's had constant bladder infections and migraine headaches. Along with very very painful periods and bad PMS. Extremely short fused as a teenager. Acne started early teens but was mild (always on chin/jawline). Forehead and back acne was bad as a teen but went away early 20's. Early 20's started to develop cystic acne on chin and jawline and has progressively got worse with age. At the age of 14 I was rushed to ER for severe abdominal pain (ruptured ovarian cysts) ovaries were spared and life went on. I was in and out the hospital with ruptured cysts but not requiring surgury. I got pregnant with my first son in 2000 and had the most amazing pregnancy. ALL and I mean ALL of my symptoms of hormone imbalance DISSAPPEARED COMPLETELY!!! Then about 1 year post pardom, they started to slowly return, the acne, hairloss, mood swings, painful ovulation, constipation, heavy flow and bowel pain with periods, yeast infections. I again got pregnant with my second son in 2003 and AMAZING AGAIN!!!! ALL symptoms GONE!!! Bleed for 6 months straight post-pardom. Breastfed this child for 10 months and symptoms of hormonal imbalance took longer to return but returned with a vengance in 2006. I went in for my annual GYN appt. in 2008 and complained of all the hormonal issues I had been experiencing. They did a thorough screening (ultrasound, bloodwork, etc) and found a solid mass on my ovary and servere thickening of my uterine lining. Surgury was in order. Ovary and tube were removed, mass was benign. D&C was done and endometriosis was found and removed near bowel and elsewhere (a lot of scar-tissue). I felt pretty good for a month after that surgury but now things are escalating and cycles and flucuations are becoming more and more aggresive. This up and down roller coaster has completely exhausted me mentally, emotionally, and physcially. My holistic doctor is at a loss at this point and can't help me any further. I am at the breaking point and am considering a complete hyserectomy but I am really scared of the consequences with that. Any help would be great! Thank you much!
  Melyna on 2010-01-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You feel better in cold or warm weather

Any senstivity to touch

Any food cravings

How is your appetite and thirst

Do your feet and palms feel cold
vikas_grower last decade
Hi Thank you for your reply! I feel less aggravation in the cold weather but I am becoming less able to tolerate the cold, I am more sensitive to it, can't handle feeling the cold air on my skin. I don't liked to be touched much. I wouldn't say i have sensitivity but I don't like it much. My appetite is normal, I don't really have cravings. I don't consume anything refined. I prefer salt food over sweet but I LOVE things that are sweet and salty combined like Yogurt covered pretzels. And YES my hands and feet are ALWAYS cold!!
Melyna last decade
Can u shed more light on

1) worrier,

2) can't lose control of anything,

3) needs things in their place (tighty

4)How do u feel during and before periods these days

5) What are your chief fears

6)Do u sweat more on any body part

7) Do u sweat duting sleep

8) What do u mean by I feel less aggravation in the cold weather . ehat is this aggravation and what does hot weather do

9) Can u wear tight clothes

10)is there any particulat time band of day when u feel worse as compared tpo rest of day .
vikas_grower last decade
1) worrier, I tend to over worry about loved ones or ones I just like that I really shouldn't worry about. I always think something bad is going to happen to them.

2) can't lose control of anything, I am the sort of person that has to be in control of everything all the time, finances, the house, activies outside the house, my own health. I guess I am somewhat of a control freak.

3) needs things in their place (tighty. If anything in the house is laying around and not put away I feel totally flustered. I get completely frustrated. And if I can't find something because it is out of place, it completely consumes me and I get very upset.

4)How do u feel during and before periods these days...each month seems to be a little different. Usually 2 days before my period I am less patient and less talkative or friendly. During my period I am in a lot of discomfort physically but mentally it's when I feel my best. My acne is at it's best by about days 5-7. Then I start to ovulate and things are at their worst. Acne, emotions, pain in the reproductive area.

5) What are your chief fears. spiders, heights, being in a room of crowded people, germs.

6)Do u sweat more on any body part. Feet constantly.

7) Do u sweat duting sleep. I am cold most of the day and when I go to bed but during the night, usually around 3 am, I have night sweats. I kick the covers off every night and then wake up freezing.

