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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


In order to overcome my irritability especially with my children, I did the questionnaire for the Remedy Finder and the advice was stramonium.
I tried it from the local store and they adviced the 35k. I don't know if you are familiar with this potency, I live in Italy, you see. What can say, except that a miracle happened! From the very first day, my irritability and proneness to rage always controlled with much effort that only added more irritability, disappeared completely; now I see my children when they annoy him as just children, rather than a capital enemy. I have taken it for four days so far, three pellets in the morning only and I am perfectly cured. I still cannot believe it. Now I need some further help which is not given by the Remedy Finder. For how long should I take it? i am worried that my symptoms should come back because I feel finally free from unpleasant feelings, a different person alltogether nd perceived as such. I repeat I have no symptoms left at the moment.
I appreciat your help so much and I think this forum is doing so much for my family more than psychologists have done for years!
  albapapa on 2010-09-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It seems that the remedy has worked for you.You may stop the remedy now and wait till its action is complete.
You may repeat the remedy in future, if needed.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
Dear dr Saravanan
I stopped the stramonium 35K and after few days (4or 5) the symptoms came back, not as bad as before. In the meantime I have to say I had three very long and beautiful dreams, mainly about homes and places, full of very realsitic details, I have to say that I normall don't remember my dreams if i dream at all. However i took the stramonium 35k again and I am still taking it now, I don't think the benefit was as marked as the first time. What is your advice on this? The first time I felt peaceful and centered, I felt less impatient and not always in a hurry. I could say that I felt more adult. Now I don't feel as irritable as before the stramonium, but not as well as the first reaction. The dreams which i loved have stopped too and I am still a bit irritable and have some episodes when i have to control my rage over things that make me impatient.
Thank you
albapapa last decade
You may now stop Stramonium 35K and wait for a while.
In future you can take Stramonium in a higher potency (occasional doses), if needed.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
One of the reasons the remedy may be becoming less effective is that you are taking it as a dry dose - the little sugar pillules. In order to extend the usefulness of any remedy it needs to be made into a wet dose - where the pillules are dissolved into a mixture of water and alcohol.

This must be done in order to increase the power of the medicine, which must be slightly more powerful each time you take it. This is in accordance with Hahnemann's instructions in the Organon of Medicine.

Get a small bottle with a dropper. Mix 1 part alcohol (such as brandy or vodka) with 4 parts water. Dissolve 2 of the pillules into this, and then hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand twice. Place 1 drop into 1/4 cup ( 62mls) of water, stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth.

Each time you take a dose, repeat this from the point where you hit the bottle twice. If the medicine becomes less effective again, then hit the bottle 3 times, then 4 times. Only increase the number of hits if this happens.

As Dr. Saravanan says, you may also need a higher potency as well. Going up too quickly however can create a large aggravation and may not work out so well. But if the instructions I have given do not work it would be the next logically step.

There is of course the possiblity that the medicine is not your Simillimum (perfect match) but only a Similar (close to the remedy you need). This will become clear as you go up in potency, because the higher potencies will not work very well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you BrisbaneHomeopath for your suggestions.I too agree with the wet dose with succussions.Hope this may help Albapapa.Let us wait and watch.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
Dear dr Saravanan
I followed your advice with the wet dose of Stramonium, but I have to say that the benefits are not as marked as before. You suggested that in this case it could mean that is not my simillimum after all, how do I find out?
Thank you
albapapa last decade
The next step would be to move up in potency before deciding if the medicine is indeed your simillimum.

35CK is only a medium level potency, and your expression of your disease may need a higher potency. I would move up to the next potency.

I do not use the CK potencies but the CH potencies - there is a difference in the way they are made, but I do not know if this difference has any effect on the result for a patient.

The standard potency scale is 30 -> 200 -> 1000. Whatever the next potency you can order from your supplier, I would get that.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I agree with BrisbaneHomeopath.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
Dear doctors
I can order ch potencies from a local store, please advice me on the potency I should order
Thank you
albapapa last decade
Order the next one up from 35 - it depends on what they have.

