The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Recurrent Infant Ear Infections
Hi,I see that some posts are very old with no responses, so I don't have much hope here, but will try it out.
I have a 10 month old baby girl who is on antibiotics for the 5th time in the last 5 months.
She has an older sibling - 2.5 years old who has tubes after recurrent ear infections.
Her last dose of antibiotic, got done 3 days back and though the infection has cleared up, there is still fluid in her ears.
I fear it is a matter of time before it turns into another ear infection
What do I do? My older daughter is in daycare and frequently picks up cold and cough and gives it to the younger one.
The 10 month old is active, energetic, knows what she wants and goes after it.
Does not sleep very well through the night.
ravz26 on 2010-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First of all, if your child drinks milk, you should stop giving it. It is very often a correlation between milk and earache in children.
Please start by telling me which ear your child has this problem.
Do you think there is much pain?
It seems that it is at night it is worst. ?
Does she have any fever?
Is there a enlargtment of the Tonsils?
Is there any discharge?
Write down everything you can think of, and I'll see if I can find the right medicine.
Please start by telling me which ear your child has this problem.
Do you think there is much pain?
It seems that it is at night it is worst. ?
Does she have any fever?
Is there a enlargtment of the Tonsils?
Is there any discharge?
Write down everything you can think of, and I'll see if I can find the right medicine.
Parakletos. last decade
I am a mom of 3 year old son who also have been in many antibiotic in his first 2 years before I discover homeopathic.
I feel your struggle.
I am pretty new to homeopathic, but want to share with you on what I think might be useful for you.
First I have these 2 books which I think help me to understand a lot more about this whole ear infection in kid.
To choose remedy for your kid, you will have to observe her character/symtoms.
For example, my son just had a really painful earache last 2 weeks. He was playing in the park fine,
but as soon as he got into the car he start complaining that his ear (right side) hurt. He start to cry and only cry.
As soon as we got home I gave him Belladonna // the pain come quick and sudden, his face flush red and had low fever.
I gave that to him every hour then he nap from 3pm-7pm.
When he wake up everything was gone!! he was back to his normal self!
Also you can find some good reference info from the internet.
Just search for something like : homeopathic for ear infection'
I can not give you url or my e-mail to you.
this site not allow me to do so.
Look at your kid to find the right remedy...
Good luck to you and your kid!!!
I am a mom of 3 year old son who also have been in many antibiotic in his first 2 years before I discover homeopathic.
I feel your struggle.
I am pretty new to homeopathic, but want to share with you on what I think might be useful for you.
First I have these 2 books which I think help me to understand a lot more about this whole ear infection in kid.
To choose remedy for your kid, you will have to observe her character/symtoms.
For example, my son just had a really painful earache last 2 weeks. He was playing in the park fine,
but as soon as he got into the car he start complaining that his ear (right side) hurt. He start to cry and only cry.
As soon as we got home I gave him Belladonna // the pain come quick and sudden, his face flush red and had low fever.
I gave that to him every hour then he nap from 3pm-7pm.
When he wake up everything was gone!! he was back to his normal self!
Also you can find some good reference info from the internet.
Just search for something like : homeopathic for ear infection'
I can not give you url or my e-mail to you.
this site not allow me to do so.
Look at your kid to find the right remedy...
Good luck to you and your kid!!!
Pawena last decade
here are her symptoms
1. ear ache in both ears, more in the right one -- I think
2. I don't think it gets worse at night but she does pull at her ear through the day
3. No fever
4. No enlargment of tonsils
5. There was a little bit of clear discharge but it stopped
6. She usually gets the cold from her older sibling and it transforms into a ear infection
7. She is currently on goats milk powder as I read up a few articles saying it is good for asthama and colic.
8. She has a severe asthama attack when she was 8 months old and was put on the nebulizer.
If I stop milk, what can I give her--she is an infant--I do not have many options --if you take milk away, how will she get her calcium and protein?
here are her symptoms
1. ear ache in both ears, more in the right one -- I think
2. I don't think it gets worse at night but she does pull at her ear through the day
3. No fever
4. No enlargment of tonsils
5. There was a little bit of clear discharge but it stopped
6. She usually gets the cold from her older sibling and it transforms into a ear infection
7. She is currently on goats milk powder as I read up a few articles saying it is good for asthama and colic.
8. She has a severe asthama attack when she was 8 months old and was put on the nebulizer.
If I stop milk, what can I give her--she is an infant--I do not have many options --if you take milk away, how will she get her calcium and protein?
ravz26 last decade
I guess I can not sent you the links, but I can give you the name of those books :)
Here they are in case you want to learn more about alternative way to treat ear infection for your kid:
01. For Ear Infection
Healing Childhood Ear Infections: Prevention, Home Care, and Alternative Treatment
02. For Homeopathic Medicine for kid in general
Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants
Good luck!
Here they are in case you want to learn more about alternative way to treat ear infection for your kid:
01. For Ear Infection
Healing Childhood Ear Infections: Prevention, Home Care, and Alternative Treatment
02. For Homeopathic Medicine for kid in general
Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants
Good luck!
Pawena last decade
Thank you, I have bought both those books and am reading it as fast as possible :-).
I am taking my infant to a chiropractor today to try the spinal manipulation to drain off the fluid. I was going to try homeopthay but I cannot accurately narrow down her symtoms -- I do not know if aconite, belladona, heph sul or pulsatilla is the best fit for her.
I am taking my infant to a chiropractor today to try the spinal manipulation to drain off the fluid. I was going to try homeopthay but I cannot accurately narrow down her symtoms -- I do not know if aconite, belladona, heph sul or pulsatilla is the best fit for her.
ravz26 last decade
Hi, We always see great results with cranial sacral therapy (CST). usually massage therapist, occupational therapists and even some chiropractors are trained in CST. I would suggest you get her a few sessions and see how it goes. We have had much luck with homeopathy and this site. Just be persistent in writing in, responding to their questions and if you feel like it is not working out pick another person on the forum to review what you have been doing in the past.
Good luck!
Good luck!
congested last decade
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