The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pregnant, epileptic, heart palpitations
Hi, I'm 31 year old female, currently 23 weeks pregnant. Already have one daughter delivered naturally without any complications. Have had 1 miscarriage and 1 abortion.Currently taking following meds/supplements, never tried homeopathy -
1)Leveitracetam 1500mg daily for epilepsy (last epileptic attack in Nov'09)
2)Calciumm supplement- 1200mg, contains 300mg magnesium
3)Natural progesterone orally 200mg daily (makes me slow down and sleepy, which I find quite desirable since I need all the sleep with my epilepsy and usually have trouble sleeping)
4)Salmon oil 2000mg daily
5)Iron tabs 100mg daily (still HB at 10, gives nausea, constipation)
6)Folic acid 5mg with B complex
From last 2 weeks started experiencing heart palpitations, feels like its beating in my stomach when the baby moves, otherwise mostly feel it beating at my throat,breathing discomfort, deep breathing makes it worse, also worse after eating even a small snack, I do feel hungry but just after a few bites it feels like there is no space left in my stomach, palpitations increase when sleeping on back or trying to turn from one side to another, right side sleeping relieves it a bit but I understand its recommended to sleep on left side in pregnancy.
It would be of great help if the experts can advise me on the following things-
1)My sister used to take homeopathic remedies in her pregnancies, she advised me to take tissue salts for overall health, so is it safe to start anything in pregnancy since I've never taken them before?
2) What remedies can I take for the heart palpitations? I'm just sick of swallowing all the conventional pills and wish to avoid any more for hypertension and palpitations.
3)I guess probably pregnancy is not a good time to change over to any other path of medication, but is it possible to opt for a homeopathic remedy for my epilepsy right after delivery?
All kinds of advices are most welcome. Thank you all for reading.
anu79 on 2010-06-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
plz doctors, help with my problems. I've an OB appointment in 3 days and afraid I'll be prescribed more meds.
anu79 last decade
Anu, you can take tissue salts: Ferr. phos 6x,calc. fluor.6x,Kali phos.6x between fifth and eighth months.
For the 9th month refer to this link:
For your current issues please answer the following questions:
lease give as much information as you can. Never feel that you're
'talking too much'. It's best if patient can answer in his/her own words.
Sex: Age: Marital status: Children: Occupation: Habits(like
smoking/ alcohol/ tobacco, partying etc):
1) Family Medical History:
Grandparents(Maternal and paternal):
Brothers and sisters:
Spouse and children:
2) Patient's Medical History: (Include vaccination history and the
reactions to them if any)
major illnesses(Chronologically):
Operations(if any chronologically):
Present medication:
Previous medication:
3) a) Present your Complaints in order of priority:(Give as much information as you can in your own words without much reference to medical and technical terms.)
b) Can you connect these complaints to any other events? What was going on in your life personally, physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally when the complaints came on?
c) What are the things, which aggravate your suffering and which are those, which make you feel better? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing, movement, climate, music, consolation, thunderstorm, exam or other important events, smell, noise,light etc. Are you worse on any particular side of the body ?
4) Physical Profile:(Give details for the following topics)
Colour of hair: Colour of eyes: Skin: Complexion: Build: Posture:
Height: Weight: Nails: Other
5) Mental Profile:
a) Describe yourself in your own words:
b) Any grief, broken relationship, any anger/resentment against anybody, any fears, any phobias?
c) Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
6) a) If Female:(Describe in detail where ever necessary)
Age of Puberty: Cycle of periods:
Please describe the irregularities in periods, like pains, moods, flow
type, clots, sensations etc if there are any?
Pregnancy problemsbefore/during/after delivery: Number of pregnancies:
If Menopauseheadaches/flushes/sweats/dryness/mood swings/memory?
Any problem with intercourse?
b) If Male:
Any problem with intercourse or sexual organs?
7) Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
8) What do you crave for in food items and in general and what are your aversions in food items and in general?
9) Describe your thirst and hunger? (Examples: Average or Excessive or
thirstless or loss of appetite or any other associated details)?
10) Describe your sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Are there any Recurring or significant dreams?
11) Describe about discharges (colour/odour/consistency)? [ Nasal, from ear or sweat (where do you sweat more? head/trunk/limbs etc), stool and urine.]
12) what is your preferencein climate, weather? (Examples: sun/shade/cold
dry/cold damp/hot humid/not extreme/well ventilated)
13) Other details you want to say or if there are any peculiar things going on in your physical or emotional plane.
For the 9th month refer to this link:
For your current issues please answer the following questions:
lease give as much information as you can. Never feel that you're
'talking too much'. It's best if patient can answer in his/her own words.
Sex: Age: Marital status: Children: Occupation: Habits(like
smoking/ alcohol/ tobacco, partying etc):
1) Family Medical History:
Grandparents(Maternal and paternal):
Brothers and sisters:
Spouse and children:
2) Patient's Medical History: (Include vaccination history and the
reactions to them if any)
major illnesses(Chronologically):
Operations(if any chronologically):
Present medication:
Previous medication:
3) a) Present your Complaints in order of priority:(Give as much information as you can in your own words without much reference to medical and technical terms.)
b) Can you connect these complaints to any other events? What was going on in your life personally, physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally when the complaints came on?
c) What are the things, which aggravate your suffering and which are those, which make you feel better? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing, movement, climate, music, consolation, thunderstorm, exam or other important events, smell, noise,light etc. Are you worse on any particular side of the body ?
