The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cystic Acne on Chin--Please Hep me!
Hello,I have had cystic acne since the age of 22--I am 38 now. I've done every possible western treatment, including 3 courses of accutane, but the acne has always come back. The cysts are mostly on my chin-sometimes cheeks- and are hard and painful bumps that never drain but just get larger and smaller as my hormones fluctuate. I've also always had problems with my digestion--when I was very young, I had symptoms of irritable bowl, but when I got older, I became very constipated. I think I may have some kind of food allergy as the skin on my stomach itches after I eat. I sweat a lot at night while I'm sleeping and am very sensitive to cold. I have porr circulation and my hands and feet are usually cold. I don't do well in humidity and sweat profusely when it's humid outside. My tongue is white and dry looking, sort of yellowish in the middle. If anyone could help me figure out which remedy to chose, I would really appreciate it.
jbanash on 2010-04-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your case seems complicated and although I would normally have prescribed Arnica 6c in the Wet dose which I have used often with success I would request you to complete the Patient's Questionnaire on the link below and I shall try to help after I read it.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for helping me, Joe! I really appreciate it. Here are the answers to the questions. I also don't sleep well, but wake up in the night sweaty a few times a night.
Full Name: Jennifer
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: F
Age: 38
Weight: 125
Height: 5'4
Temperature: don't know
Blood Pressure: don't know (DR always says its normal)
Color of Tongue: white in the middle with yellow discoloration
Occupation: teacher/writer
Optional Information:
City: Los Angeles
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease) Cystic Acne
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cystic acne appeared at 23--no acne before that. First all over face, now mainly on chin. Digestive problems such as diarehea and constipation intermittently throughout life. Intolerant to cold, cold hands and feet, intolrent to humidity,
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints: Digestive issues began around age 12, acne at 23
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. hormone levels normal
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?) touching my acne
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold my body can't handle extreme temperatures--hot OR cold.
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) The acne never goes away no matter what time of the day it is, so this question makes no sense to me.
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
(How is your thirst?) Very thirsty.
(How is your appetite?) Sometimes very hungry, sometimes no interest in food.
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
b.antibiotics (oral and topical)
c.herbs (Chinese medicine and detox herbs such as Milk Thistle, burdock, etc.)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Only herbal
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? sweet
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carnivore
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) either constipated or loose
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Normal
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? chocolate. sweet things
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? a few moles
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.chicken pox
c.whooping cough
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
a. I was vaccinated for everything--my father is a doctor.
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Full Name: Jennifer
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: F
Age: 38
Weight: 125
Height: 5'4
Temperature: don't know
Blood Pressure: don't know (DR always says its normal)
Color of Tongue: white in the middle with yellow discoloration
Occupation: teacher/writer
Optional Information:
City: Los Angeles
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease) Cystic Acne
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cystic acne appeared at 23--no acne before that. First all over face, now mainly on chin. Digestive problems such as diarehea and constipation intermittently throughout life. Intolerant to cold, cold hands and feet, intolrent to humidity,
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints: Digestive issues began around age 12, acne at 23
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. hormone levels normal
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?) touching my acne
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold my body can't handle extreme temperatures--hot OR cold.
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) The acne never goes away no matter what time of the day it is, so this question makes no sense to me.
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
(How is your thirst?) Very thirsty.
(How is your appetite?) Sometimes very hungry, sometimes no interest in food.
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
b.antibiotics (oral and topical)
c.herbs (Chinese medicine and detox herbs such as Milk Thistle, burdock, etc.)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Only herbal
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? sweet
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carnivore
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) either constipated or loose
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Normal
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? chocolate. sweet things
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? a few moles
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.chicken pox
c.whooping cough
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
a. I was vaccinated for everything--my father is a doctor.
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
jbanash last decade
I note that you dad is a doctor. This is useful as he will be able to fill up the details below:
At age 12 you state that you had both Diarrhoea and Constipation.
This is rather strange and perhaps your dad can explain the cause. What was the therapy used?
Was there any connection with the problems with your stomach -- Diarrhoea and Constipation and your Acne?
What is your bowel status today?
Have you been checked or treated for Amoebiasis ?
Do you suffer from symptoms of GERD in any way?
Do you exercise?
How much liquids do you drink?
Have you noticed any increase in your acne during your periods?
Can you post a close up photograph of your affected skin or if you prefer you can send it to me by email?
At age 12 you state that you had both Diarrhoea and Constipation.
This is rather strange and perhaps your dad can explain the cause. What was the therapy used?
Was there any connection with the problems with your stomach -- Diarrhoea and Constipation and your Acne?
What is your bowel status today?
Have you been checked or treated for Amoebiasis ?
Do you suffer from symptoms of GERD in any way?
Do you exercise?
How much liquids do you drink?
Have you noticed any increase in your acne during your periods?
Can you post a close up photograph of your affected skin or if you prefer you can send it to me by email?
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
No--I had diarrhoea until I was in my late teens, early twenties--then it stopped and I became constipated.
I think there's connection between my skin and my stomach, although no doctor has ever confirmed it. I've had all kinds of rashes throughout my life as well--eczema, etc.
I do have GERD.
I exercise a few days a week.Strenuous exercise makes my acne worse because I sweat alot.
I probably don't drink as much water as I should.
I have not been checked for Amoebiasis.
My acne gets worse before and about a week after my period.
Today I am mostly constipated. My rectum itches at times also.
I think there's connection between my skin and my stomach, although no doctor has ever confirmed it. I've had all kinds of rashes throughout my life as well--eczema, etc.
I do have GERD.
I exercise a few days a week.Strenuous exercise makes my acne worse because I sweat alot.
I probably don't drink as much water as I should.
I have not been checked for Amoebiasis.
My acne gets worse before and about a week after my period.
Today I am mostly constipated. My rectum itches at times also.
jbanash last decade
I believe that your problems stem from your digestion and I would like to treat your GERD and your constipation with Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken after each of 3 meals daily.
You will also take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily and made according to the instructions below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Report your response in 3 days after you commence this therapy.
You will also take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily and made according to the instructions below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipped as directed.
Report your response in 3 days after you commence this therapy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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