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Arnica Montana: Arsenicum Album:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Antidote--arsenicum album & arnica montana

After taking arnica, got digestive problems--gnawing, and Occasional stuck feeling in throat.

Took arsenicum for an antidote, and now majority of time only have the stuck feeling in the throat, and no gnawing.

How do I get rid of the throat stuck feeling?

thank you
  oymeem on 2010-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are you still having this problem?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, I still sometimes have this problem.
However, my original problem (gnawing in GI, acid reflux), brought on by the arnica montana, has also improved since taking arsenicum (for an antidote)!
oymeem last decade
So you still have the stuck feeling in the throat?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
yes, I still have the stuck-throat, at times. Before it was most of the time.
thanks a lot
oymeem last decade
Can you describe in great detail this 'stuck' feeling. Give my a description that would allow me to understand it as if I had it. Use images if necessary to help me undestand the sensation. Then describe to me how you manage the feeling day-to-day, and what aggravates or improves it even if only temporarily.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The stuck feeling was there all the time after taking arsenicum for an antitode.

But, now it seems to be more generally associated sometimes after I eat something.
Generally, in the left side of the throat, it feels like something is stuck in the throat. The symptoms improve on their own (sometimes by burping).
thank you
oymeem last decade
I might be able to suggest something if you describe it in great detail. Use images to describe it, describe it 'as if' you can see what is there. What would I have to do to imagine the same sensation? How do you manage the problem day-to-day?

So far I have

- stuck without any definition(what is stuck? how is it stuck? use other words for stuck)
- left side
- ameliorate burping (what does the burping feel like it does?)
- aggravated after eating (eating anything in particular? when does it start after eating? what does it feel like the food does to create the stuck feeling? does drinking ever do it?)

The more you can tell me the more exact my suggestion will be.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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