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Crotalus Horridus:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Crotalus Horridus Dosage for children 6yrs. age

Dear Sir,

This is my first post. My daughter is suffering from ITP since March 2010. With IVIg infusion and later some herbal medication, she gradually achieved a platelet count of more than 100,000. But 15 days ago, due to some cold and fever, and antibiotic used for it to treat, her count decreased to 10,000. I had to give her Phos 30C once daily for 7 days and with no visible improvement, I gave her Crotalus H. 6C once daily for last three days, alongwith Phos 30C once daily, AM and PM. Now at the 2nd day of Crot, I saw some aggravation, but from today, the third day, I started seeing some improvements. Like Petechiae and bruises are diminishing and overall her skin started looking good.

As I have heard, for homeopathic remedy, when improvement is seen, the remedy should be stopped.

My question to all fellow doctor is, should I repeat Crot. and Phos. again for suchalittle 6 years child, or stop it and just now wait to see what happens?

Will taking Crot. H. 6C for more than 3 days (single days everyday) harm my daughter?

Please reply fast. In August end, I am going to take her to a renowened homeopath who practices classical homeopathy so that she could be fully cured, so before this, should I repeat the dose of Crot H. or Phos. or continue Phos. alone?

  GuluGulu on 2010-07-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are playing with fire. Something which has great power to cure has a great power to cause harm as well. You would cause great harm to your child with these methods.

Do not do anything till you take her to the classical homeopath.
sameervermani last decade

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