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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Joe De Livera ,kadwa help in cure acne and sinus

from last 4 years,i am suffering from acne on my chest ,shoulder,back and some on face.two to three acne on my head scalp also.

some acne are under skin causing itching also.
one or two acne on buttocks also.

some other symptoms are hair fall ,headache,forgetfullness.
i feel some burning effect in my stomach as digestive system is also not well.

i am suffering from maxillary sinus also causing some low pain around area near my nose.
my mood become low generally.
some times i feel vertigo also.
nasal discharge(white) is also present.
  rajat11 on 2010-04-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
now a days iam taking nux vomica 30 ans natrum mur 30 from last 4 days.i have taken lycopodium 200 tnree doses in one day before 9 days also.
rajat11 last decade

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