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Please help!6 years of exhaustion,stomach pain, bad wind

Hi, i would be very grateful if somebody could advise.

I am 21 years old, female.

I had an operation 6 years ago to remove my appendix which apparently was triple the size and the biggest they had ever seen,also removed meckel's diverticulum.
These were removed due to symptoms of constant fatigue and stomach spasms. After the surgery the acute pain was gone(other than developing colic a day after surgery and being rushed back in and put on drips, something to do with the amount of scar tissue left from the removal of the meckels and the air becoming trapped there) but i have been left with the constant fatigue( i have bouts where i seem to be okay for a couple of months but then will have to stop education or work due to anxiety/social phobia or/and fatigue, just general weakness mentally and physically to go on any longer) and embarrassing uncontrollable loud smelly flatulence, i developed social phobia, panic attacks and severe anxiety whilst i was off from school with the illness( i was 15/16 at the time) and found it difficult going back to school, i eventually ended up being taught at home.

I started using alcohol to be able to see friends and boyfriends as i found this relaxed all the pains and extreme panic i felt, it also seemed to stop the flatulence until i sobered up. For the past 6 years i have spent every single day searching for what is wrong with me and how to cure it. I found that exercise helps to tire me out so i dont panic so much and makes me more relaxed but i have also found that my body does not tone, it constantly seems to hold the weight especially around my thighs,hips, buttocks( dont know if thats useful)I developed an eating disorder but i managed to physically begin to eat normally again, although mentally nothing seems to of changed. this started to happen around age 18. I realise that nutrition has alot to do with health so eat healthily, i am always vegetarian, sometimes vegan and i eat alot of raw food, processed food rarely. I constantly crave carbs and sweet foods. and when eating raw i constantly crave fruit, especially berries. I have taken/take aloe vera, clay, charcoal,superfoods ie. cacao,maca, gogi berries. i eat wild food such as nettles, goose grass. so i would say my diet is healthy.Foods that make me feel worse, pasta, bread although i crave these foods i experience terrible stomach pains and flatulence. my mother tells me that i loved meat but only liver when i was a child but as soon as i got to around 5/6 since then the taste and texture of meat makes me physically sick, i have not eaten any since age 11, i have tried at various times but i am physically sick, even the thought or people talking about meat makes me feel sick and dizzy.

