The ABC Homeopathy Forum
PLEASE HELP? I have been suffering for years with musty smelling sweat from the armpits, Can anyone help?
I am girl in my early 30s and for the past 15 years suffered with excessive sweating brought on with anxiety, as a the years have gone on the sweating itself has subsided but the scent has actually intensified and is now much like damp cloth. I have done an incredible amount of research into this and cant find ANYTHING on this specific symptoms, only on fish odour syndrome ect which this is nothing like. One of my theories is that my body might be eliminating excess hormones( I have been diagnosed as having poly cystic ovarian syndrome) that are causing that very strange scent. I am at my wits end and all round fed up with living life with this, people make ignorant comments all the time which break my heart. I am incredibly clean in every way possible from physically, in home, in habits, in clothing and as much as possible in diet though I do falter and probably eat a fair bit more sugar than I should. I have had far greater and crueler battles in my life than this to over come but its this that is stopping me from ever really moving on from anything as I have ended up cutting myself off from society as much as I can in order to avoid the comments. please, please, please can anyone give any advice, shed light, share experiences or anything on this topic, with love and gratitude cc.sososad on 2010-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
♡ kadwa last decade
First of all thank you so much for responding to me, I have read through the link you sent me and here are my answers as follows
ID, female aged 31
1. My main suffering is the one mentioned above.
2. The other physical suffering would be PCOS, poor digestion with irregular movements, very painful sinus infections, prone to tension headaches. I generally seem to be quite sensitive/reactive to anything too chemical or unpure, things that other people can tolerate quite easily.Exhaustion.
3.The mental suffering comes in the form of depression, anxiety, hurt, frustration, anger, shame, occasional panic attacks.
4.When I am at my worst I just feel immense despair and exhaustion. Lack of will to go on.
5. I guess really at about aged 13 there was a sequence of events that had a pretty profound effect on my whole being. starting with the breakdown of my relationship with my mother. I started my cycle and clearly had problems with it from the onset. I was molested by a good friends father. I was being bullied at school. I began smoking/ drinking/taking drugs/sciving school ect.
6. I guess you could say that midday and late evening seem to be worse for me. I have never really thought about it like that, apart from the obvious late evening when you go bed but thoughts start racing once the lights are off, but thats pretty standard for most folk, I think? ) I will try and monitor it for you.
8. The external stimuli that can effect me would be diet, time in my cycle, pollution, being stuck in crowds, alcohol, hostile environments, general stress.
9. I feel better on bright but cool afternoons where the skys are clear but the sun is distant. i cannot stand humidity or hot days with drissly rain.
10. my general mental set up can really range( without too extreme a leap from feelings) from sad, dissapointed, fearfull, hopelessness,anxiety , suspicions, hurt, angry, spiritual, stable, inspired.
- I love thunderstorms as they remind me how truly irrelivent I am, for some reason this gives me peace?rReminds me of the grander scheme of things.
- I generally don't seem to seek solace until I have already somewhat come to terms with my problems/painful events.
-I am very sensitive to light, noise, sound , smell, chaos, motion, touch ect.
-I do not really have any major habits that I can think of now that I dont smoke/drink/do drugs. Does binging on food count?
-I love and respect my friends but have distanced myself greatly over the years. I feel general distain toward my family. I love my daughter very dearly.I decided to leave my daughters father shortly after becoming pregnant so there is little emotion there.
11. my fears are quite typical of a woman or parent.nothing too strange.being attacked/kidnapping/repeat of your own childhood.
12.I crave sugary foods mainly, then breads, then dairy, salt, fruit, veg, meat.
13.I am often thirsty and it is rarely quenched. hunger is normal but my cravings are constant.
15.I don't seem to tolerate dairy, or do very well with coffee, black tea, starchy foods, spices, sugar,chocolate, caffiene, red meats, additives ect.
16.I sweat more than normal.
17.I have very irregular movements even with a good diet, often only go every few days, if even that somtimes.
18. I can be prone to insomnia but since having a child generally sleep much better, prefer to sleep on my tummy.
19.when in a relationship I do feel it possible to satisfy my sexual needs. I have a healthy sex drive.
20.I feel differant from others because of my strange upbringing, physical sensitivitys and emotional over-sensitivity.
21. I can not remember the names of any of the medications I have taken as I didn't stay on them for long due to reactions, but sleeping pills and anxiety meds were the main two, the pill, I also took a fair bit of valium and vicodin in my youth recreationally if you will. All medication ultimatey just exagerated the problems they were meant to be fixing.
22. the only diseases that I know of running in my family are heart disease and depression.
