The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Eczema in a 5 months old baby
When my boy was 3 months old he got red cheeks one morning. For days I tried all kind of moisturizers, got worse.A friend told me about Aveeno Soothing Relief Moisture Cream that worked great, but after 5 days eczema came back, very strong. Te pediatrician recommended hydrocortizone oint. 1% that worked for 2 weeks, then I went to a dermato specialist, she prescribed Desonate twice/day and zyrtec once/day for 4 weeks. The day I put Desonate cream on his cheeks, the eczema appeared on his stomach, on the belly's sides, on his wrists, on his elbows. I gave him Desonate only once a day on his cheeks, applied Aquaphor on his body. I went to a second specialist that gave me Rx for hydrocortizone 2.5% for his body, never used it.I gave him bath with baking soda, good results, bath with some treatment powder from Aveeno, works good.
Yesterday I met a neighbor that told me NO steroids, try homeopathy. Here I am, I need help, today the baby started scratching his head, but I only see few normal colored bumps.
I have a 4yo boy, he's perfectly fine. I have milk and sulfur allergy, my husband has mild seasonal allergies.
My question is :where should I go now, see a homeopath? should I try some of your remedies after I figure out on my own which one is suitable for my baby? The baby is breastfed exclusively, but I started him on solid foods 1 week ago(apple, sweet potato, pear)
Thank you very much.
mamidi on 2010-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
yes ECZEMA can well be treated with HOMEO MEDICINES.
You are advised to consult nearest compitent Homeopathic Doctor. Haphazard treatment with Hydrocartizone is not recomended.
you may consult me what the Doctor suggest or recommende.
yes ECZEMA can well be treated with HOMEO MEDICINES.
You are advised to consult nearest compitent Homeopathic Doctor. Haphazard treatment with Hydrocartizone is not recomended.
you may consult me what the Doctor suggest or recommende.
dr_tahir last decade
I went yesterday to a homeopathic dr., he gave me 3 bottles with small pills. He didn't tell me what is in those bottles, just to give every night to my son 10-15 pills, nothing to eat 30 min. before and 30 min. after. To do that for 5 nights, wait another 2 days then call him.
I found him on the internet, he sounds ok or like a fraud?
My husband heard about some doctors putting steroids in the pills.
I found him on the internet, he sounds ok or like a fraud?
My husband heard about some doctors putting steroids in the pills.
mamidi last decade
It is irony that integrity of several Homeopaths are comes under doubt due to few frauds.
I have come across a fraud - I went to buy pills in potency SIX. He gave me in potency THIRTY. I just happen to see. And that fraud continued to justify giving THIRTY and writing SIX over it.
I too have heard that frauds use steroid powder.
I have come across a fraud - I went to buy pills in potency SIX. He gave me in potency THIRTY. I just happen to see. And that fraud continued to justify giving THIRTY and writing SIX over it.
I too have heard that frauds use steroid powder.
dhundhun last decade
Sorry, I forgot what was real important: he told me to continue with the steroids treatment as usual, use Aquaphor as usual, don't try new creams so he can see if his treatment works.
Sounds ok?
Sounds ok?
mamidi last decade
hi mamidi,
I think homepathy is the best option for your baby. I would suggest you to do some reaserach on homepathy youself before starting any remedies for your son.
Where are you located?
Has your local homepath cured any such cases before?
You can also get your son tested for any food allergies.
I think homepathy is the best option for your baby. I would suggest you to do some reaserach on homepathy youself before starting any remedies for your son.
Where are you located?
Has your local homepath cured any such cases before?
You can also get your son tested for any food allergies.
to_be_cured last decade
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