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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

acne sinus and hairfall

acne are under the deep skin which are not curing.this conition is from last 4 years.

acne are spreded on back,some on chest and some on back of neck near head's hair.

initially four year ago there was no sinus condition but now i have,,headache spreaded over whole head. i get relief in headache when i sleep using pillow. my nose is generally closed and ears creak when i drink or eat something. ears ,i feel blocked when i try to clear my nose as nose is closed from one side.

but i want acne treatment first.they are in worst condition. acne lumps are too there under the skin which have no pain.so please help me out.

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  rajat11 on 2010-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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