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Arnica Montana: Bellis Perennis:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

taking doses of arnica 30 and bellis per 30

Joe prescribed this very kindly for my problems. Do I take both together or each separtely after intervals/ the dose is wet with 3 drops twice a day=acapful
  rukku on 2010-07-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In which manner have you been taking these 2 remedies and for how long?

Have they helped you?

You can leave about an hour between remedies.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made up as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also known as Liquid Dilution.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles.
This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is sipped as directed.
Joe De Livera last decade
yes Joe . i have been taking bellis per ever since you prescribed it after the arnica dose. arnica is now on to the 25 th day and very effective i must state but bellis was coomenced this fri. i have kept an interval of 2 hrs between the 2. i also wanted to know:
what is the sequence-is it arnica first and then bellis or vice versa
is the first medicine on an empty stomach?
are there any food which are taboo ?
pl guide me what shd be the interval between food and medicine
can i take water in between if i am thirsty say half an hr after the dose is taken/

shall be grateful for all advice
rukku last decade
I cannot recollect your case which you state was treated by me over 25 days ago. In your own interest it would be better that you copy and paste your case from the original thread on this thread to enable me to get back into the picture. All future advise will then be given only on this thread and not on your previous threads.

I presume that you suffer from some gynecological problem, perhaps Endometriosis with heavy bleeding for which I prescribed both Arnica and Bellis Perennis. If this is the case, I am rather surprised that you have only used Arnica and that you started the Bellis P a couple of days ago. You state that the Arnica helped you and I would like to know how it did so.

I shall respond to your queries after I read your reply.
Joe De Livera last decade
This is what transpired -sorry my dates are mixed up-
enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From rukku on 2010-06-28
12 replies 230 views
i am 54 years old.. for the past 6 months i have been having bleeding and spotting in small quants. I do not know when my period begins and when it ends. Bleeding is ver less even in period. I went fr annual chk up and was told of the thickening uterus fall+2 small 25/29 mm fibroids.. i sleep soundly and generally do not dream. If at all, i dream of my mummy i was very attached to.. I am very uncomfortable with heat.. I keep a bold face and am at my best when under crisis but cant talk it out with anyone when in problem. Not married.. I am averse to veg lkie tinda and turnips but love Plantain curry, greens, earlier used to have junk passion but controlled over 4 years. Overwt at 84 kg but walk everyday. I only had ulcers in left leg in the beg of 2009 and a course of antibios-very strong for nearly 25 days. No other major problems
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Joe De Livera on 2010-06-28
It is obvious that you are close to your Menopause and the irregular bleeding is characteristic of your present predicament.

You mentioned that you suffered from Ulcers in your left leg. Did your doctors diagnose you with Cellulitis ? Did you spend any time in hospital and can you list the antibiotics you were prescribed ?

Your remedy is Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which is made up as follows:

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle which can be used as a dose.

You can also take Nat Phos 6x dose 2 tablets after each of 2 main meals daily to help reduce your weight. You can expect a reduction of 1kg per week but you cannot take any other drugs or remedies as Nat Phos is a very sensitive remedy and will not reduce weight if used with them.

I regret that I cannot help with your Fibroids but it is just possible that the Arnica may help.

Where do you live ?

Please report progress in a week.
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Joe De Livera on 2010-06-28
I failed to state your dosage of Arnica.

You will take a capful of Arnica twice daily
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From rukku on 2010-06-29
Thks. If I take Arnica, will Nat Phos work/
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Joe De Livera on 2010-06-29
I await your response to my query:
'You mentioned that you suffered from Ulcers in your left leg. Did your doctors diagnose you with Cellulitis ? Did you spend any time in hospital and can you list the antibiotics you were prescribed ?'

Nat Phos is not compatible with Arnica for weight reduction.

You will let Arnica help your main ailment and you can then think of Nat Phos to reduce your weight later.
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Mahfoozurrehman on 2010-06-30
dear joe/patient,

If Joe de livera agrees then the following medicine would help you out please study and try.

White Ash

Enlargement of the uterus. Fibrous growths, subinvolution, and prolapse. Uterine tumors, with bearing-down sensations. Fever sores on lips. Cramps in feet. Cold creeping and hot flashes. Infantile eczema.

Head.--Throbbing pain in back of head. Depression, with nervous restlessness, anxiety. Hot spot on top of head.

Female.--Uterus enlarged, and patulous. Watery, unirritating leucorrhœa. Fibroids with bearing-down sensation, cramping in feet, worse in afternoon and night. Dysmenorrhœa.

Abdomen.--Tenderness in left inguinal region; bearing-down pain, extending down thigh.

Relationship.--Compare: Fraxinus excelsior-European Ash --(Gout; rheumatism. Infusion of ash-leaves. Rademacher). Galega--(Goat's Rue-Backache; debility; anæmia and impaired nutrition. Increases the quantity and quality of the milk in nursing women, also the appetite). Epiphegus; Sepia; Lilium.