4) Physical Profile:(Give details for the following topics)
Colour of hair: Colour of eyes: Skin: Complexion: Build: Posture:
Height: Weight: Nails: Other
5) Mental Profile:
a) Describe yourself in your own words:
b) Any grief, broken relationship, any anger/resentment against anybody, any fears, any phobias?
c) Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
6) a) If Female:(Describe in detail where ever necessary)
Age of Puberty: Cycle of periods:
Please describe the irregularities in periods, like pains, moods, flow
type, clots, sensations etc if there are any?
Pregnancy problemsbefore/during/after delivery: Number of pregnancies:
If Menopauseheadaches/flushes/sweats/dryness/mood swings/memory?
Any problem with intercourse?
b) If Male:
Any problem with intercourse or sexual organs?
7) Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
8) What do you crave for in food items and in general and what are your aversions in food items and in general?
9) Describe your thirst and hunger? (Examples: Average or Excessive or
thirstless or loss of appetite or any other associated details)?
10) Describe your sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Are there any Recurring or significant dreams?
11) Describe about discharges (colour/odour/consistency)? [ Nasal, from ear or sweat (where do you sweat more? head/trunk/limbs etc), stool and urine.]
12) what is your preferencein climate, weather? (Examples: sun/shade/cold
dry/cold damp/hot humid/not extreme/well ventilated)
13) Other details you want to say or if there are any peculiar things going on in your physical or emotional plane.
♡ maheeru last decade
Please take a single dose of Murex 200c for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.
Please continue with your allopathic medicines and supplements.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
You may start the tissue salts during pregnancy. Please don't take any tissue salt on the day you take murex.
Please continue with your allopathic medicines and supplements.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
You may start the tissue salts during pregnancy. Please don't take any tissue salt on the day you take murex.
♡ kadwa last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
Thank you both Dr. Kadwa and Maheeru.
Dr. Kadwa, I'm assuming your suggestion of Murex is for my current problem,ie, heart palpitations? If so, I'd like to try it while I assess myself and wait for Maheeru's guidance.
Dear Maheeru,...oh my gosh! Even I hadn't realised there could be so much to think about myself. Guess we humans are much more complicated than we understand ourselves. I'll definitely need a day to calmly think about myself, n my family history. But plz check back on my post in a day or two for my updates.
I appreciate how knowledgeable everybody is over here and how helpful.
Dr. Kadwa, I'm assuming your suggestion of Murex is for my current problem,ie, heart palpitations? If so, I'd like to try it while I assess myself and wait for Maheeru's guidance.
Dear Maheeru,...oh my gosh! Even I hadn't realised there could be so much to think about myself. Guess we humans are much more complicated than we understand ourselves. I'll definitely need a day to calmly think about myself, n my family history. But plz check back on my post in a day or two for my updates.
I appreciate how knowledgeable everybody is over here and how helpful.
anu79 last decade
Maheeru,Forgot to ask abt the dosage and duration of tissue salts. Plz explain.
anu79 last decade
Seems like our posts crossed kadwa :). It's ok no problem.
Anu, homeopathy perceives a person in a different light in contrast with other systems of medicine hence homeopathic questionnaire throws up very discerning questions.
Between 5 and 8th months you shall take ferrum phos. 6x, calc. fluor. 6x, kali phos. 6x (2 pills all) thrice daily for a week. Continue this dosage on alternate weeks. When you take any homeopathic medicine... on those days, and 2 to 3 days following the medicine you can skip the tissue salts.
In the 9th month, you shall take Kali phos.6x and mag. phos.6x same way. But once labour pain starts, 5 pills of each shall be dissolved in 100 to 200ml of lukewarm water and can be sipped every 2 hours till smooth delivery happens.
The usual rider is if somebody feels uncomfortable with intake of any medicine, they shall stop it and report and get further directions.
Anu, homeopathy perceives a person in a different light in contrast with other systems of medicine hence homeopathic questionnaire throws up very discerning questions.
Between 5 and 8th months you shall take ferrum phos. 6x, calc. fluor. 6x, kali phos. 6x (2 pills all) thrice daily for a week. Continue this dosage on alternate weeks. When you take any homeopathic medicine... on those days, and 2 to 3 days following the medicine you can skip the tissue salts.
In the 9th month, you shall take Kali phos.6x and mag. phos.6x same way. But once labour pain starts, 5 pills of each shall be dissolved in 100 to 200ml of lukewarm water and can be sipped every 2 hours till smooth delivery happens.
The usual rider is if somebody feels uncomfortable with intake of any medicine, they shall stop it and report and get further directions.
♡ maheeru last decade
Ok thanx!I started them already.
Tissue salts are considered medicines and not supplements? And why the alternate week therapy, is there a chance of overdosing on them? Is it ok if I just pop a couple of pills of tissue salts in addition to the regular doses whenever I feel uncomfy with palpitations, coz as i understand magnesium, sodium and potassium regulate the heart function? Would it work like an instant allopathic therapy? Pardon if I'm asking too many queries, I just don't want to be doing something without knowing its effect, especially in pregnancy.
