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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Body Swelling, Sleeplessness and Loss of Appetite Problem

Hello Sir,
My father is 70 yrs old. He is suffering from Swelling on face and other parts, Sleeplessness and Lose of Appetite Problem.He has diabetes but in control. UltraSound and X-Ray is normal. He has to go many times for toilet. What is the reason. And Please tell me some good homeopathic medicines.
Thanking You.
  amit_tyagi2001 on 2010-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give sufficient information/symptoms of your father for evaluation and advice.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Doctor Sahab

My Father is diabetic person. But the diabetes is in control because he avoids all the things which should not take in diabetes. Now a days there is swelling on his face, stomach and arms. The Appetite has lost and at night he do not sleep. We went for ultra sound and X-ray. Which are normal. Only the doctor told that perhaps heart is expanded and there is some swelling on your liver also. What should I do ? Please tell some medicines.
Thank You.
amit_tyagi2001 last decade
Could you please give me details/remarks of USG and other reports. In the mean time you may give him Ars. Alb.200 one dose of 5 drops daily at night.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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