Dose.--Ten to fifteen drops of tincture, three times a day.

dr. mahfooz
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Joe De Livera on 2010-06-30
To Mahfoozurrehman

Your suggestion of prescribing Fraxinum Americana is interesting but I have never used this remedy and cannot therefore prescribe it to the patient confidently.

I prescribed Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as I have had some success with women who were close to their Menopause who presented similar symptoms which can even be continuous bleeding which you may like to know was arrested in a few cases overnight when their doctors could only prescribe Folic Acid which did not help in the least. I am indeed surprised that there is no equivalent to Arnica to stop bleeding in this manner which I believe is continuous.

Arnica will also help to treat her other problem:
'I only had ulcers in left leg in the beg of 2009 and a course of antibios-very strong for nearly 25 days. No other major problems'.

This can indicate Cellulitis and I have many patients who have been in and out of hospital where their doctors seemed incapable of preventing another episode of Cellulitis which they can only cure with the most powerful of antibiotics like Augmentin which leaves the patient in a state of prostration for weeks after.

Arnica guarantees that Cellulitis never affects the patient again as it opens up the micro capillaries under the skin and thereby ensures that the debris and bacteria do not have any chance of getting settled in and causing a lesion.

We can consider your remedy after her irregular bleeding has been arrested.

Thank you for your suggestion which as I state is one that I have not used so far.
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From rukku on 2010-07-09
Dear Jose
I shd have come back earlierbut first things first-
Your prescription has done me a lot of good.-I shall list this
a) I am not experiencing the kind of pelvic+lower back pain i was going through before i started on the course.
b) the bleeding and spotting is on the decline but has not ceased
c) I sleep better and feel less stressed

I would need more advice. T underwent my annual med chk up recently. I wd give the stats later tonight-but the reading was that the uterus was further enlarged, the right ovary was not visible and it red like the endometrial echoes were higher. A DnC is being recommended but my clleagues do not advocate this as the experience is not satisfactory. What wd you suggest Shall be grateful for guidance. Shd I also continue with the dosage/course?
I am yet to reply on the cellulites Problem as my medical records are in another building I am arranging to have them shifted to where I work now. But, I did not undergo any hospitalisation.
regards and anxiously await guidance
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Joe De Livera on 2010-07-09
Glad to note that Arnica has done you some good.

You stated:
'the reading was that the uterus was further enlarged, the right ovary was not visible and it red like the endometrial echoes were higher'

I am not a gynecologist and cannot advice you on a D&C. You have made reference to 'endometrial echoes' and I am wondering if your main problem is Endometriosis on which I shall copy some information from the link below:


Endometriosis affects an estimated 1 in 10 women during their 'reproductive years' (that's the years between starting your period and menopause). This is approximately176 million women worlwide, who have endometriosis - regardless of their ethnic and social background.

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (the endometrial stroma and glands, which should only be located inside the uterus) is found elsewhere in the body.

Endometriosis lesions can be found anywhere in the pelvic cavity: on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, and on the pelvic sidewall. Other common sites include the uterosacral ligaments, the cul-de-sac, the Pouch of Douglas, and in the rectal-vaginal septum.

In addition, it can be found in caecarian-section scars, laparoscopy or laparotomy scars, and on the bladder, bowel, intestines, colon, appendix, and rectum. But these locations are not so common.

In even more rare cases, endometriosis has been found inside the vagina, inside the bladder, on the skin, even in the lung, spine, and brain.

The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain. The pain often correlates to the menstrual cycle, but a woman with endometriosis may also experience pain that doesn’t correlate to her cycle. For many women, the pain of endometriosis is so severe and debilitating that it impacts their lives in significant ways.

Endometriosis can also cause scar tissue and adhesions to develop that can distort a woman’s internal anatomy. In advanced stages, internal organs may fuse together, causing a condition known as a 'frozen pelvis.'

It is estimated that 30-40% of women with endometriosis may not be able to have children (if you suspect you suffer from infertility, please see our section on endometriosis and infertility)

If you or someone you care about has endometriosis, it is important to research the disease as much as possible. Many myths and misconceptions about endometriosis still persist, even in medical literature. For many women, management of this disease may be a long-term process. Therefore, it is important to educate yourself, take the time to find a good doctor, and consider joining a local support group.

I have treated many cases of Endometriosis with Bellis Perennis 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. I have even saved 2 ladies from Hysterectomies as their respective gynecologists did not know how to stop the pain and the bleeding they were suffering from for over a year.

It is possible that you too suffer from this ailment although you have not been diagnosed with it by your doctors. If you can quote your diagnosis report, it will enable me to advise you further. In the meanwhile I would suggest that you too use this remedy and you can expect to see some positive result in about a month or earlier when you should experience a reduction of your pain level and also your bleeding.

