The ABC Homeopathy Forum
burning itchy scalp with hair loss
i am a mixed (dougla) 18 years old male that have been experiencing hair loss in handfuls for the past week. It all started when i used a hair product called elasta care silk which makes your hai flamable but i also blow dried my hair when it was in my hair so i burned my scalp by mistake, i then washed my hair about 5 times then i put my hair in cornrows two days later. my cousin who platted my hair noticed my scalp was flakin and told me to put t-tree oil/ gresae in my scalp but i forgot but i put olive oil and vaseline, 4 daays later my scalp was itchy to the point it was unbreable so i loosed out my hair but bunches and handful of my curly hair came out in the comb and i was terrified, i then noticed white dandruff looking things in my scalp which was the cause of the itches and the hair loss never stopedd affter that. That was about 5 days ago and now i don't no what to do, ive tried dandruff shampoos, but that makes it worst so can anyone help me please? thank you so much in advance. thanxxx.1todobless on 2010-07-27
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