My advice would be to try 100 or 200.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well said by Brisbanehomeopath.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
Should I take it in pills or prepare the wet dose as well, following the procedure you suggested for the 35K?
albapapa last decade
I think Wet dose may be better.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
dear dr saravanan and brisbanehomeopath, you suggested that if the stramonium action faded I should go up in potency and that is what I did. I took stramonium 200ch (from 35k) in the wet dose, but I cannot say it is helping anymore. I am quite irritable and sometimes I lose my temper over very small things with my children. I shout at them, and while I am doing it i know that it is not propotionate to the case. My problem has always been impatience and I took this from my father. I cannot wait for anything and ovbviously I cannot have the necessary patience that you need for children who by necessity are slow. You said that if the stramomium stopped being beneficial it meant that it is not my simillimum. So what do you suggest next? I sleep well, though in the morning I am often tired because I am allergic to mould and I leave in a mouldy area, though the home itself is dry. I am menopausal, but i cannot say that so far I have any annoying sympotms, the irritability has always been there since my adolescence, while as a child I was very peaceful and agreeable. I would appreciate further suggestions.
thank you
albapapa last decade
It is certain that Stramonium is not the right remedy, it appears that it was just palliating your symptoms.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Can you help me somehow to find the right remedy?
albapapa last decade
Myself or someone else might be able to make some suggestions.

Can you present a complete picture of the problem here? Talk about it in great detail, when it happens, what stirs it up, the specific feelings and reactions you have. Also present any unrelated problems you have, mental emotional or physical.

When giving any symptom, whatever level it is affecting, you must try to present it in the following format:

What is it? + What does it feel like? + When does it happen? + What makes it worse? + What makes it better? + When did it start? + What else happens at the same time or just before or just after it?

I tend to need quite alot of information to feel comfortable guiding people to remedies with confidence - just a warning :)

Let me know if you wish to stop at any time - typically I work in a face-to-face situation where there is privacy to discuss personal issues. A public forum can be somewhat constraining for my particular style and may not feel very comfortable to people seeking help. Others here may be happy to stop at certain points to make suggestions.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It is, I think, impatience that becomes anger or viceversa. It feels like impatience that becomes anger, but it could be the other way round for what i know. And it happens when my children don't understand or don't do what I tell them to do or when they are slow. Other similar instances of impatience with people who are not my children are not so overwhelming, generally, and however, if it happens it does not bother me so much.
It feels like I have to control myself to not rush them all the time, or get angry any time they do something wrong, even if it is due simply to their tender age, 5 and 6. For example, I try to avoid helping them with their homework, because I know that it will make me nervous and eventually i will explode if after I have explained something once or twice they don't get it. Tiredness and illness due to allergy or anything else makes it worst. It feels like I am abusing my power because I am a very aware person and I really dislike losing my patience so easily. When the stramonium helped, in the beginning, I felt in general happier and less stressed, I felt more adult and less childish, I felt as if i could cope naturally with things that normally try my patience. It felt as if a weight was lifted from my head and I was free from my father and my past. It felt as if I was able to do the most rational and easiest thing in such circumstances, rather than being carried away for no reason and oppressing the children for their legitimate incapacity to fulfill certain expectations. For example: if I was asking my son a certain question about his homework and he didn't know the answer, I would do the most rational thing, that is pass to another question, or help him out with hints. Instead, a typical situation is where I ask a question and if he doesn't know the answer, I will insist on that question, until I get an answer, creating a very stressful situation for both. Or another example would be if they are getting ready and they are slow. Rather than encouraging them to hurry, I wait and then prefer to catch them out and tell them off. When did it start? I don't know exactly. I used to be a very peaceful and agreeable child, though, I remember one instance of cruelty towards a baby when i was ten years old. I remember that this baby, son of a friend, never cried and for some reason I wanted to see him crying. So I left him on a window sill while I went around the building. As I became an adolescent, my irritability and nervousness surfaced more and more. I could not sleep if there was the slightest noise, and still now i could not sleep without ear plugs. I used to be very lazy with homework, but as I progressed into adolescence I became very studious and in fact, I am now a philosopher, and I have written several books and essays. So I am very aware of myself, nonetheless I cannot change with the only help of my mind.
I don't know if i have been sufficiently informative. If you require more details, please ask.
Thank you
albapapa last decade
I wish to add that the other pleasant effect I had with stramonium in the beginning was the capacity to attend a task without feeling hurried to finish it quickly and focus just on that. I had never realized before that I was hurried all the time.
albapapa last decade
Ok there are some interesting points there.

