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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pregnancy - Throat and sinus problems

I am 7 months pregnant and I have sinus and throat problems.
I have been having sneezing problem for almost 3 years now and for 1 year I was taking homeo medicines.
I do not know the names of the pills since my dr. would not tell them.
I keep sneezing all through the day and sometimes it stops for few days and on those days I have severe pain between my eyes.
During my 4th month of pregnancy I had throat infection and took antibiotics and for almost a month I didn't have my sneezes.
It all started again 2 months back and I kept sneezing. For few days it stopped as usual.
I have two of my wisdom tooth(on the lower Jaw) removed almost 2 years back. I had stabbing pain on that Gum area of the removed tooth and my right ear 2 days later I got this severe throat pain with cough and fever.
Again I took antibiotic since I felt that the homeo medicine my dr. gave aggravated the pain. But the throat pain did not go for almost a month. Meantime I went to my native where I sneeze a little.
After taking one more course of antibiotic for past tbwo weeks i feel better.
But as soon as I came back to Bangalore I have started severe sneezing and now I have pain on left jaw and ear.
For past one week I have been taking Ferrum Phos 6x and Kali Mur 6x 3 times a day(as suggested in the forum). I have two more months for my delivery and I do not want to get into another round of sore throat.
Please guide me.
Currently I am not sneezing but I have slight pain on my left side throat. I have been worrying abt my throat for almost 2 months now.
I do salt gargling every night.I keep swallowing my saliva all the time to check on the pain. My mouth is always dry though I drink a lot of water.
My mucus is also thin. I am a 31 year old lady.
Please let me know of any precautions and treament.

Thanks a lot.
  anup12 on 2010-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please try BRYONIA 30C every four hours for a day or two.
rishimba last decade
Thanks rishimba.
I have some more questions..
Please tell me the dosage also? I am not sure if bryonia comes in liquid or tablets form.
Should I stop taking Ferrum Phos and Kali Mur?
anup12 last decade
you may just try bryonia as your mouth becomes dry and its painful during swallowing..one dose would be 3 drops in some 10 ml of water.

if the remedies you are taking are not helping you...i guess you should stop them.
rishimba last decade

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