The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Attn : Dr. Joe - Case of Anal Fistula
Dr. Joe, My case is of Anal Fistula. It started with pain in my upper anus ( Surgeon diagnosed this as Fissure initially) and after 25 days pus started coming out from the 6 O clock opening. Surgeon was able to see an Ulcer inside my rectum on the right side with some pilesstarting as well. MRI showed a shoe horse grade 4 high fistula entering the fat muscle as well. I have been on Homeopathy after that with medicines like Nitic Acid, Cal Sulp, Cal phos, Silicea, Arc alb etc. After passing the stool the upper rectum portion starts unbearable pain. If Pus get discharged I get relief otherwise it keeps paining nad would not even let me walk or stand. I have also noticed brown spots on my thighs & my stool have lot of black black spots. Please advise and let me know if Nux Vomica can be useful in m case.redstone1976 on 2010-10-17
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♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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