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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please post your mental and physical symptoms in detail especially the color of discharges, pus etc., if any?

We will go from there to evaluate the remedy and dosage.

A bundle of more prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
I don't have any changes in discharges. Same post nasal congestion with drainage-greenish. My abscess in tooth is better for now-it comes and goes. My gums bleed when I brush and floss my teeth. My mouth is less irritated the last few days, but this comes and goes. My tongue always shows imprint of teeth on edges. I have had several herpes outbreaks the last few days. But I also ate chocolate which can trigger an outbreak.
My skin-where I am uncovered is very dry, lips pealing and dry.
I have had frequent headaches on the top of my head and down to behind my eyes.
Mentally -I want to be alone and feel relieved when I can be at home more. I don't want to deal with difficult people right now. When I am with people its OK, but I do get tired and sometimes bored.
This is not unusual for me, but right now I have 4 days home alone and I am protecting them. I was too much looking forward to this time! I just love to be alone and able to do whatever I want with no interference. My life has not given me alot of alone time so I treasure it. But I am having a bit of trouble being focused on the things I planned to do.
gardenerd last decade

I am glad you are taking the wise steps. Indeed, it is good to be alone sometime as it gives you a chance to ponder, explore and ask what is this all about?

Well, this will be very short. I am requesting you to repeat Thuja 200c, 3 doses as taken before in one day.

Many prayers for your happiness.

nawazkhan last decade
Alright I will take the doses today.
Thank You
gardenerd last decade
Hello Nawaz
Yesterday the merc sol 200c, that you had told me to order arrived. I am not sure when you want me to take this. I think it was indicated for the abscess in my gum, which comes and goes. Right now it is not active. I took the further 3 doses in one day of the Thuja 3 or 4 days ago. My cyst continues to shrink without visible drainage. For two days I have not been constipated-but this can also vary for me, so it will take more time to tell if this is cured.
Yesterday I noticed something, that I have not paid clear attention to before, but I think has been going on for a while. When I read out loud to my daughter it is very noticeable-my tongue is too large in the back and gets between my teeth and irritated. It makes it difficult and uncomfortable to speak clearly. Also as I said before I have the imprint of my teeth on my tongue.

As a 'student' of homepathy I have as yet, little understanding of how you dose and how you know how often to take a dose. How do you decide this? It seems a mystery to me still and something so individual.
I am thankful for your help. The fact that my cyst is disappearing makes me so happy. It had grown so large and uncomfortable!!
I will wait to hear from you
gardenerd last decade
Dear Gardenerd,

How are you doing today? I hope we can talk to you freely now? Are you opened to the outside world now?

How was the by yourself experience, please share?

Let's wait on Merc Sol 200C.

Please describe in detail about your tongue being too large? Is it a new symptom?

Homoeopathy is not easy. It is an art. The heart of the whole thing is potency selection after a correct remedy has been selected taking into account the miasm, state and symptoms. This comes with skill and experience, therefore, please be patient as it will take some time for you to understand dosage.

What are your current mental and physical issues?

A bundle of prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
It was very nice to be by myself-though not long enough. I never mind being alone and had no desire for company. I did have to go out to events two times and was happy to get home. Now my family is back and the most difficult thing is when they both talk to me at once or do not speak clearly. My hearing makes it hard to understand voices unless single and clearly spoken.
We had a sad event 2 days ago when our dog had puppies and 2 were too large and died. I was distraught and it takes me a few days to feel happy again. We also have a friend whose health is a grave concern and that is on my mind each day.
What I like best in being alone is not to bother with anyone by myself. Also I think about my family and how thankful I am for them. Especially my husband. I am able to focus on his very good points and not the small things I allow to annoy me.
It also felt good when alone to get the house very clean.
The tongue symptom is not new, but I have just recognized it as a symptom. Does that make sense? I have noted the teeth imprint in my tongue for years, but did not realize it was from my teeth. As far as my tongue feeling too large-that has only been evident to me for a few months. I'm sorry to say that often I just get used to things as they are and don't realize change. But when I looked at my tongue yesterday I realized it was large and flabby and I have constant soreness in back where it hits my teeth. As I had several of my mercury fillings removed in the last year I had looked on line of signs of mercury poisoning at my daughters insistence and then realized that my tongue was not right. For several years I had felt that I had more difficulty reading out loud and speaking some sounds clearly. But I can't say when it all started.

