The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Baby and lack of appetite
My daughter was born with several ventricular septal defects and an atrial septal defect. She had to be tube fed most of her life. Had surgery at 4 months old and her heart was repaired.We removed the tube at 5.5 months and let her get hungry.
She started eating, but very small quantities, she gets easily satiated after 1.5 or 2 oz, and then goes on for two or three hours without eating. She's happy and energetic, but she's not gaining any weight. She's now 8 months old and weights 14.5 lbs. Is there any remedy I can give her to increase her appetite? I wonder if the tube feedings messed up her whole hunger cycle. She also suffers from reflux and takes 22.5 mg/day of omeprazole.
Thank you,
marynyc77 on 2010-08-22
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