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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


hi!i am 29 years old and i am anxious!!!!My doctor gave me staphysagria 12/30,13/30 and i haven't relax very well!!!i have been 6 months but i can't relax exactly!
i don't know how i can wait to become well!!!I can't stop to do a muscular in my face!!!I can't control it!!This is a reaction from my stress!!I know that it is wrong but i can't control myself!!!could you tell me how i must expect to relax,i can;t stand!!!!!
  konstantina_ena on 2010-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Take Star of beth 4 pills twice daily...these r bach flower remedies and can be taken safely with homeopathic medicine..

Dr.Rajendra Sabadra
(online homeopathic consultation)
Dr.Sabadra last decade

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