23. I am 5ft6in 120 pounds,I have quite fair skin that freckles with the sun.I have very healthy hair and nails.I have some tiny dark flat moles/freckle type things on my body/ face. I am physically very strong and quite lean. My metabolism seems fast despite not being regular, my eyes are usually quite puffy and my face can often look tired no matter how much sleep I get. I have a little pot belly... almost looks a little bit like early pregnancy as the rest of me is slim. my cycle
-periods are usually regular and last 5 to 7 days
-the whole week and a half before and after can be tearful, easily feel pain from bumping toe ect. clumsy, forgetful, cravings, windy,general magnification of emotions, the event itself can vary but often very painful.
-the flow is normal to excessive.
-it is thick and dark or bright red
-there are often clots.
I hope I have answered everything clearly enough that you need, thank you again so much for taking the time to do this,cc
ID, female aged 31
1. My main suffering is the one mentioned above.
2. The other physical suffering would be PCOS, poor digestion with irregular movements, very painful sinus infections, prone to tension headaches. I generally seem to be quite sensitive/reactive to anything too chemical or unpure, things that other people can tolerate quite easily.Exhaustion.
3.The mental suffering comes in the form of depression, anxiety, hurt, frustration, anger, shame, occasional panic attacks.
4.When I am at my worst I just feel immense despair and exhaustion. Lack of will to go on.
5. I guess really at about aged 13 there was a sequence of events that had a pretty profound effect on my whole being. starting with the breakdown of my relationship with my mother. I started my cycle and clearly had problems with it from the onset. I was molested by a good friends father. I was being bullied at school. I began smoking/ drinking/taking drugs/sciving school ect.
6. I guess you could say that midday and late evening seem to be worse for me. I have never really thought about it like that, apart from the obvious late evening when you go bed but thoughts start racing once the lights are off, but thats pretty standard for most folk, I think? ) I will try and monitor it for you.
8. The external stimuli that can effect me would be diet, time in my cycle, pollution, being stuck in crowds, alcohol, hostile environments, general stress.
9. I feel better on bright but cool afternoons where the skys are clear but the sun is distant. i cannot stand humidity or hot days with drissly rain.
10. my general mental set up can really range( without too extreme a leap from feelings) from sad, dissapointed, fearfull, hopelessness,anxiety , suspicions, hurt, angry, spiritual, stable, inspired.
- I love thunderstorms as they remind me how truly irrelivent I am, for some reason this gives me peace?rReminds me of the grander scheme of things.
- I generally don't seem to seek solace until I have already somewhat come to terms with my problems/painful events.
-I am very sensitive to light, noise, sound , smell, chaos, motion, touch ect.
-I do not really have any major habits that I can think of now that I dont smoke/drink/do drugs. Does binging on food count?
-I love and respect my friends but have distanced myself greatly over the years. I feel general distain toward my family. I love my daughter very dearly.I decided to leave my daughters father shortly after becoming pregnant so there is little emotion there.
11. my fears are quite typical of a woman or parent.nothing too strange.being attacked/kidnapping/repeat of your own childhood.
12.I crave sugary foods mainly, then breads, then dairy, salt, fruit, veg, meat.
13.I am often thirsty and it is rarely quenched. hunger is normal but my cravings are constant.
15.I don't seem to tolerate dairy, or do very well with coffee, black tea, starchy foods, spices, sugar,chocolate, caffiene, red meats, additives ect.
16.I sweat more than normal.
17.I have very irregular movements even with a good diet, often only go every few days, if even that somtimes.
18. I can be prone to insomnia but since having a child generally sleep much better, prefer to sleep on my tummy.
19.when in a relationship I do feel it possible to satisfy my sexual needs. I have a healthy sex drive.
20.I feel differant from others because of my strange upbringing, physical sensitivitys and emotional over-sensitivity.
21. I can not remember the names of any of the medications I have taken as I didn't stay on them for long due to reactions, but sleeping pills and anxiety meds were the main two, the pill, I also took a fair bit of valium and vicodin in my youth recreationally if you will. All medication ultimatey just exagerated the problems they were meant to be fixing.
22. the only diseases that I know of running in my family are heart disease and depression.
23. I am 5ft6in 120 pounds,I have quite fair skin that freckles with the sun.I have very healthy hair and nails.I have some tiny dark flat moles/freckle type things on my body/ face. I am physically very strong and quite lean. My metabolism seems fast despite not being regular, my eyes are usually quite puffy and my face can often look tired no matter how much sleep I get. I have a little pot belly... almost looks a little bit like early pregnancy as the rest of me is slim. my cycle
-periods are usually regular and last 5 to 7 days
-the whole week and a half before and after can be tearful, easily feel pain from bumping toe ect. clumsy, forgetful, cravings, windy,general magnification of emotions, the event itself can vary but often very painful.
-the flow is normal to excessive.
-it is thick and dark or bright red
-there are often clots.
I hope I have answered everything clearly enough that you need, thank you again so much for taking the time to do this,cc
sososad last decade
Please take Sepia 200c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hi, thank you so much for the advice. I have just come back from the pharmacy with my sepia 200c so will start taking it now and keep you updated. wish me luck. cc
sososad last decade
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