Around 6 months ago i had to come out of work. i had been working there for 7 months and although i didnt feel 100% my job was physically demanding and long hours and i was managing even though i was exhausted. june 09 i came down with what i thought was heat stroke. extreme fatigue, fever, uncontrollable diarrhea, sickness, nasuea, dizzy, swollen hands, frequent urination. it took me a week or so to get over. but only after working a few more days i would need a day off and it got gradually worse until i would manage 30 mins at work before having to go back home to lay down. Gradually the symptoms went except i was left with extreme fatigue again, also nausea, the urge to be sick but usually nothing or just bile came up, dizzy, frequent urination.
I went to the doctors and had blood tests. they found nothing but the doc sent me to see a specialist for endometriosis. as i also experience painful feverish menstral pains where i cannot move due to the amount of pain, i have to bite something and nearly pass out. it usually forces me to pass a bowel movement which i have to crawl to the bathroom to do. These seem to come and go but usually are more manageable sometimes non existent when i am eating a vegan diet. Whilst menstruating i also bleed from my anus, this does not happen at any other time other than menstruation.
Other physical symptoms, cold hands and feet, dry cracked skin sometimes bleeds on back of hands, i have an unknown rash on my arms, back and chest that has been there for around 7 years. no doctors been able to figure out what it is, although i had been in mexico a few weeks before the rash started. i also have psoriasis type rash on my scalp(constantly itchy and flaky) that the past year has developed on my inner ear. for the past year also i have had constantly runny/stuffy nose.
I have developed social phobia again also. Although i find that i am much worse around people i know, i will shut myself away when physically ill and not see anybody other than my mother and sister and sometimes grandparents although at the moment finding it even hard to see them. I find seeing other people makes my stomach pains and flatulence also urine frequency probably increase by 60%.
I feel panicky whilst trying to get to sleep and have to read etc but once i am asleep if i dont set the alarm i sleep anywhere between 8-11 hours. I find it hard to go to sleep early even though im constantly tired i will usually go to bed around midnight. I cant think of any recurring dreams other than the fact that the people in them are recurring, usually children who i went to primary school with and sometimes secondary, i dream about school alot. I dream about hiding and being shot/ chased alot also. Although my dreams i would alot of the time are very very weird when i talk about them compared to other peoples. ie. people with animal heads, 'worlds' merging, people with genitals as faces, purple sheep singing.
What am i sensitive to, alot, nonconstructive criticism, heat and cold, touch,noises, smells that others can not always smell but i smell very strongly, i would say i am all-round very sensitive.
I feel i am running on adrenaline most of the time even when i am not doing anything physical or frightening. I have to sleep with a light on and double check doors are locked etc as my room was once broken into and i was dragged from my bed by 5 men, luckily someone else scared them and they left me alone. But i also have never liked the dark much and feel like i am suffocating or something is crawling on me. another phobia i have is spiders, extreme fear if i can not get a cup over the spider and get it outside( i can only do this if it is on the floor and no chance of it dropping on me) and it is in my room i will have panic attack, sometimes i will also cry alot through fear and will not sleep or will have to barricade myself into a different room with items prepared incase the spider comes in. i cannot stand watching on tv or anyone talking about accidents/gore/death i start to feel very sick and sometimes my eyes will blackover like im going to faint. I would say i have alot of locked up anger, i get frustrated and angry very easily especially towards other people. I also when experiencing social phobia cannot answer the phone.
I feel there are possibly many more things that i have overseen. The only other homeopathic remedies i have taken before are arnica and nux vom.
  Miss Diagnosed on 2010-04-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 30c at a gap of 4 hours for 2 days and report back after 10 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Thankyou Kadwa, i have ordered the Lycopodium online so will report back from when it arrives and i start taking it, thanks again :)
Miss Diagnosed last decade
Hi Kadwa,
I have been feeling slightly better in myself. Although only slightly. Two days after taking i felt ALOT worse, i seemed to have two days of very deep depression. But that has now lifted. I have felt like i have a little more energy, stomach pains have felt better but i would say i have had much more flatulence. The frequent urination is still frequent but seems to not be as frequent, i am not panicking about it as much. I managed to go out in public but to a place i did not know anybody and had a cup of tea( in a public place) but i still feel i cannot deal with people that i know or local areas. I have not felt as angry i would say. Sleep the past week has also been easier and not feeling as panicky going to sleep. I would say my concentration has also improved. Although i have felt more fustrated with myself.
Miss Diagnosed last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200c at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Hi, thankyou for the reply.
I have Lycopodium 30c but not 200c , do you have to purchase separately or do i just take more 30c if that makes sense,
many thanks
Miss Diagnosed last decade
Please read the theory of homeopathic dilution at the following thread

You will come to know that it is not possible step up the potency of a remedy by increasing the dose size.

You may take three doses of Lycopodium 30c at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and see how that affects in the next 15 days. Higher potency works better at mental plane, so 200c potency should give you the better results.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

Again have felt a little better, have been eating less which is making me feel better, only slight tendancy to eat more in the past couple of days but my period is due. Physical health seems to be improving, also had more energy to exercise. And have lost 7 pounds so i am now in the 'healthy' range for my BMI. Still suffering from 'social phobia' though.
Miss Diagnosed last decade
You should not take any doses until you feel that your symptoms have worsened. In that case you may take Lycopodium 30c thrice for one day as you did earlier or you may take Lycopodium 200c thrice for only one day. You should wait and watch 15 days thereafter.
kadwa last decade

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