Tissue salts are considered medicines and not supplements? And why the alternate week therapy, is there a chance of overdosing on them? Is it ok if I just pop a couple of pills of tissue salts in addition to the regular doses whenever I feel uncomfy with palpitations, coz as i understand magnesium, sodium and potassium regulate the heart function? Would it work like an instant allopathic therapy? Pardon if I'm asking too many queries, I just don't want to be doing something without knowing its effect, especially in pregnancy.
anu79 last decade
Maheeru, I'm writing a whole essay about myself. Long, but plz bear.
Sex: Female
Age: 31
Marital status: Married
Children: 6yr old daughter, now pregnant 23 weeks
Occupation: Housewife
Habits(likesmoking/ alcohol/ tobacco, partying etc): Don't like fuzzy drinks, occasional tiny bit of wine/beer intake but not since pregnancy
1) Family Medical History:
Father- 65 yrs age,heavy smoker, high BP, epileptic for last 30 yrs or so, on BP and epilepsy medication high doses, short tempered, strong willed, fighter spirit
Mother - 62 yrs age, very thin , diabetic for last 12-15 yrs on medication, recently had a urinary stone removed, cannot tolerate heavy medications without side effects like diarrhea, weak and low energy, suffered early hair loss and graying of hair, loving caring, low self-confidence, cannot handle things by self
Sister - married, 2 kids, became little overweight after 2nd pregnancy, around same time developed thyroid disorder but not on any medication, otherwise in good health
Brother - most problematic case in the family, 29 yrs, became a lawyer at the age 27, very intelligent but suffered from schizophrenia around the age of 15 yrs, delayed diagnosis of the problem worsened the symptoms, on and off medications and therapy for atleast 10 yrs, great improvement seen in last 2-3 yrs, still has issues with being independent, facing the world, pretends to be confident, cannot take criticism well, seeks sympathy
Grandparents(Maternal and paternal): don't have detailed information but few things as follows- paternal grandmother commited suicide after suffering from a post-partum depression, paternal gf suffered from acute diabetes and then paralysis in the lats yrs of life, passed away at the age of 75
Maternal gf quite healthy, passed away from a heart attack, gm had a diabetes for many yrs, passed away from a heart attack
Spouse : No major illness, maybe suffers from what I think could be psoriasis; dry, peeling skin, acute dandruff, itchy scalp etc; always stuffy nose, frequently upset stomach, appetite good but cannot put on weight easily, some psychological problems that bother me are mostly him being closed minded and rigid, doesn't speak out his feelings, quite passive and likes to live in denial, ignorance. He had been prescribed Sulplur 200 treatment, waiting to see the results.
Children - 6 yr. old daughter, average weight and height, no major illnesses except seasonal colds etc, gets them often; very bright, happy child, quite shy, fearful,
2) Patient's Medical History: (Include vaccination history and the
reactions to them if any) - Don't know vaccination history
Major illnesses(Chronologically):-
1) Epilepsy diagnosed over 3 yrs back, had a first attack in yr 2000 (age 22), then again after few months but was not diagnosed with epilepsy then, it was taken as a reaction to antibiotics I was taking at both times for malaria and UTI.
2) Then for 6 whole yrs completely trouble free even without any medication (was abroad with husband and daughter and quite happy that time).
3) Then in Jan 2006 had an epileptic attack and admitted to the hospital. Diagnosed with epilepsy then. EEG abnormal, brain MRI normal. Was started with Valporic Acid therapy, took it for 2 yrs, only one attack during that time, also was taking antibiotics for throat infection at that time.
4) After 2 yrs of VA switched to Leveitracetam in Feb. 2009, considered safer, as wanted to have another child. Switching over was smooth.
5) First seizure after switching was in April 2009 coz forgot to take 2 doses, then again in Sept'09 was delayed in taking the dose and also was under some stress, third and last one till date was in Nov.'09. It was 3 hrs after taking the dose in time. Then the neurologist increased the dosage by 500mg daily.
6) Unsatisfactory factor for me in my treatment is that no doctor tried to evaluate or educate me on exactly what kind of epilepsy I have. From whatever information I've gathered my guess is I could have a Catamenial epilepsy. Just to elaborate further, its the kind that reacts to the reproductive hormones in females. I'm pretty sure that almost all the seizures I've had were just before, or during or right after my menses, when Estrogen is supposed to be high and progesterone low. But no doc would listen to me. Since I wanted the pregnancy, I did some research and came up with natural progesterone remedy on my own. Started taking it before trying for pregnancy and still taking. I cannot be sure if its helping with epilepsy but sure enough I have been seizure-free from last nov. If nothing else it definitely helps me sleep better.
2) PCOS-
1) Had a miscarriage in early 2003 and was diagnosed with polysystic ovarian syndrome after that. Had some irregular periods then and still have hirsutism, would be nice to get rid of this symptom. Possibly free of other PCOS symptoms like obesity, insulin resistence.
2) The Ob/Gyn at that time just suggested some dietary and lifestyle changes for hormonal balance. Then I went on to conceive my daughter naturally in Sept.2003.
