The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Aggravation or Adverse Reaction?
how does a person know if they've experienced an aggravation or had an adverse reaction to a remedy? within 24 hours of taking a remedy about a year ago, my existing symptoms got worse for a while before settling back where they had been before the remedy, but i also developed several new symptoms, some of which have since improved but some that haven't improved at all. i also have not seen any improvement in the complaint i was originally treated for. i know homeopathy can produce results that seem miraculous because i have seen it and experienced it myself, but i have also talked with people who have gotten worse, and this is making me both confused and a bit concerned. if anyone can explain this to me i would be really grateful.thanks
samikirk on 2010-11-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It can sometimes be a little tricky, although there are some general guidelines.
Aggravation is your normal symptoms worsening, with the occasional minor new symptom or two temporarily appearing as well. Aggravation usually lasts a few hours to a few weeks, with a few days being fairly typical.
An adverse reaction is divided up into several catagories:
1. A whole range of new symptoms appear - this is a proving and generally means the remedy was completely wrong (and the potency probably too high).
2. The current symptoms aggravate and the aggravation remains for a very long time, possibly until cured by other treatment. This usually means there is a very serious pathological condition with tissue changes. Such a situation might involve the pathology being incurable.
3. The current symptoms disappear, but after awhile a new more serious condition arises. This is called suppression and is more easily done with orthodox medicine than homoeopathy. It usually happens when a superfically chosen medicine is repeated very frequently, so that the vital force is forced to refocus the illness into a new location (usually deeper and more dangerous).
There is a fourth reaction which is not adverse but part of the curative process - this is a reoccurrance of an old symptom or old set of symptoms. This is an excellent sign during treatment, but often requires selection of a new remedy. If the first remedy was not selected intelligently (computer program did it, someone guessed and got it right, a whole lot of remedies were taken together, someone prescribed who doesn't really know much about homoeopathic prescribing) this can be a real stumbling block in the road to cure.
Aggravation is your normal symptoms worsening, with the occasional minor new symptom or two temporarily appearing as well. Aggravation usually lasts a few hours to a few weeks, with a few days being fairly typical.
An adverse reaction is divided up into several catagories:
1. A whole range of new symptoms appear - this is a proving and generally means the remedy was completely wrong (and the potency probably too high).
2. The current symptoms aggravate and the aggravation remains for a very long time, possibly until cured by other treatment. This usually means there is a very serious pathological condition with tissue changes. Such a situation might involve the pathology being incurable.
3. The current symptoms disappear, but after awhile a new more serious condition arises. This is called suppression and is more easily done with orthodox medicine than homoeopathy. It usually happens when a superfically chosen medicine is repeated very frequently, so that the vital force is forced to refocus the illness into a new location (usually deeper and more dangerous).
There is a fourth reaction which is not adverse but part of the curative process - this is a reoccurrance of an old symptom or old set of symptoms. This is an excellent sign during treatment, but often requires selection of a new remedy. If the first remedy was not selected intelligently (computer program did it, someone guessed and got it right, a whole lot of remedies were taken together, someone prescribed who doesn't really know much about homoeopathic prescribing) this can be a real stumbling block in the road to cure.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
wow, that was a lot to take in, but i think i understand at least most of it. thank you!
after reading about the four possibilities several times, i think it must be #1. would the correct remedy eliminate the new symptoms? and does it mean i'd be looking at the need to have them (the original and the new) addressed separately? at this point i'd be grateful just to be back where i was when i started.
after reading about the four possibilities several times, i think it must be #1. would the correct remedy eliminate the new symptoms? and does it mean i'd be looking at the need to have them (the original and the new) addressed separately? at this point i'd be grateful just to be back where i was when i started.
samikirk last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok that does sound like a proving. For most people these symptoms will wear off over a few days or a few weeks. If not then a new remedy will have to be chosen by combining the new symptoms and the original ones.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
they haven't worn off yet, though i suppose they could still do so (?) it's a relief to know that i'm not stuck with them (provided the right remedy can be found). my homeopath has had quite a challenge just with the original conditions; throwing in yet more is going to get really interesting.
samikirk last decade
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