So my current mental issues are of some stress because of the puppies (the mother and living puppies are in our room at first and keep me somewhat awake-but it is necessary) and our friends health. I think I feel more concern for him because I believe he could be helped with homeopathy and I wish I was able to help, but am not. I still have great difficulty knowing what to use for a cold! I think I have found someone he can go to, but still need to convince him. It is a big concern for all of us that know and love him.
Physically I have new herpes sores and my tongue irritating me and each day I hope I am not constipated. I also just seem to have chronic low grade headache.
Thank you for your patience, I'm sorry I write so long
gardenerd last decade
Thanks for the details.

So, now is the time I feel to take a dose of Merc. Sol. 200C. Please take one dose as you please. Report progress in a couple of days.

What are the issues with your friend?

Do you have Ignatia Amara with you?

Good Luck.

Many prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
Our friend has exophthalmia quickly worsening and his thyroid blood levels are frighteningly high. He has many issues in his life with the death of his father-who he and his family cared for and the previous deaths of his mother and sister. He also has many suppressions, etc and probably needs to see a homeopath in person. I don't know. But all of his family and friends are frightened for him as the doctors think his situation is highly volatile. He does not want to think about it right now with all of the family there and him in a new job.
I will take the merc sol. I probably have ignatia, I will look.
Thank you for your help
gardenerd last decade

Yes, it appears that he should see a good doctor asap.

nawazkhan last decade
Hello Nawaz,
It has been a week or so since I took the Merc Sol 200C I have not noticed any change yet. Should I take another dose? I don't seem to be very responsive to the remedies-why would that be? I don't drink coffee or have chocolate very often. I do like my food spicy, but have not used as much spice as usual.
I was at the chiropractor with a friend and he tested me for mercury toxicity-which I showed at his testing. He wants to do Brain integration therapy to help my body rid itself of mercury. Should I wait to do that and let the remedy work?
My tongue is still bothering me and makes talking and reading out loud difficult.
Though there is improvement in my stool-so maybe I just need to be more patient!
Thanks for your help and prayers.
gardenerd last decade
Hello Nawaz
I don't think you received my last post, so I will try again.
Also last night was an anxious sleep for me and today I feel very irritated and impatient.
Last night in my sleep I was always thinking of a job in front of me. Every time I woke up I was thinking of it and going over silly details. When I woke up this morning I just felt irritated with everyone and overwhelmed by the different responsibilities ahead of me that I need to reconcile.
At night I could not shut my mind off. I hate this. I have also just been down in general.
Any advice. Please read my last post also.
Good new is our friend with thyroid problems has talked at length with a homeopath and is on a strong remedy now for 3 days. He is very hopeful and so appreciated the time the Dr spent with him-very different than allopathic experience he is used to
gardenerd last decade
Hi Gardenerd,

How are you doing today? Please relax.

I would like you to take Kali Phosphoricum 30C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 3 days.

I am happy for your friend and his homoeopathic treatment. I wish him good health soon.

How is your tongue and other mouth problems? Is there any drooling? I don't think you have much mercury in your system, but, it is always a good idea to get it tested.

How is your cyst and other issue with SG?

A bundle of more prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
Thank you for your reply
Today has not been so good, but I know I need to change my attitude and not worry.
I think that it is hard for me when I have responsibilities that involve a group and I am the central person in charge.
But really my life problems are so small that I know I am overreacting and that I should instead be thankful.

I have the Kali Phos 30C in pellet-should I just dissolve 1 or 2 pellets in water as I have done with the other remedies?
My tongue and mouth is unchanged. Sometimes the tip has a sore on it. Only drooling with excess talking. Why do you think not much mercury? Would I have much worse symptoms? He did test me with muscle testing and it showed mercury, but I don't know if it indicates quantity. I will go back to him sometime, but I do think that homeopathy is what will help me.

The cyst has gotten very small-smaller than an almond. It has been that size now for several weeks and doesn't seem to be getting less now. But I am hopeful. Other SG issues seem unchanged-warts, etc.

Thank you for your kind help
gardenerd last decade
Please go ahead and take 2 pellets nicely dissolved with a spoon.
nawazkhan last decade
I find I don't have the Kali Phos so will need to pick it up on thurs when I go to town. I'll start then
Thank You
gardenerd last decade

No problem, but, we must address the current mental conditions asap.

Therefore, please take Natrum Muriaticum 6X, 4 pellets, 3 times a day, for 2 days only. I believe you have this remedy in your stock.

Please let me know how it went in a couple of days?

So, pick up the Kali Phos 30C on Thursday.

