The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Help with how to find my constitutional remedy
Hi,I am new at this, I have heard alot about constitutional remedies and was told that the only way to find mine was to go to a homeopathic practitioner. Unfortunatly, I live in a very small town where the people havent even heard of homeopathy, I was wondering if someone might be able to help me find mine, I would really appriciate any info at all on how to go about it.
MartinaRae on 2005-04-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
magicure last decade
I have always had something wrong it seems, my migranes started when I was about 12 and I ocasionally faint not from the migranes, the doctor said it was venus blood pool and thats why I faint, said there was nothing he could do about it, but now I dont faint as often anymore, but my migranes have gotten worse sometimes I have them for weeks at a time. I usually have very cold feet and hands which annoys me, and I get panic attacks regularly, I stay up late at night, cant ever get to sleep, I lay there and think about things from the past, and they make me very upset, I try to get them out of my head but I cant seem to control them, and I guess what woke me up about all of this is about a year ago I started suffering from acne, I never had a problem before, but when I turned 21 it started, I get it on my forehead and on my chin, it doesnt happen at any particular time, for the past 4 or 5 months I have been broke out wich stresses me out even furthur. I feel as though all of my anxiety and stress have caused all of these probles, and every time I try to fix them with the meds the doctors give me averything goes away for a while but then comes back with avengeance, I am just tired of all of this and just want to fix it before something else happens. I seem yto get sick very easily Im always tired and I just want to be healthy.
MartinaRae last decade
Martina, you seem almost like my twin :) I think you are just the case for constitutional therapy - you need to be treated as a whole person, not just a head + face + mind + whatever, because it is all connected.
I am not a homeopath, I'm just beginning - I am now seeking a const. remedy for myself. Someone will surely help you here, but you need to provide more details - more about your mind, emotions and all that little "unimportant" things like do you like warmth or cold? how do your migraines start, where does it hurt, how? Look into the Online Remedy Finder on this site, under "head", "mind", "generalities", "sleep", "skin" - it will give you a hint on what details to look for.
I am not a homeopath, I'm just beginning - I am now seeking a const. remedy for myself. Someone will surely help you here, but you need to provide more details - more about your mind, emotions and all that little "unimportant" things like do you like warmth or cold? how do your migraines start, where does it hurt, how? Look into the Online Remedy Finder on this site, under "head", "mind", "generalities", "sleep", "skin" - it will give you a hint on what details to look for.
Selina last decade
Thank you for the reply selina, If anyone wants to read my book here it is :)
my migranes are mostly on the right side of my head, it feels like its in the middle of the right side of my brain where it satrts, I feel like someone is in there with a knife stabbing at it. My hands and feet get icey cold, usually in the evening, also my nose gets cold and my butt too if im not sitting on it. I dont like the cold and get cold very easily, I am a very nervous person, I get panic attacks and ave really bad social anxiety. I cant sleep at night it takes me at least 2 hours to get to sleep, I think of nothing but the past and all of the bad or embarassing things that have ever happened to me, or that I have ever done. They feel as though they just happened, I have chronic urinary track infections, although the past year they seem to have calmed down, I stopped drinking apple juice wich seems to have helped. I hate wool clothing and I cant stand to have anything tite around my neck, if I cant get a necklace off when I want to I usually land up ripping it off. I get home sick even if im at home, I dont really feel like I have a home, I get angry very easily and with it comes irritability for anything, someone breathing loud or eating, or yawning, well you get the point. I like salty foods and sometimes I crave sweets, but I can go for a long time without them, usually just around my period. I hate raw onions but I like them cooked, I hate hate hate mushrooms, I dont like radishes or beets,I am not a big fan of any kind of nut, but peanut butter is okay. I am a vegitarian and I can smell the death on meat. also my sense of smell is so strong I hate it, I can smell anything, and I cant sit still if something smells bad, same with my hearing, I have to have the fan going when I sleep for the constant sound or else I would never get to sleep. I am a jelous person, and hate that about myself, I have been lied and cheated by so many people that I care about I wasnt always a jelous person. I also dont trust people right away, I do stick to first impressions usually though, sometimes I dont. My dreams are usually end of the world dreams, or something spiritual, I fly alot in my dreams, and I can control them when I want to, if something bad is going to happen I can usually stop it althou sometimes I cant. Lately though I have been having dreams about my acne, I guess its because it bothers me so much. I often wake myself up screaming, and my boyfriend says I talk in a differnt language when I sleep, it creeps him out. I do sleep walk on ocasion, not so much anymore but if im really sick or stressed out I will sleep walk. I know this sound crazy but sometimes when I wake up I see spiders coming down from the ceiling towards my face, they disapear in a few seconds, probably the remnants of a dream, but it freaks me out. I live with my boyfriend and we have been together for almost 6 years, since I was 16, I pretty much control evrything, but dont get me wrong he does his own thing, but he tends to make bad decissions. I dont like haveing people over unless im totally prepared, and especially lateley with my acne I dont ever want to see anyone, tomorrow is my b-ay I will be 22 and I dont even want to do anything because Im so self concious about my face, I know it sounds rediculous, but I cant help it, I try. I hate meeting new people, especially if im the only one that doesnt know them, I get quiet and and want to run sometimes its so bad, I think I come off as rude, but thats not the case at all. I am very close with my dad, not so much with my mom, we are close but not like me and my dad. well I think that covers it. if I need anything else let me know, Im sure there is stuff in here thats not even needed, but I wanted to cover all of the bases, sorry its not in any kind of order, I just wrote it as it came into my head. oh one last thing, I am a messy person, but when I clean it has to be sparkling clean and everything has to be in its place, so its either really messy or its spottless. thanks for reading all of this, any help would be much appriciated.
