The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Remedy to chronic diabetic with sensitivity to cold and sour
I am identified diabetic since about last 15 years.I feel physically weak at knees particulary while moving or going up in stairs.
My sugar with mild medicine i. Gluconorm G1 remain arround 150, blood pressure again little normal with medicines.
More allergic to cold and cough.
Suggest appropriate homeo remedy please.
JainKL on 2010-11-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Mr. Jain,
For your knee weakness and allergic to cold and cough (tendency to have recurrent cold with cough)you should try Bryonia Alba 30C 1-2 drop in half cup of water morning and evening for seven days. Report after seven days on medicine or earlier if any questions or concerns arises meanwhile.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
{Homeopathic Doctor From Lucknow}
(B.H.M.S., N.H.M. C., Lko)
For your knee weakness and allergic to cold and cough (tendency to have recurrent cold with cough)you should try Bryonia Alba 30C 1-2 drop in half cup of water morning and evening for seven days. Report after seven days on medicine or earlier if any questions or concerns arises meanwhile.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
{Homeopathic Doctor From Lucknow}
(B.H.M.S., N.H.M. C., Lko)
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Thanks for the advice for Bryo 30. I have started the medicine. But i want to further elaborate that i already have been suffering since mid Aug from cough and fever with weakness, high symptoms especially in the evening. Mucous dischrge presently almost white but with bitter taste and some thing fishy in throat. Already i have taken lot of antiallergic and antibiotic, but now very desparate. Please suggest remedy.Thanks.
JainKL last decade
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Practically no relief to cough and general weekness, rather i am feeling much weak for the last two days, alongwith continuous throat irritation, with feverish and cold feeling- no temp.; mucous discharge almost white; rather urin turned deep yellow.No other symptom except these. Please advice. Thanks
JainKL last decade
Stop taking Bryonia.
What diagnoses were made by your allopathic doctors when you were on antibiotic.
From where you access internet?
What diagnoses were made by your allopathic doctors when you were on antibiotic.
From where you access internet?
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
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