You see you are what you are that your creator has made you that way for a purpose. You are strong with a soldier like mind that is a blessing. But, sometimes these worldly affairs and dealing with people (COI) can get you by making you turn off.

May God bless you and please stay strong and healthy?

nawazkhan last decade
OK I'll start. Yes, you are right-what does COI stand for?
gardenerd last decade
Circle Of Influence.

May God The Almighty bless you?

nawazkhan last decade
Have you had a good bloodwork test? What about your children do they show any gonorrhea symptoms?

Normally if you have gonorrhea for a long period of time and it is not successfully treated, then it can make you unable to have children.

You might be able to find more info here on gonorrhea.biz
std guru last decade
I haven't had any blood work done for quite a few years. I contracted gonnorhea in 1972 and was treated in 73 with penicillin. After that I had 3 children, the 3rd was born with a deteriorating brain condition and died in 8 yrs. I don't know if it was caused by gonnorhea. She had an infection in her eyes at birth that they tested as that and my husband and I were tested-the test was negative, but we were both treated again anyways. the babies test was done in a small weekly clinic which could easily have been contaminated. I had two more children after that.
I first suspected gonnorhea when reading Kent's lectures and began to understand about chronic miasms. I don't think that medical blood test show these.
One daughter has had a tumor removed from her left ovary-and is under a homeopaths treatment. I believe it was from her inherited miasm. another daughter has chronic nasal congestion and there are other symptoms in the family. The youngest daughter has many moles-she is 13.
I hope that someday they can all have homeopathic care including my husband.

It is interesting that we were not infertile. Quite the opposite. We each have one daughter born before the gonnorhea.
The miasms are terrible things and it is sad to pass this on. We have 8 grandchildren and 4 more this year.
This drives me in my study
please if you have more info let me know.
I am believing that the treatment that Nawaz is directing will cure me in time
Than you
gardenerd last decade
Hi Gardenerd,

How are you doing today? Please post your symptoms as well after taking NM? Also, if KP taken as planned?

Not all SG patients transfer problems to their children! And you are luckily one of them! Each patient has unique situation such as timing, treatment and circumstances. Well, this will lead to a long discussion. Probably later I will write more as I am very busy right now. But, the fact of the matter is that you are OK.

Happy Monday!

A bundle of more prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
You don't think my daughters tumor a result of inherited SG? I wonder about this and other issues in the family. We have always eaten well and for that reason are fairly healthy, but I think we should feel better.
I did take the NM and as before I felt a lifting of spirits that I don't think is coincidence. I also took the KP as you told me. The first night was bad-I felt very wired and unable to sleep well. It seemed the noise in my ears was worse and my mood worse. It was a little less the next day and the next, but still distressing. I wondered if I was proving the remedy as it made me worse not better.
I think the NM is always helpful, but not sure about the KS.
I am some better now-but not sleeping well, but there is a reason for that in that we have an orphan lamb that I bottle feed at night. He was rejected by his mother. Soon he will be able to go out with the others-one more week. As usual I feel responsibility a great deal and don't sleep well.
I am trying to evaluate my life and see what can be eliminated-but we do have a farm and the animals are a big part.
My mood is also low, but it has also rained almost constantly the last few weeks and no sun makes a difference in mood. when the rain stops it will be time for the garden work. I try to stay in shape throughout the winter, but inevitably the physical work can lead to stiffness and pain and back aches, etc. But I love to work in the soil and be outdoors.
It is always good to hear your cheerful emails
gardenerd last decade
Hello Nawaz,
Yesterday I thought for a while that I was getting a cold, but in the evening realized that my tooth (upper right molar) was abscessing again.
I woke up this morning with swelling and pain. It seems to happen every few months. The gum is red a swollen and affects my sinuses and their is pain under the lower right jaw where I suspect the infection is draining. What can I do?
gardenerd last decade

Please take a dose of Merc. Sol. 200C, 2 drops nicely mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, only one dose.

Report progress in 2 days.

Many prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
I took the merc sol 2 days ago.
That day there was some relief and drainage soon after I took the merc. That day I was emotionally worn though from the pain and didn't want to think too hard. Yesterday though better than the first day, I still had a lot of pain, but not the pressure, could feel soreness below my ear also, there is still an infection in there and the gum and lower jaw feel bruised and sore. Yesterday morning I spit out some green mucus from my throat. I have been very tired. It painful to chew on that side, but I have already lost the molars on the other side so this is where I do the most chewing. It feels good to drink hot tea and put hot cloth on my cheek. I hope it is not too late to save this tooth-it is slightly loose.
Thank you
gardenerd last decade

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