The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Prostate Inflammation caused by Selenium aggravation - Please Help
Dear doctors,I was taken Selenium-6 for one month and Selenium-30 weekly dose for another one month for my erectile disfunction and prostatic fluid secretion. But it result pain and inflammation in prostate, which disable erection.
For antidote this aggravation, I have taken Pulsatillah-30 two dose in the gap of two hours and get positive result within two days. My main aggravaion was pain in center of prostate, which has reduced by this antidote; and erection is enabled. But other aggravation like pain around prostate still exist and also suffer urine urgency come in a second. In order to eliminate rest of these problems, I again took antidote (Pulsatilla) after one week in same way. But now the problems still exist, and my testicle was temporarily affected by antidote remedy.
Dear Doctor, can you please tell, what should I do now? Is the antidotes I already taken is enough for me and I have just to wait for results? Usually how many days needed to completely eliminate an aggravation?
Is it necessary to take the total dose and potency of antidote to be same as the potency and dose of original remedy which caused aggravation?
patient25 on 2010-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Now we have to find the right medication for the symptoms you have right now.
Who was it who told you to take Selenium, and why?
Write down all the symptoms you are feeling now. Physical, emotional and mental symptoms.
Tell us a little about yourself, age, what you do, etc.
What do you like to eat, do you like more salt or sweet?
When the day you feel worse. Is there anything that can alleviate your ailments?
Which position is best for you, go sit etc.
Which position is worse?
Other things you want to tell, write it down.
Who was it who told you to take Selenium, and why?
Write down all the symptoms you are feeling now. Physical, emotional and mental symptoms.
Tell us a little about yourself, age, what you do, etc.
What do you like to eat, do you like more salt or sweet?
When the day you feel worse. Is there anything that can alleviate your ailments?
Which position is best for you, go sit etc.
Which position is worse?
Other things you want to tell, write it down.
Parakletos. last decade
Thanks for reply.
First time, I took Selenium-3X tablet few months ago according to the advice of Dr. Mahfooz. That time I also experienced pain in abdomen, ilium etc, but prostate itself was not directly affected so much.
In last two months, I took Selenium (6 & 30C) by self medication. The reason behind choosing Selenium about it's following symptoms:
1. Prostatic Fluid Oozes while sitting, walking, sleeping and during stool. (As I am a sufferer of invisible secretion of prostatic fluid all over the day and night with or without erection.)
2. Erection problem. Desire increased, power decreases. On attempting coition, penis relaxes.
But as 'little knowledge is dangerous', I ignored other symptoms, which was not present in my body. These are: Acute cases of enlarged and inflamed prostate. The gland is hot, swollen and painful.
As actually I never had any prostate pain, so now I became victim of pain and tightness in prostate.
I also ignored another point about the real cause of ailment: ill effects of masturbation or sexual access. But actually my problems was due to ill effects of repressed sexual desire, which require Conium.
First time, I took Selenium-3X tablet few months ago according to the advice of Dr. Mahfooz. That time I also experienced pain in abdomen, ilium etc, but prostate itself was not directly affected so much.
In last two months, I took Selenium (6 & 30C) by self medication. The reason behind choosing Selenium about it's following symptoms:
1. Prostatic Fluid Oozes while sitting, walking, sleeping and during stool. (As I am a sufferer of invisible secretion of prostatic fluid all over the day and night with or without erection.)
2. Erection problem. Desire increased, power decreases. On attempting coition, penis relaxes.
But as 'little knowledge is dangerous', I ignored other symptoms, which was not present in my body. These are: Acute cases of enlarged and inflamed prostate. The gland is hot, swollen and painful.
As actually I never had any prostate pain, so now I became victim of pain and tightness in prostate.
I also ignored another point about the real cause of ailment: ill effects of masturbation or sexual access. But actually my problems was due to ill effects of repressed sexual desire, which require Conium.
patient25 last decade
Have you been to a urologist? Very important!