You are already aware of how to make the Wet dose and you can report your response in a few weeks.
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From rukku on 2010-07-11
dear jose
i promised to get back with details.
the 2009 sonography analysis of the pelvis was
impression-' the bladder was distended and its walls were normal.
The uterus was midline and anteverted. its contours are are irregular anteriorly.it is bulky and measures 11.6x4.8x6.9cm.Endometrial echoes are linear measure 9mm .2 mymometrial fibroids are present,measuringpresensize 29 and 25 mmt .Cervix is normal. Both ovaries are normal in size, contour and echotexture.there is no pelvic mass or lymphadenopathy.
conclusion-bulky fibroid uterus.
2010 report reads- the same with following changes
'uterus is buly and measures 12.6x6.1x8cm.endometrial echoes are thickened and measure 17mm. left ovary not seen

conclusion: bulky uterus with fibroid. endometrial thickening.

any thoughts? shd i not try Bellis Perennis?

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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Joe De Livera on 2010-07-11
As you are aware, I have cured many cases of Endometriosis with Bellis Perennis but have no experience in reducing Fibroids for which Mahfooz has suggested Fraxinus Americana. I am therefore in unknown territory in prescribing it but I presume that Mahfooz has some experience in its use.

The notes of Boericke's Materia Medica for Fraxinus Americana that he copied fit your picture and it is likely that it can help you:

'Enlargement of the uterus. Fibrous growths, subinvolution, and prolapse. Uterine tumors, with bearing-down sensations. Fever sores on lips. Cramps in feet. Cold creeping and hot flashes. Infantile eczema. '

Please order the 6c potency and make the Wet dose in the same manner that you have made the Arnica and take it thrice daily.

Let us hope that it will help you and you will please report your response weekly.
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Mahfoozurrehman on 2010-07-12
dear joe,

I have prescribed this medicine in mother tinture to 10-15 patient have have got very good results but it takes some long time say 2/3 month. This is a reliable medicine hower boericke has recommended also in mother tinture.

dr. mahfooz
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Re: enlarged uterus and irregular bleeding From Joe De Livera on 2010-07-12
Dear Mahfooz

Thank you for your response.

Thank you for reminding me about Fraxinus Americana which I would not have prescribed otherwise. This is the great advantage of sharing our combined knowledge on an open Forum like the ABC as all of us who are dedicated to Homeopathy can benefit by sharing our knowledge and it is eventually the patient who benefits with his/her ailment being cured rapidly.

As you are perhaps aware, I am not a professional qualified Homeopath as this Science is to me only a Hobby and I delight in helping anyone who consults me completely free of charge. I am 81 years of age and am convinced that I am privileged to enjoy my life by the Arnica that I take nightly which ensures that I do not suffer from any aches or pain considered normal at my advanced age with BP
rukku last decade
I do not have the time to go through every word on your last post where you have copied and pasted many.

If you wish to have any advice from me, please specify what exactly you wish to know.
Joe De Livera last decade
I began my post first with an enlarged uterus and frequent/irregular blleding which was not ceasing post period also. So Arnica 30c was prescribed. Thereafter I got my annual Health chk report which gave indications of increasing endometrical echoes. So Bellis Per 30 c was also recommended. My first post for Arnica was dated June 28 2010.

I reported improvements in th Pelvic pain and bleeding which has not totally ceased. But after the prescription of 2 medicines , i wanted to know abt the time interval between the dosage,sequence for the 2 medicines, diet restrictions if any, intake of water after the dosage. Shall be grateful for the guidance.
rukku last decade
I hope that you realize that as a result of your posting separate threads whenever you wish to report your progress you have ended up in a series of confusing posts which you cannot expect me to read although it is necessary that I do so to help you. Please do not do so in future and post your response on this thread exclusively. You must understand that you are not the only patient I try to help as you can read from the many posts on the Home page of the ABC today and unless the patient keeps his problem to the same thread it is virtually impossible to maintain a continuity of treatment.

From your post above I presume that I prescribed both Arnica 30 and Bellis P 30 in the Wet dose to be taken twice daily but you state that you only took the Arnica for your bleeding and that it did not help you completely although you did so later when you were diagnosed with Endometriosis.

You have now requested guidance in the use of these two remedies and if you read my first post you will discover that your questions would have been answered at that time. All that you need to do today is to refer to my first post and follow the therapy indicated precisely as prescribed.

Answering your questions:

You will keep about an hour between remedies which must be taken twice daily.

No coffee and preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter.

Drink plenty of water up to 3 ltrs daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Rukku

I came across this thread on the ABC which dates back to August 2010 and would like to have an update on your present condition.
Joe De Livera last decade

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