So the issue of impatience and hurry is only with your children?

What is it that your children do wrong that upsets you so much?

What is the feeling of being impatient or angry (how does it feel in the body)?

Describe the tiredness.

How slight a noise disturbs your sleep?

What is is the feeling when others are going slow?

How are you in other situations where there may be waiting or delays? (traffic, queues etc)
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I suppose the issue with hurry and impatience is general. I don't like to wait for people if they are late(I will call them several times to hurry them), for food (i will start before it is ready. It is not so bad with traffic and cues, though I will do everything is in my power to avoid them. It is quite bad with people in the road. But with my children the issue is complicated by the fact that I don't like to be harsh with them (normally I am very affectionate and effusive mother). It is also complicated by the fact that their very helplessness which should touch me and make me more tolerant, makes me furious at times. If they don-t know how to do something, this will irritate me and I might leave them to do it, rather than helping them as I know I should. Thre is this feeling of 'you must be able to do it'.
As for the question:How does it feel in your body? It feels like a growing irritation that can become rage if not controlled, a rage expressed often with shouting, rarely with a smack. After I have expressed this irritation, I don't feel better, I feel more nervous and tired than before.
The tiredness is listlessness and fogginess when my allergy to mould is very bad. But this only makes my fuse shorter, it is not the cause of my impatience and irritation which is there regardless.
The noises that prevent me from sleeping are those that would not bother anybody, like the breathing of somebody in the room (let alone snoring), the little crackling that you can ear in furniture when the room is quiet. Really the slightest noise will prevent me from sleeping and if I am falling asleep will wake me up. As a child I was the type who would wake up if the electricity went off during the night and the room was completely dark.
The feeling when others are going slow is that I feel my impatience growing and that all I can think of is that they should hurry up. Whilst I could think or do something else. Of course if I am doing something else and I am engrossed in it, I am not bothered.
albapapa last decade
From that description, the remedy could be Sulphuric acid (Sul-ac).

Materia Medica of Sul-ac:

Impatient, Hurried
Must do everything in a great hurry.
Angry and impatient because things move so slowly.
Irritable over slightest cause.
Nervous fatigue.
No-one does anything to please him.
Impatience about trifles.
Nervous and anxious to get things done in time - cannot relax.
Anger, indisposed to talk.
Anger, at trifles.
Sleep disturbed by the slightest noise.

All the Acids are very prominent for fatigue, weakenss and exhaustion. In Sul-ac you typically see a combination of Extreme Hurriedness and Fatigue.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It seems appropriate and I suppose the only way to find out is to try it. Also the indisposition to talk is a trait that corresponds to me. Please, could you advice me on the right dosage?
Thank you
albapapa last decade
If you can get it, I would suggest 200c, one single dose. Getting a liquid dose if you can.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear doctor
I took the Sulphuric acid as you prescribed two weeks ago. I found an improvement. I am less angry and irritable but still find it difficult to things calmly(while I do something I keep thinking about what I will do next and I can't wait to finish), the impatience is till there. Do you think I should repeat it or try something eles?
albapapa last decade

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