3) Pregnancy was smooth, normal delivery, periods returned as normal after 1yr and stayed normal. So didn't think it was necessary to check on the PCOS status.
4) Current pregnancy got delayed due to epilepsy treatment, but conceived naturally this time too and so far so good. Just really afraid of getting a seizure while pregnant.
5) I wish doctors would take into consideration the PCOS and see if it has anything to do with Epilepsy.
Operations(if any chronologically): No
Present medication: For Epilepsy- Levera(Leveitracetam) 1500mg daily to be continued
Previous medication: For Epilepsy - Sodium Valporate 2000mg daily for 2yrs.
3) a) Present your Complaints in order of priority:
Priority no.1- Having a safe, seizure-free pregnancy and a healthy child.
Priority no.2 - Reducing current epilepsy med dosage or switching over to more natural medication which will not make me so much dependent on it.
Priority no.3 - Restoring the hormonal imbalance if any and improving the health overall. Had a tooth decay problem very early in my life. Many tooth fillings and 2/3 bridges/crowns.
Priority no.4 - Mental satisfaction and improving marital relationship.
b) Can you connect these complaints to any other events?
Priority no.1 and 2 - Having seizure-free life with natural medications- I think epilepsy has something to do with my reproductive health. But also when it started there was some mental stress. Initially pressure from the family as they were against my love-marriage. Then as I've mentioned earlier, I remained in good health until I came back in India for husband's job. It stressed me out as he had to stay in different city for job until we were sure where to settle down. He got too busy to notice my concerns and that's what, I think, brought on my first seizure after 6 yrs. Somewhere I've held him responsible for putting me in this medical condition and then not providing moral support to deal with it. I am always afraid that my condition would put my daughter in serious trouble and even more so now since I'm having another child. Also I hate how this fear has made me depend on somebody, and prevented me from doing simple things like driving, swimming etc.
Priority no.4 - Mental satisfaction and improving marital relationship - I think when I achieve a balance within myself, automatically I'll be in better position to deal with the marital stress. I wish to work, but taking care of kid/s makes it difficult. Still not settled at one place. That makes me feel unstable and dependent. Husband doesn't appreciate the sacrifice I'm happily doing for the family. Not supportive and does not take anything seriously until its too late, so I feel all the pressure is on me. Even his health problems will remain unsolved if I don't look into them.
c) What are the things, which aggravate your suffering and which are those, which make you feel better? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing, movement, climate,.....
Aggravating factors - summers, hot humid climate, evening and night time, stomach bloating, skin problems like acne, oiliness, being alone and not busy.
Comforting factors - people interaction, physical exercise, dance, music etc, reading, just perfect weather as in not hot and not too cold too, get very chilly in winters and very hot in summers.
Not sure if worse on any particular side of body.
4) Physical Profile:(Give details for the following topics)
Colour of hair: Black
Colour of eyes: Black
Skin: Complexion: wheatish, oily, acne-prone skin
Build: Posture: medium narrow build, thin figure, proportionate
Height: 5'2' , Weight: 49kg, Nails: dry, white looking, toenails brittle
Other : hair silky but fine, thin, premature graying, doesn't grow long, chin and pubic hair hirsutism
5) Mental Profile:
a) Describe yourself in your own words: Emotional, caring, like to be with people, understanding, helping, not straightforward; currently feel depressed, dependent, ignored, useless; easily stressed out, have to be good at everything
b) Any grief, broken relationship, any anger/resentment against anybody, any fears, any phobias?
Sort of anger and grief over brother coz of whom parents are suffering so much.
Anger, disappointment, sadness over husband for not trying hard to build a good relationship.
Guilt and fear for my daughter due to my medical condition and if we can give our kids safe happy household or not.
Newly developed anger and resentment towards mother-in-law about her being manipulative and untrue.
Fear of the fast things like fast driving, even fan spinning fast; fear of drowning in water; fear of fast moving, creeping creatures/insects like cockroach, lizard; phobia of height
c) Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings?
Strong Feeling of insecurity about my daughter when I read news like child abduction, rape etc. This feeling is so strong that I feel like hitting or hurting men if I see them staring at a girl/woman in dirty manner.
Sometimes in depression, feel like trying to kill myself, don't want to be killed but want to feel extreme pain.
d) How are you different from others? -
I feel I can surprisingly do good at everything that I undertake. I'm quite intelligent and balanced to know how to balance everything in life. I'm a highly moral person and think worthy of myself of earning respect in every relationship.
6) a) If Female:(Describe in detail where ever necessary)
Age of Puberty: 13
Cycle of periods: 28-30 days
Please describe the irregularities in periods-
Abdominal and lower back pains, medium flow, irritated and uncomfortable, higher sexual desire
Pregnancy problemsbefore/during/after delivery
One normal pregnancy and delivery, currently ongoing pregnancy.
One miscarriage before first pregnancy, One abortion before current pregnancy.
Diagnosed with poly-cystic ovaries after miscarriage and short post-ovulation phase.
Now no menstrual complaints.