8) What do u mean by I feel less aggravation in the cold weather . ehat is this aggravation and what does hot weather do. I DO NOT like to sweat. I can't stand the feeling of sweating. I break out in acne more. I get more yeast infections and foot fungus when it's warm. I live in a humid environment in the summer time.

9) Can u wear tight clothes. I can wear tight clothes, I do wear tight clothes because I look good in them, but I DO NOT like the feeling of tight clothes and as soon as I get home, I take them off and put on loose fitting clothes.

10)is there any particulat time band of day when u feel worse as compared tpo rest of day . I feel my best in the morning and my worse right before bedtime. I go to bed thinking about how awful I feel most of the time.
Melyna last decade
Dear Vikas,

Please do not mind my interrupting. I have noticed this in many posts of yours that you ask questions which :

a) Have a choice between two possibilities as answer . e.g. 'You feel better in cold or warm weather ?' . A better way to ask would be 'What are your weather or temperature preferences' or 'How does weather affect you'. We should never close down the choices of a patient. Always ask him open questions, especially in the beginning of the case.

b) Have a yes or no as answer..e.g. 'Do your feet and palms feel cold'. Such questions are leading questions, where you are trying to elicit a symptom to match a remedy you already have in mind. These are usually very mis-leading...

The crux is always ask OPEN ended questions.

I hope you will understand my point.

Good luck
sameervermani last decade
Thank You Sameerji .

I shall comply with your advice .

Please keep your guidance going always .

vikas_grower last decade
But what about my reply :-( I appreciate any input either of you have. Thank you so much! :-)
Melyna last decade
Dear Melyna ,

1)How is your physical stamina .

2)Any problem / senstivity of teeth

3) How is your appetite in morning

4) Any hoarseness in morning

5) Craving for eggs anytime now or before

6) How is your memory .

7) Do u sweat om slightest exertion

8) Abdominal distension
vikas_grower last decade
1)How is your physical stamina . My physical stamina have never been great. I love to walk and love to work out but sometimes/most times, I just do have the energy. The weather has a lot to do with that. I think I use it as an excuse. But I do love to get out and walk everyday if I can.

2)Any problem / senstivity of teeth. No sensitivity.

3) How is your appetite in morning. As a child and young adult I hated eating breakfast. Would either skip it or have an early lunch. I have since MADE myself eat breakfast for about the last 5 years and now I wake up hungry and I can eat, No problem.

4) Any hoarseness in morning. NO

5) Craving for eggs anytime now or before. I am not sure I crave anything really, except something to crunch on. I do love eggs though. And I do think about eating them when I can't think of anything else. Not sure if this counts as a craving?

6) How is your memory. Not great, seems to be slipping more and more. My husbad can recall things from years ago and I most of the time don't know what he is talking about. Short term isnt good either.

7) Do u sweat om slightest exertion. I would say yes to that.

8) Abdominal distension. Somewhat, I would say lower bloating 95% of the time.

Thank you!!!!
Melyna last decade
How are u with spending money

Any insecurities
vikas_grower last decade
I am GREAT with spending money, I am very very good with money and proud of it. I have no doubt aside from my mortgage.
Melyna last decade
*debt (typo)
Melyna last decade
Can u climb stairs easily .
vikas_grower last decade
Vikas, again you are asking yes/no questions :)

'Can u climb stairs easily .'
sameervermani last decade
Sameerji ,

In line with your advice

I had first inquired about the Physical Stamina .

After the answer from Melyna , i posed this more specfic question .

Keep Cautioning . u are the Guru .

vikas_grower last decade
Sameerji ,

Please help Melyna as there is no one better than you for such chronic cases .

vikas_grower last decade
I have no problems climbing stairs. I have many stairs in my home and wouldn't have it any other way. It forces me to exercise. I often look for reasons to use the stairs :-)
Melyna last decade
Talk more about 'constantly feels the need to improve in every aspect of my life.'

If there was something that you would like to change about your temperament, what would it be ?

Can you give me examples of being 'short fused, straight-forward' ? How do you express your anger ?

How well do you get along with family and friends ? Talk about your relationships.

You have had many physical troubles, any particular side of the body where the complaints were worse ?
sameervermani last decade

You are a fortunate woman that Sameervermani has taken an interest in your case. When you answer his questions thoroughly and follow his guidance you will again find health and wellness in your life.

