The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Vision Problems, Excessive Dry skin & low energy
Hi Dr. Bagyavasan,I am creating a new post for my husband to help me keep things straight. Here are the answers to the questions you asked. I put the answers after each question. Any more info needed please ask. Thanks Much!
1.How often do you get irritated or angry?
a) very often ( )
b) often ( )
c) occasionally ( )
d) never ( )
1. B, when I'm tired and things don't go my way.
2. Very small incidents affect me really badly:
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )
2. B - when I'm tired and things don't go my way.
3. Seek consolation from others for my problems:
a) always/ feel better when consoled ( )
b) never/ problems get aggravated ( )
c) makes no difference ( )
3. B, never seek consolation
4. Contradiction aggravates me / I don't like to be opposed:
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )
4. B
5. I am an extrovert/ i mingle with others very easily.
YES/NO- explain.
5. NO, I'm an introvert, don't really enjoying being around people. I talk to them when I am around but keep mostly to myself.
6. Even minor incidents and happenings hurts me a lot.
a) very often ( )
b) often ( )
c) occasionally ( )
d) never ( )
6. C, Sometimes they do.
7. Such incidents or happenings stays for a very long time in my mind.
YES/NO- explain.
YES - Tend to go over and over incident in your head and blow out of proportion (make worse in my head than the reality of the situation), and the stress of doing this for all the little incidents seem crippling to me
8. I think of some bitter happenings in my life and brood or dwell on them.
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )
9. I get resolved of my past experiences and bad feelings.
a) on my own. ( )
b) with the help of others/ family/ friends.( )
9. A
10. I am sympathetic
a) to my own self or problems ( )
b) to others problems and sufferings.( )
c) to nothing. ( )
10. B
11. I am anxious
a) to meet other new people. ( )
b) before a presentation / stage performance.
c) during a presentation / stage performance. ( )
d) after a presentation / stage performance. ( )
e) for everything that i have to do. ( )
f) every morning when i get up and think of the days duties. ( )
g) never.( )
11. F
12. My appetite is
a) good
b) reduced
c) poor
d) very bad
12. A
13. Thirst/ how many glasses of water you drink a day?
a) very thirsty
b) moderate
c) mild or nil
13. B, 2 glasses
14. sweat
a) profuse
b) little
c) which part of the body you sweat the most-
d) does you sweat has any odor or does it stain you clothes-
14. A, sweat most on my head, face & feet, and I have foot odor most of the times
15. Cravings: Those food items which you long for/ which you cannot resist eating.
15. All carb: cake, cookies, bagels, pizza
16. Aversions: Those food items which drives you away form them/ those which you don like at all.
16. Olives and liver
17. Disagrees: Those food items which does not agree with your body, if yes then explain what happens when you eat them?
17. Butternut squash, makes my head itch
18. Bowel and bladder: How many times you pass stool and urine in a day? any difficulties associated with that- explain.
18. Stools, 1- 2 a day; Urine 5 -7 (when urinating at the end feel like there is more urine to come out, in the penis or uretha, and you have to shake it out)
19. Menstrual history:
a) no. of days of flow:
b) nature of flow (eg: clots) :
c) profuse/ scanty :
d) other aches/ pains associated with menstruation:
19. N/A
20. Did you suffer form any illness like TB, Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac complaints, and Jaundice.
20. No, but suffered epileptic seizures around age 8, was on drugs (Dialantin) for approx. 2 years
21. Did you undergo any surgery in the past?
a) if so for what and how long did you stay in the hospital?
b) Was there any blood transfusion done before, during or after the surgery?
c) Were there any complications associated with the surgery?
21. Knee surgery in 2002, torn meniscus in Left knee
a. no hospital stay
b. no blood transfusion
c. no complications
22. Please do elaborate / detail the present complaint with which you are suffering from. Like when it started, how it has progressed and when the complaint is more and how do you feel better etc.
22. Vision deteriorating in the last few weeks, especially noticied lately since I was reading more instead of watching TV, tension/aches felt behind the eyes, hard to focus on objects that are near, glasses were prescribed in my 20's for reading, only use for reading. Excessive dry skin all your life, noticied a slight improvement in summer but didn't really improve this last summer. Very dry, scaly and crackled appearance, noticed it seems to get worse when I eat starchy foods, like potatoes and junk foods or foods with saturated fat. Extremely tired, no energy or low even after sleeping well.
congested on 2010-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi give him a silicea 200 (4 drops weekly once ) and also give him spigellia 30 (4 drops in the morning and 4 at night).
Need to analyse the case a bit more, so will get back to you with the right option, and also see what changes he is having after taking the medicines.
Need to analyse the case a bit more, so will get back to you with the right option, and also see what changes he is having after taking the medicines.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,
Should be able to pick up the spigellia tomorrow or next day. The place about 50 min. from my house is doing an overnight order so hopefully it comes in tomorrow of lastest next day. In the meantime can he take arnica for bodyaches and if so what is the dose? 4 pellets once a day? Also I have him doing the ruta in am and pm just like my son. Should we continue with that or not?