Sex: Female
Age: 31
Marital status: Married
Children: 6yr old daughter, now pregnant 23 weeks
Occupation: Housewife
Habits(likesmoking/ alcohol/ tobacco, partying etc): Don't like fuzzy drinks, occasional tiny bit of wine/beer intake but not since pregnancy
1) Family Medical History:
Father- 65 yrs age,heavy smoker, high BP, epileptic for last 30 yrs or so, on BP and epilepsy medication high doses, short tempered, strong willed, fighter spirit
Mother - 62 yrs age, very thin , diabetic for last 12-15 yrs on medication, recently had a urinary stone removed, cannot tolerate heavy medications without side effects like diarrhea, weak and low energy, suffered early hair loss and graying of hair, loving caring, low self-confidence, cannot handle things by self
Sister - married, 2 kids, became little overweight after 2nd pregnancy, around same time developed thyroid disorder but not on any medication, otherwise in good health
Brother - most problematic case in the family, 29 yrs, became a lawyer at the age 27, very intelligent but suffered from schizophrenia around the age of 15 yrs, delayed diagnosis of the problem worsened the symptoms, on and off medications and therapy for atleast 10 yrs, great improvement seen in last 2-3 yrs, still has issues with being independent, facing the world, pretends to be confident, cannot take criticism well, seeks sympathy
Grandparents(Maternal and paternal): don't have detailed information but few things as follows- paternal grandmother commited suicide after suffering from a post-partum depression, paternal gf suffered from acute diabetes and then paralysis in the lats yrs of life, passed away at the age of 75
Maternal gf quite healthy, passed away from a heart attack, gm had a diabetes for many yrs, passed away from a heart attack
Spouse : No major illness, maybe suffers from what I think could be psoriasis; dry, peeling skin, acute dandruff, itchy scalp etc; always stuffy nose, frequently upset stomach, appetite good but cannot put on weight easily, some psychological problems that bother me are mostly him being closed minded and rigid, doesn't speak out his feelings, quite passive and likes to live in denial, ignorance. He had been prescribed Sulplur 200 treatment, waiting to see the results.
Children - 6 yr. old daughter, average weight and height, no major illnesses except seasonal colds etc, gets them often; very bright, happy child, quite shy, fearful,
2) Patient's Medical History: (Include vaccination history and the
reactions to them if any) - Don't know vaccination history
Major illnesses(Chronologically):-
1) Epilepsy diagnosed over 3 yrs back, had a first attack in yr 2000 (age 22), then again after few months but was not diagnosed with epilepsy then, it was taken as a reaction to antibiotics I was taking at both times for malaria and UTI.
2) Then for 6 whole yrs completely trouble free even without any medication (was abroad with husband and daughter and quite happy that time).
3) Then in Jan 2006 had an epileptic attack and admitted to the hospital. Diagnosed with epilepsy then. EEG abnormal, brain MRI normal. Was started with Valporic Acid therapy, took it for 2 yrs, only one attack during that time, also was taking antibiotics for throat infection at that time.
4) After 2 yrs of VA switched to Leveitracetam in Feb. 2009, considered safer, as wanted to have another child. Switching over was smooth.
5) First seizure after switching was in April 2009 coz forgot to take 2 doses, then again in Sept'09 was delayed in taking the dose and also was under some stress, third and last one till date was in Nov.'09. It was 3 hrs after taking the dose in time. Then the neurologist increased the dosage by 500mg daily.
6) Unsatisfactory factor for me in my treatment is that no doctor tried to evaluate or educate me on exactly what kind of epilepsy I have. From whatever information I've gathered my guess is I could have a Catamenial epilepsy. Just to elaborate further, its the kind that reacts to the reproductive hormones in females. I'm pretty sure that almost all the seizures I've had were just before, or during or right after my menses, when Estrogen is supposed to be high and progesterone low. But no doc would listen to me. Since I wanted the pregnancy, I did some research and came up with natural progesterone remedy on my own. Started taking it before trying for pregnancy and still taking. I cannot be sure if its helping with epilepsy but sure enough I have been seizure-free from last nov. If nothing else it definitely helps me sleep better.
2) PCOS-
1) Had a miscarriage in early 2003 and was diagnosed with polysystic ovarian syndrome after that. Had some irregular periods then and still have hirsutism, would be nice to get rid of this symptom. Possibly free of other PCOS symptoms like obesity, insulin resistence.
2) The Ob/Gyn at that time just suggested some dietary and lifestyle changes for hormonal balance. Then I went on to conceive my daughter naturally in Sept.2003.
3) Pregnancy was smooth, normal delivery, periods returned as normal after 1yr and stayed normal. So didn't think it was necessary to check on the PCOS status.
4) Current pregnancy got delayed due to epilepsy treatment, but conceived naturally this time too and so far so good. Just really afraid of getting a seizure while pregnant.
5) I wish doctors would take into consideration the PCOS and see if it has anything to do with Epilepsy.
Operations(if any chronologically): No
Present medication: For Epilepsy- Levera(Leveitracetam) 1500mg daily to be continued
Previous medication: For Epilepsy - Sodium Valporate 2000mg daily for 2yrs.
3) a) Present your Complaints in order of priority:
Priority no.1- Having a safe, seizure-free pregnancy and a healthy child.