One can provide a remedy 30C for 4 to 5 days, no longer. There is no improvement within this time you must go to a doctor. A serious homeopat will not try to treat this condition. I suggest you get to a doctor as soon as possible. You can contact me later.
One can provide a remedy 30C for 4 to 5 days, no longer. There is no improvement within this time you must go to a doctor. A serious homeopat will not try to treat this condition. I suggest you get to a doctor as soon as possible. You can contact me later.
Parakletos. last decade
Another aggravation also caused by selenium: Difficulty in concentrating is easily irritated by noise, people and conversation.
Before taking this remedy, this symptom was not applicable to me. But after taking Selenium-6, I feel disturb by noise, even became rude to my child.
Before taking this remedy, this symptom was not applicable to me. But after taking Selenium-6, I feel disturb by noise, even became rude to my child.
patient25 last decade
I afraid, as I see following information about Selenium in a Materia Medica:
'Acts chiefly upon the larynx, and upon the male sexual organs, producing inflammation of the former, and weakness, tending to complete impotence, in the latter.'
So I think, if I cannot get rid from the action of Selenium, then my prostate pain will lead me to complete impotence.
'Acts chiefly upon the larynx, and upon the male sexual organs, producing inflammation of the former, and weakness, tending to complete impotence, in the latter.'
So I think, if I cannot get rid from the action of Selenium, then my prostate pain will lead me to complete impotence.
patient25 last decade
Ok, you take one dose of Ignatia Amara 200C. Only one dose! Wait a few days, and you can contact me for further consultation.
But I advise you to consult a doctor. Such an inflammation of the prostate can be very serious. I understand that you are afraid, I had been too. But I had also been afraid of what might happen next, without help from a doctor. It's up to you.
But I advise you to consult a doctor. Such an inflammation of the prostate can be very serious. I understand that you are afraid, I had been too. But I had also been afraid of what might happen next, without help from a doctor. It's up to you.
Parakletos. last decade
Dear brother,
Thanks for your advice. But as I taken Pulsatilla-30 and get some benefit to prevent the aggravation, so I think Ignatia may be interfere on Pulsatilla. As Pulsatilla and Ignatia are antidote with each other. Please let me know your opinion.
Thanks for your advice. But as I taken Pulsatilla-30 and get some benefit to prevent the aggravation, so I think Ignatia may be interfere on Pulsatilla. As Pulsatilla and Ignatia are antidote with each other. Please let me know your opinion.
patient25 last decade
Ignatia is the antidote to both the Selenium and Pulsatilla.
It is clear that Pulsatilla is not as effective, and it does not fit your description of your symptoms.
Please take Ignatia, but if you are in doubt you can start with Ignatia 30C.
And in the future, do not take homeopathy medicine without consulting a skilled homeopat first.
Wait a few days, contact me for further evaluation.
It is clear that Pulsatilla is not as effective, and it does not fit your description of your symptoms.
Please take Ignatia, but if you are in doubt you can start with Ignatia 30C.
And in the future, do not take homeopathy medicine without consulting a skilled homeopat first.
Wait a few days, contact me for further evaluation.
Parakletos. last decade
I took Pulsatilla-30 5 dose in last 24 hours and get benefit to control the pain. Today end night before morning, I got satisfactory erection without any major pain, only slight pain at right groin after erection.
Still I have not face any major aggravation by Pulsatilla. Minor aggravation I seen temporary tenderness of testicle, little burning in prepuce after urine. Other pains in abdomen and neigbouring areas I could not identify whether these have happened by Selenium or Pulsatilla.
Still I have not face any major aggravation by Pulsatilla. Minor aggravation I seen temporary tenderness of testicle, little burning in prepuce after urine. Other pains in abdomen and neigbouring areas I could not identify whether these have happened by Selenium or Pulsatilla.
patient25 last decade
Pulsatilla give me temporary relieve from Selenium Aggravation. Can I use Pulsatilla as per my need for uncertain period of time? Is it safe for me?
patient25 last decade
Can I continue Pulsatilla until complete cure from aggravation symptoms? Or, have any other good options?
patient25 last decade
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