The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dietary Lifetyles Guidelines when taking Homeopathy
I am new to Homeopathy and am using it to help Lymes disease. I would like to know what the best dietary guidelines are for helping the efficacy of the homeopathy. What are no-no's (Coffee? Wine? Tea? etc??)Have had varying answers and would like to understand better.
SunnyD on 2010-03-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr Abhishek last decade
Dr.Kent (2000, p.286) states:
In accordance with a principle and not by rule do not have one list of foods for your patients; do not have a list of things for everybody. There is no such thing in homeopathy When patients are under constitutional remedies, they need caution about certain kinds of food that are known to disagree with their constitutional remedy.
In accordance with a principle and not by rule do not have one list of foods for your patients; do not have a list of things for everybody. There is no such thing in homeopathy When patients are under constitutional remedies, they need caution about certain kinds of food that are known to disagree with their constitutional remedy.
Dr.Sabadra last decade
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