Priority no.2 - Reducing current epilepsy med dosage or switching over to more natural medication which will not make me so much dependent on it.
Priority no.3 - Restoring the hormonal imbalance if any and improving the health overall. Had a tooth decay problem very early in my life. Many tooth fillings and 2/3 bridges/crowns.
Priority no.4 - Mental satisfaction and improving marital relationship.
b) Can you connect these complaints to any other events?
Priority no.1 and 2 - Having seizure-free life with natural medications- I think epilepsy has something to do with my reproductive health. But also when it started there was some mental stress. Initially pressure from the family as they were against my love-marriage. Then as I've mentioned earlier, I remained in good health until I came back in India for husband's job. It stressed me out as he had to stay in different city for job until we were sure where to settle down. He got too busy to notice my concerns and that's what, I think, brought on my first seizure after 6 yrs. Somewhere I've held him responsible for putting me in this medical condition and then not providing moral support to deal with it. I am always afraid that my condition would put my daughter in serious trouble and even more so now since I'm having another child. Also I hate how this fear has made me depend on somebody, and prevented me from doing simple things like driving, swimming etc.
Priority no.4 - Mental satisfaction and improving marital relationship - I think when I achieve a balance within myself, automatically I'll be in better position to deal with the marital stress. I wish to work, but taking care of kid/s makes it difficult. Still not settled at one place. That makes me feel unstable and dependent. Husband doesn't appreciate the sacrifice I'm happily doing for the family. Not supportive and does not take anything seriously until its too late, so I feel all the pressure is on me. Even his health problems will remain unsolved if I don't look into them.
c) What are the things, which aggravate your suffering and which are those, which make you feel better? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing, movement, climate,.....
Aggravating factors - summers, hot humid climate, evening and night time, stomach bloating, skin problems like acne, oiliness, being alone and not busy.
Comforting factors - people interaction, physical exercise, dance, music etc, reading, just perfect weather as in not hot and not too cold too, get very chilly in winters and very hot in summers.
Not sure if worse on any particular side of body.
4) Physical Profile:(Give details for the following topics)
Colour of hair: Black
Colour of eyes: Black
Skin: Complexion: wheatish, oily, acne-prone skin
Build: Posture: medium narrow build, thin figure, proportionate
Height: 5'2' , Weight: 49kg, Nails: dry, white looking, toenails brittle
Other : hair silky but fine, thin, premature graying, doesn't grow long, chin and pubic hair hirsutism
5) Mental Profile:
a) Describe yourself in your own words: Emotional, caring, like to be with people, understanding, helping, not straightforward; currently feel depressed, dependent, ignored, useless; easily stressed out, have to be good at everything
b) Any grief, broken relationship, any anger/resentment against anybody, any fears, any phobias?
Sort of anger and grief over brother coz of whom parents are suffering so much.
Anger, disappointment, sadness over husband for not trying hard to build a good relationship.
Guilt and fear for my daughter due to my medical condition and if we can give our kids safe happy household or not.
Newly developed anger and resentment towards mother-in-law about her being manipulative and untrue.
Fear of the fast things like fast driving, even fan spinning fast; fear of drowning in water; fear of fast moving, creeping creatures/insects like cockroach, lizard; phobia of height
c) Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings?
Strong Feeling of insecurity about my daughter when I read news like child abduction, rape etc. This feeling is so strong that I feel like hitting or hurting men if I see them staring at a girl/woman in dirty manner.
Sometimes in depression, feel like trying to kill myself, don't want to be killed but want to feel extreme pain.
d) How are you different from others? -
I feel I can surprisingly do good at everything that I undertake. I'm quite intelligent and balanced to know how to balance everything in life. I'm a highly moral person and think worthy of myself of earning respect in every relationship.
6) a) If Female:(Describe in detail where ever necessary)
Age of Puberty: 13
Cycle of periods: 28-30 days
Please describe the irregularities in periods-
Abdominal and lower back pains, medium flow, irritated and uncomfortable, higher sexual desire
Pregnancy problemsbefore/during/after delivery
One normal pregnancy and delivery, currently ongoing pregnancy.
One miscarriage before first pregnancy, One abortion before current pregnancy.
Diagnosed with poly-cystic ovaries after miscarriage and short post-ovulation phase.
Now no menstrual complaints.
anu79 last decade
Tissue salts are often supplements and occasionally medicines. There's a chance of overdosage if tissue salts are taken daily for months or years. Alternate weeks intake negates such risks.
As a remedy, please take 'argentum nitricum' 30c two pills or drops once daily for three consecutive days and report after a week. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
Do not take take coffee, strong smelling substances including perfume, incense and don't intake anything for 40 minutes before and after the remedy.
Tissue salts are often supplements and occasionally medicines. There's a chance of overdosage if tissue salts are taken daily for months or years. Alternate weeks intake negates such risks.
As a remedy, please take 'argentum nitricum' 30c two pills or drops once daily for three consecutive days and report after a week. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
Do not take take coffee, strong smelling substances including perfume, incense and don't intake anything for 40 minutes before and after the remedy.
♡ maheeru last decade
Thank you! I assume the remedy you have suggested is conclusive for all my problems including pregnancy related heart palpitations? Is it safe to take during pregnancy?