My suffering was so very similar to yours and homeopathy (through this site) has been the only relief.

Many blessings to you,
jbpeanut last decade
Talk more about 'constantly feels the need to improve in every aspect of my life.' I just always feel like my health holds me back and I want to be 'normal' like the rest of the women I know. I want to be the best mom, best wife, best daughter, best sister, etc.....

If there was something that you would like to change about your temperament, what would it be ? I be more patient. I have a total lack of patience, mostly for my children and my husband. I lose patients quickly. I know there are times during my cycle that are a lot worse then others. While menstruating, I am more patient then the rest of the month.

Can you give me examples of being 'short fused, straight-forward' ? How do you express your anger ? I 'used' to be short fused in my teens and 20's. I had severe road rage. I lived in California at the time and driving was a constant stress/struggle for me. I would get completely irrate and yell and scream and tailgate people. Now that I live in the midwest, I don't seem to have that problem. My straight forwardness is, I hold nothing back, I say what I think, I tell you the truth even though I know it might hurt you, I don't beat around the bush, so to speak. I used to express my anger by arguing and yelling. I have learned that doesn't really get me anywhere and I have since learned to control it. I don't yell much anymore and arguing, I just give it now.

How well do you get along with family and friends ? Talk about your relationships. My relationship with my family is a strange one. I feel like I belong to the most disfuctional family on earth. Everyone in my family, mom, sisters, they seem to be about themselves and expect me to alter my life to suit their needs. It's never about what I want or want to do, it's about what works best for them. I don't have the emotional support from my family that I think I need. They think I read too much into my health problems and that I probably am 'normal' but I worry too much about it. I can't just call up one of my sisters and say 'hey let's meet for lunch, or go shopping' that will NEVER happen. THey are too 'BUSY'. My mom is not the type of mom to go get her nails done or pamper herself at all so, we can't do mom and daughter things either. My parents are divorced and my dad is very dependant on me since he doesn't have my mom anymore and he and my older sister don't get along. My younger sister is from a different father and he is still with my mom.

You have had many physical troubles, any particular side of the body where the complaints were worse ? Yes, right side. I constantly had cysts on the right ovary and then the fibroma on that ovary which is the cause for removal. I also had cysts on the left ovary but it didn't really cause me too my problems. The right side of my face seems to typically be more prone to the acne especially when I still had the right ovary. Now, since removing the right ovary, my face seems to have balanced out somewhat from right to left but the acne is still very persistant. My right leg aches when a storm is coming. I can predict a storm 36 hours in advance because of this leg ache. So I would say the right side of my body definately shows more symptoms.
Melyna last decade
TO JBPeanut, Thank you for your concern and I am so very appreciative of Sameervermani's time and help! Have a wonderful day, both of you!!
Melyna last decade
Hi Melyna,

Please inform about the following things:

1) How sympathetic are you towards other people ? How much (if at all) worry about your relatives ?

2) Any feelings of envy , jealousy or suspicion ?

sameervermani last decade
1) How sympathetic are you towards other people ? How much (if at all) worry about your relatives ? I am not very sympathedic towards other people when I think they are just being babies about feeling ill, I mostly think they are just looking for attention. I do worry about my relatives if I know they have ailments similar to mine or if they have been confirmed ill. I go to great lengths to help them at that time.

2) Any feelings of envy , jealousy or suspicion ? I used to be a very jealous person when it came to personal relationships. As I have gotten older and more confident, I really don't get jealous. No envy or suspicion.

Melyna last decade
How talkative are you on a scale of 1 to 10 ?

Also, please talk about your sense of humour and desire for amusement.
sameervermani last decade
How talkative are you on a scale of 1 to 10 ? With people I know, I would say 8-9 (very talkative) in a new place with new people 2-3.

Also, please talk about your sense of humour and desire for amusement. I think I have a good sense of humor I let things roll off my back most of the time. I am told I am a funny person (witty). I definatley desire amusement. I am in no way shape or form, attracted to a man that isn't amusing. If they have a dry personality, I am turned off right away no matter how they look. I need amusement in my life and my husband is a charactor!!!
Melyna last decade

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