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haglunds deformity or pump bump at the back of the heel.

Hi,i got achilless tendonitis about one year ago now.and i kept working for 3 months whilst i had this to pay the bills.i havent worked for one year now because the pain is to much.physiotherapy has fixed my achilless tendonitis,and im cured of that.but i have developed a growth at the back of my heel which has caused me pain for one year now.the pain is hot and feels very tender and bruised,i can hardly wear shoes,and if i do any physical work it gets very excruciating.if i lift my heel up with insoles it relieves it a little bit,but the pain in the back of my heel wont go away and ive been resting it for one year now,i think the tendon is rubbing on the heel bone and inflaming the bursa,is there a remedy that can dissolve bony growths?i have pain there all the time,and worse if there is any rubbing on the heel.thankyou for your time.
  stardust77 on 2010-05-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 to day 3

Please take the remedies as follows

one dose arnica 30c
after 2 hours one dose of rhus tox 30c
after 2 hours one dose of arnica 30c
after 2 hours one dose of rhus tox 30c
after 2 hours one dose of arnica 30c
after 2 hours one dose of rhus tox 30c

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

day 4 to day 15
Please take four pellets of Calcarea Fluorica 6x four times a day at a gap of 3 hours.

Please report after 15 days.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
thankyou very much kadwa,i can see you are very skilled at what you do,and i will be trying these remedys very soon,and when i do i will let you know what happens after 15 days,
stardust77 last decade
Hi kadwa,i have tried the remedies that you prescribed for me.
I took the rhus tox arnica remedies in 30 strength for 4 days,then i went on to calc flour 6 x 3 hours apart for 10 days.
I found that when i took the rhus tox arnica remedies they acted like a natural paracetamol,and dulled the pain in my heels.I felt like it also helped to relieve the stiffness that i get in my heels after i have slept for a long time or sat for a long time.
I feel like the treatment has helped me.
I still have pain in my heels when i work,it starts off as small ,but by the end of the day the pain is strong.when i wake up in the morning my heels are so stiff that i can hardly walk.the orthotic surgeon that i spoke to has told me that i dont have haglunds deformity,but i have tendo achilless tendonosis or tendonitis,that i will have to get supports for the arch of my foot,he says that in my feet my arches are to high.i feel relief when i lift my heel up off my shoes with a heel lift,but i am atill suffering with the pain in both my heels now for 15 months,thankyou very much for your help,because i feel like that the remedies you prescribed where helping me,could you please advise me for the next step in the treatment of tendo achilless tendonosis.thankyou.
stardust77 last decade
Please take the remedies as follows...
day 1
a single dose of Rhus Tox 200.

day 4
a single dose of Arnica 200

day 7
a single dose of Rhus Tox 200.

day 11
a single dose of Arnica 200

No remedies are to be taken on other days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please report after 15 days. Please stop taking the remedies if there is substantial improvement.
kadwa last decade
Thankyou very much.I am currently in the process of obtaining the remedies.
I think i understand but i think i should double check with you.
Is this correct?I take rhus tox on the first day but i dont take it again until the 7 th day.then i take arnica on the fourth and i do not take it again until day 11?
stardust77 last decade
You are absolutely right !!
kadwa last decade
hi,i took the remedies from day 1 to day eleven,i feel as if they have worked,but i could hardly notice the remedies working for me.very suttle.i felt like that possibly there was to many days between remedies,because i felt as if the remedies worked quite strong for one or two days but then i couldnt feel any help from them,but then again that is the way they work i guess.
ive improved definetly.the most i have improved is with the stiffness that i get when i wake up.the stiffness in both my achilless tendons where it attches to my heel bone was very stiff every morning i could hardly walk.now i dont get this stiffness.but sometimes i will get stiff if i sit down for to long in a funny position.
i still have pain in my heel bone and slightly up the tendon.i am working now,doing quite physical work,and i feel that i am getting stronger.i am also wearing a achillo train support sock on both feet everyminute of the day which also helps a lot.it lifts my heel up of the floor and massages my tendons as i work.they are a (bauerfeind) product for those who are interested.
i feel as if since ive taken your advice with remedies i have improved 75 percent.i have 25 percent more pain to get rid of but i am very happy with the progress thankyou.if its possible i would like to continue with your advice with remedies,and thanks again.
stardust77 last decade
You may take a single dose of Rhus Tox 200c whenever there is a significant relapse. There is no need to take any remedy if there is substantial relief.

Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Kapalbhati Pranayam and Anulom Vilom Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.
You may also do these exercises sitting in a chair if it is not possible for you to sit down.
kadwa last decade
Thankyou very much for your help with my tendo achilless tendinosis.both my heels are much better and i will take rhus tox 200c if there is any more significant pain.thanks again,you really helped me.best luck.
brigadier last decade
Hello I have Haglunds deformity on my right lef hell back. It started from around 7 years back. Beginning it was sharp reduce sharpeness and size is medium and it becoming same.
There is no pain. I can do everything in my day to day life but i want to get rid of it. So looking best effective medicine.

Thank you very much.
raselaap last year

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-02-19 12:33:08]
anuj srivastava last year
Thank you very much. I shall start taking that will share feedback after 2 weeks
raselaap last year
Seems to me it changes slightly but not significant.
Waiting for further advice.

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raselaap 11 months ago
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
So calc flour 3x stop and start taking calc flour 30 right?
raselaap 11 months ago
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Sorry for late feedback. Seems minor improvement which cant treat as significant. Please advise what to do next step.
raselaap 10 months ago
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
So I will start calc flour 3x again and continue 1 week then report back right?
raselaap 10 months ago
So I will start again and continue 1 week then report back right?YES.
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Feedback: From last update to now taking both as per your advice and feeling my haglunds deformity reduce than before not still not heal completely. Please advice.
raselaap 9 months ago
Same remedies with weekly feedbacks.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thanks will do the same
raselaap 9 months ago

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