Also, I took Murex200 suggested by Dr.Kadwa yesterday, probably should have confirmed with either one of you. So is it still ok to take argentum nitricum right away? I'll wait for your reply and then go ahead.
Also, I took Murex200 suggested by Dr.Kadwa yesterday, probably should have confirmed with either one of you. So is it still ok to take argentum nitricum right away? I'll wait for your reply and then go ahead.
anu79 last decade
Yes Anu, the remedy suggested above would work for most or all of your complaints including heart palpitations.
Since you have taken murex 200c, you will have to wait for some time before going ahead with my suggestion. Wait for a week and if there are no changes on your system, then you may go ahead with my suggestion. Or if you notice any change, please check here before taking any other remedy including the one i have suggested already.
Since you have taken murex 200c, you will have to wait for some time before going ahead with my suggestion. Wait for a week and if there are no changes on your system, then you may go ahead with my suggestion. Or if you notice any change, please check here before taking any other remedy including the one i have suggested already.
♡ maheeru last decade
OK I'll update after a week.
Meanwhile one more request to suggest a remedy for my daughter's frequent colds. She's 6 yrs old, average weight, no other health complaints, gets seasonal colds often. Presently, has a stuffy nose for a week, not congested, no cough, not taking any medicine.
Meanwhile one more request to suggest a remedy for my daughter's frequent colds. She's 6 yrs old, average weight, no other health complaints, gets seasonal colds often. Presently, has a stuffy nose for a week, not congested, no cough, not taking any medicine.
anu79 last decade
oh one more, should I also not take any vitamin supplements the day I take argentum nitricum ?
anu79 last decade
Hi anu
Yes avoid all sorts of OTC's, supplements and self medications when taking homeopathic medicines(atleast on the day of taking medicine and a few days following to the medicine intake). You can continue the medicines that have been prescribed by your MD or any emergency medicines.
You will have to give more details about your daughter. if something is acute, give cause, locality of complaint, sensation, aggravating/worsening factors and associated symptoms. For consti. protocol give more details like her nature, temperament, any fears, temperature/climate preferences, desires/aversions etc.
Yes avoid all sorts of OTC's, supplements and self medications when taking homeopathic medicines(atleast on the day of taking medicine and a few days following to the medicine intake). You can continue the medicines that have been prescribed by your MD or any emergency medicines.
You will have to give more details about your daughter. if something is acute, give cause, locality of complaint, sensation, aggravating/worsening factors and associated symptoms. For consti. protocol give more details like her nature, temperament, any fears, temperature/climate preferences, desires/aversions etc.
♡ maheeru last decade
wow! Is it a task or what to get a 6 yr old talk abt her complaints. For most of the parts she said yes to everything I asked her and then no/i donno etc...:)once she knew its related to doctors/medicines stuff. I'll just evaluate her as I know her-
1) Inherent personality-
very intelligent, but shy and timid; if given a calm, attentive environment pours her heart out in speaking/activities; averse to crowded, loud, rough, aggressive environment/persons; afraid of crawling insects, doesn't want to face the teachers if homework is not done; afraid of physical activities, getting hurt, water; cannot protect her things,doesn't lie/pretend, very sharing, feels insulted and embarrassed quickly.
Doesn't let go of her point without proper explanation, argues. Needs both parents to feel secure, uncomfortable with strangers or less known people. Takes time to warm up. Choosy abt friends and her things.
Interested in arts, reading, studies; sincere, creative. Talks a lot. Better in languages than technical subjects like maths. Doesnt stay upset, always smiling. In my opinion, quite mature and understanding for her age.
Temperature pref.- cold. sweats a lot mainly in the hair, head is warm to touch most of the times.
Likes- likes to look nice, nice/clean house and surroundings, lazy to take baths, brush teeth. Slow eater, hardly ever gets thirsty even in summers, craves sweet, likes salty food but not spicy at all.
2) Complaints-
No acute health complaints at present, vaccinated to age. Frequent colds, mostly without coughs, better in ac rooms, flowing in warmth. Nail peeling habit, low water intake. Used to get throat/stomach infections often when we were in Caribbeans. Once hospitalized for dehydration. Passes stools 3/4 times a day. Oily food makes it worse.
Thats all I can think for now.
Let me know if any particular information needed.
Thanks for your time.
1) Inherent personality-
very intelligent, but shy and timid; if given a calm, attentive environment pours her heart out in speaking/activities; averse to crowded, loud, rough, aggressive environment/persons; afraid of crawling insects, doesn't want to face the teachers if homework is not done; afraid of physical activities, getting hurt, water; cannot protect her things,doesn't lie/pretend, very sharing, feels insulted and embarrassed quickly.
Doesn't let go of her point without proper explanation, argues. Needs both parents to feel secure, uncomfortable with strangers or less known people. Takes time to warm up. Choosy abt friends and her things.
Interested in arts, reading, studies; sincere, creative. Talks a lot. Better in languages than technical subjects like maths. Doesnt stay upset, always smiling. In my opinion, quite mature and understanding for her age.
Temperature pref.- cold. sweats a lot mainly in the hair, head is warm to touch most of the times.