Should be able to pick up the spigellia tomorrow or next day. The place about 50 min. from my house is doing an overnight order so hopefully it comes in tomorrow of lastest next day. In the meantime can he take arnica for bodyaches and if so what is the dose? 4 pellets once a day? Also I have him doing the ruta in am and pm just like my son. Should we continue with that or not?
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,
I picked up the spigella for my husband yesterday and he took his first dose this morning.
He has been doing ruta and arnica the last few days. Should he discontinue those or not?
I picked up the spigella for my husband yesterday and he took his first dose this morning.
He has been doing ruta and arnica the last few days. Should he discontinue those or not?
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,
Is it okay for my husband to continue with the ruta? He is still having alot of eye issues, strain and such. He thinks he needs to go and get a stronger prescription for his glasses. I am trying to encourage him to hold off and see how things go. Also he has to wait for his records to be transferred from the old doctor to this new place we took our son. But I think because he is spending so much time on the computer, and getting somewhat fearful of what will happen if he doesn't do something he wants to go to some lenscrafter place and just let their doctor prescribe a new prescription.
So just wondering if he can take the ruta so maybe it will help him out and he won't feel panicked about his eyes. He said the things he has mentioned since being on the spigellia 30, is head itching alot the last couple of days and woke up with a little bit of a sore throat these last 2 days. Overall he seems less anxious and calmer, this is only my opinion. He hasn't been doing the physical labor job for awhile since he is feeling too tired to do that and has been working on some new internet project.
Will update you on me and my son in another post. Thanks!
Is it okay for my husband to continue with the ruta? He is still having alot of eye issues, strain and such. He thinks he needs to go and get a stronger prescription for his glasses. I am trying to encourage him to hold off and see how things go. Also he has to wait for his records to be transferred from the old doctor to this new place we took our son. But I think because he is spending so much time on the computer, and getting somewhat fearful of what will happen if he doesn't do something he wants to go to some lenscrafter place and just let their doctor prescribe a new prescription.
So just wondering if he can take the ruta so maybe it will help him out and he won't feel panicked about his eyes. He said the things he has mentioned since being on the spigellia 30, is head itching alot the last couple of days and woke up with a little bit of a sore throat these last 2 days. Overall he seems less anxious and calmer, this is only my opinion. He hasn't been doing the physical labor job for awhile since he is feeling too tired to do that and has been working on some new internet project.
Will update you on me and my son in another post. Thanks!
congested last decade
He can continue with ruta and arnica (only if necessary).
Also if there is an acute lens correction needed then he will have to do it, we cannot hold things with improper power so let him go for the correction.
Continue the medicines and let me know after the schedule.
Also if there is an acute lens correction needed then he will have to do it, we cannot hold things with improper power so let him go for the correction.
Continue the medicines and let me know after the schedule.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,
Okay, he is waiting for his records to be transferred so when that happens he will see the opthamalogist our son went to see and really see what is going on and what he needs. He has been seeing the first optomerist we took our son to for many years and I think my husband really needs to get a 2nd opinion.
What is the schedule for the current remedies of spigella and silicea? Is it 15 days and see how it goes?
Okay, he is waiting for his records to be transferred so when that happens he will see the opthamalogist our son went to see and really see what is going on and what he needs. He has been seeing the first optomerist we took our son to for many years and I think my husband really needs to get a 2nd opinion.
What is the schedule for the current remedies of spigella and silicea? Is it 15 days and see how it goes?
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,
Wanted to update you with my husband's condition. He took the spigella for about a week, until we ran out of the pellets (only had one blue tube of them) and he definitely seemed alot better over all. He started stretching, talking of training for a triathlon (which he had never done) and just seem to be more relaxed and motivated. Then we ran out and soon he was off track of the working out, got sick again for a few days, etc.
So I just reordered 2 tubes of the spigella and should have in a couple of days. He has been doing the silicea once a week. So once we get the spigella should he do 3 more weeks to complete the month? Should we stop with the silicea or continue to do once a month?
He did go to a optomerist and got new prescription a week or so ago but then returned last night because his eyes were bothering him alot. They did alot of testing and told him he had alot of issues with conversion and he is going to start doing some eye therapy. Should he also be taking the ruta am and pm each day?
Wanted to update you with my husband's condition. He took the spigella for about a week, until we ran out of the pellets (only had one blue tube of them) and he definitely seemed alot better over all. He started stretching, talking of training for a triathlon (which he had never done) and just seem to be more relaxed and motivated. Then we ran out and soon he was off track of the working out, got sick again for a few days, etc.
So I just reordered 2 tubes of the spigella and should have in a couple of days. He has been doing the silicea once a week. So once we get the spigella should he do 3 more weeks to complete the month? Should we stop with the silicea or continue to do once a month?
He did go to a optomerist and got new prescription a week or so ago but then returned last night because his eyes were bothering him alot. They did alot of testing and told him he had alot of issues with conversion and he is going to start doing some eye therapy. Should he also be taking the ruta am and pm each day?
congested last decade
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