Likes- likes to look nice, nice/clean house and surroundings, lazy to take baths, brush teeth. Slow eater, hardly ever gets thirsty even in summers, craves sweet, likes salty food but not spicy at all.
2) Complaints-
No acute health complaints at present, vaccinated to age. Frequent colds, mostly without coughs, better in ac rooms, flowing in warmth. Nail peeling habit, low water intake. Used to get throat/stomach infections often when we were in Caribbeans. Once hospitalized for dehydration. Passes stools 3/4 times a day. Oily food makes it worse.
Thats all I can think for now.
Let me know if any particular information needed.
Thanks for your time.
anu79 last decade
Give her nux. vom. 30c one dose one hour before she goes to bed on three consecutive nights and report after a week. Other general guidelines hold.
♡ maheeru last decade
Hi Maheeru,
I came across some sites that say nux. vom is a poisonous plant and can have side effects like convulsions, that scared me a bit. I know many people take this remedy but just need a reassurance that its safe for a child too.
I came across some sites that say nux. vom is a poisonous plant and can have side effects like convulsions, that scared me a bit. I know many people take this remedy but just need a reassurance that its safe for a child too.
anu79 last decade
Anu, Homeopathic nux vom. 30c doesn't have any material molecule and it's safe for children and adults alike.
♡ maheeru last decade
Hi Maheeru,
I've taken my first dose of argentum nitricum today and will continue as you suggested.
Few more complaints -
I'm 24 weeks along now, haven't put on excessive weight (good thing) but legs/feet swelling in the evening, stomach feels like ready to burst evn when feel hungry. Getting Braxton Hicks contractions 7-8 times a day.
Can we do anything about swelling and braxton hicks?
Rather than taking something as a medicine I'd prefer something like a tonic, as these complaints probably won't be relieved completely in progressing pregnancy.
Is alfalfa safe to take as a tonic? How about avena sative (oatstraw), homeopathic preparation available as a supplement/tonic? I was looking into alfalfa, oatstraw, lavender, barley, wheatgrass, red raspberry leaves, any one or a combination of a few, to be taken in tea or tonic form. No idea abt how safe and homeopathic preps are available.
Plz guide.
I've taken my first dose of argentum nitricum today and will continue as you suggested.
Few more complaints -
I'm 24 weeks along now, haven't put on excessive weight (good thing) but legs/feet swelling in the evening, stomach feels like ready to burst evn when feel hungry. Getting Braxton Hicks contractions 7-8 times a day.
Can we do anything about swelling and braxton hicks?
Rather than taking something as a medicine I'd prefer something like a tonic, as these complaints probably won't be relieved completely in progressing pregnancy.
Is alfalfa safe to take as a tonic? How about avena sative (oatstraw), homeopathic preparation available as a supplement/tonic? I was looking into alfalfa, oatstraw, lavender, barley, wheatgrass, red raspberry leaves, any one or a combination of a few, to be taken in tea or tonic form. No idea abt how safe and homeopathic preps are available.
Plz guide.
anu79 last decade
Can you guide about ' Dr. Reckeweg R75 ' for braxton hicks contractions?
Contents are-
Caulophyllum thalictroides: Fits of lower abdominal spasms.
Chamomilla: Oversensitive state.
Cimicifuga: Sudden flashlike, shooting pains in the lower abdominal region.
Cuprum aceticum: Severe dysmenorrhoea.
Magnesium phosphoricum: Dysmenorrhoea ameliorated by natural discharges such as onset of menses.
Viburnum opulus: Lower abdominal spasm extending in the thighs. Irregular menses.
Contents are-
Caulophyllum thalictroides: Fits of lower abdominal spasms.
Chamomilla: Oversensitive state.
Cimicifuga: Sudden flashlike, shooting pains in the lower abdominal region.
Cuprum aceticum: Severe dysmenorrhoea.
Magnesium phosphoricum: Dysmenorrhoea ameliorated by natural discharges such as onset of menses.
Viburnum opulus: Lower abdominal spasm extending in the thighs. Irregular menses.
anu79 last decade
R75 is not needed now. The same way not so many herbs.
Homeopathic remedies give stimulus to your body to heal. Please give some time for your system.
Arg. nit. can work for braxton hicks and swelling in the stomach. we'll wait and see and if you don't improve another suitable remedy shall be suggested.
R75 is not needed now. The same way not so many herbs.
Homeopathic remedies give stimulus to your body to heal. Please give some time for your system.
Arg. nit. can work for braxton hicks and swelling in the stomach. we'll wait and see and if you don't improve another suitable remedy shall be suggested.
♡ maheeru last decade
sorry for the delayed reply!
I'm doing better on many fronts including braxton hicks, bloating, heart palpitations. Overall feel pretty good.
One recent problem is swelling on face, hands and feet in the morning. Hands and feet tend to get better as day progresses, but swelling surrounding eyes stays for most of the day. Leg cramps at night.
Plz advise further.
I'm doing better on many fronts including braxton hicks, bloating, heart palpitations. Overall feel pretty good.
One recent problem is swelling on face, hands and feet in the morning. Hands and feet tend to get better as day progresses, but swelling surrounding eyes stays for most of the day. Leg cramps at night.
Plz advise further.
anu79 last decade
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