Thankyou, Martina
my migranes are mostly on the right side of my head, it feels like its in the middle of the right side of my brain where it satrts, I feel like someone is in there with a knife stabbing at it. My hands and feet get icey cold, usually in the evening, also my nose gets cold and my butt too if im not sitting on it. I dont like the cold and get cold very easily, I am a very nervous person, I get panic attacks and ave really bad social anxiety. I cant sleep at night it takes me at least 2 hours to get to sleep, I think of nothing but the past and all of the bad or embarassing things that have ever happened to me, or that I have ever done. They feel as though they just happened, I have chronic urinary track infections, although the past year they seem to have calmed down, I stopped drinking apple juice wich seems to have helped. I hate wool clothing and I cant stand to have anything tite around my neck, if I cant get a necklace off when I want to I usually land up ripping it off. I get home sick even if im at home, I dont really feel like I have a home, I get angry very easily and with it comes irritability for anything, someone breathing loud or eating, or yawning, well you get the point. I like salty foods and sometimes I crave sweets, but I can go for a long time without them, usually just around my period. I hate raw onions but I like them cooked, I hate hate hate mushrooms, I dont like radishes or beets,I am not a big fan of any kind of nut, but peanut butter is okay. I am a vegitarian and I can smell the death on meat. also my sense of smell is so strong I hate it, I can smell anything, and I cant sit still if something smells bad, same with my hearing, I have to have the fan going when I sleep for the constant sound or else I would never get to sleep. I am a jelous person, and hate that about myself, I have been lied and cheated by so many people that I care about I wasnt always a jelous person. I also dont trust people right away, I do stick to first impressions usually though, sometimes I dont. My dreams are usually end of the world dreams, or something spiritual, I fly alot in my dreams, and I can control them when I want to, if something bad is going to happen I can usually stop it althou sometimes I cant. Lately though I have been having dreams about my acne, I guess its because it bothers me so much. I often wake myself up screaming, and my boyfriend says I talk in a differnt language when I sleep, it creeps him out. I do sleep walk on ocasion, not so much anymore but if im really sick or stressed out I will sleep walk. I know this sound crazy but sometimes when I wake up I see spiders coming down from the ceiling towards my face, they disapear in a few seconds, probably the remnants of a dream, but it freaks me out. I live with my boyfriend and we have been together for almost 6 years, since I was 16, I pretty much control evrything, but dont get me wrong he does his own thing, but he tends to make bad decissions. I dont like haveing people over unless im totally prepared, and especially lateley with my acne I dont ever want to see anyone, tomorrow is my b-ay I will be 22 and I dont even want to do anything because Im so self concious about my face, I know it sounds rediculous, but I cant help it, I try. I hate meeting new people, especially if im the only one that doesnt know them, I get quiet and and want to run sometimes its so bad, I think I come off as rude, but thats not the case at all. I am very close with my dad, not so much with my mom, we are close but not like me and my dad. well I think that covers it. if I need anything else let me know, Im sure there is stuff in here thats not even needed, but I wanted to cover all of the bases, sorry its not in any kind of order, I just wrote it as it came into my head. oh one last thing, I am a messy person, but when I clean it has to be sparkling clean and everything has to be in its place, so its either really messy or its spottless. thanks for reading all of this, any help would be much appriciated.
Thankyou, Martina
MartinaRae last decade
hi, its me again, just wanted to say that the specifics on my acne are in the first post on this thread.
Thankyou for any help,
Thankyou for any help,
MartinaRae last decade
also, I didnt metion, I drink pretty often (I know its bad) sonetimes I go a while without drinking but usually I drink about 3 nights a week, I dont get wasted, just catch a buzz, and I smoke ciggarettes, but I dont take any drugs or other medications. Right now I am trying that B5 thing you here about on the net for acne, I am taking ten grams a day, 4 500 mg pills 5x a day, with a b complex, a 200 IU vitamin E and a daily dose of zinc. sometimes I take probiotics too, but thats all I take. Martina
MartinaRae last decade
hi - I don't 'do' constitutionals as they often end up as the red herring I can't catch - do people really have just ONE remedy that will cure all?.
But I do go for well indicated remedies as these are based on the symptoms from your vital force which indicate the remedy it needs to help you get improved health. In the first instance it reads like Ignatia could help you - did you have a lot of disappointments in the past? do you also drink coffee? do you walk in a hurry or ever feel someone may be beside you or following you when you walk? do you swing in your moods and feel like laughing when you maybe should cry or the opposite? do you cry and get a 'lump' feeling in your throat, or do you get that feeling when upset? let me know :)
But I do go for well indicated remedies as these are based on the symptoms from your vital force which indicate the remedy it needs to help you get improved health. In the first instance it reads like Ignatia could help you - did you have a lot of disappointments in the past? do you also drink coffee? do you walk in a hurry or ever feel someone may be beside you or following you when you walk? do you swing in your moods and feel like laughing when you maybe should cry or the opposite? do you cry and get a 'lump' feeling in your throat, or do you get that feeling when upset? let me know :)
erika last decade
I did have a lot od disapointments in the past, I have trained myself to always think the worst will happen, that way if it does im not surrprised and if it doesnt than Im even happier. I love coffee, although I am trying not to drink so much, as I hear its bad for acne. I do usually walk in a hurry, and often feel as though someone is behind or beside me, even in the car sometimes I feel like there is someone there, and especially when I am trying to go to sleep, sometimes I get that feeling very strong and have to cover myself very well in the covers because it freaks me out. When I am really scared or nervous I laugh, for example when 911 happened I laughed, or when I feel thretened I lagh, and when my boyfriend gets really mad I get nervous and laugh. I try not to but I cant help it. I often get a lump in my throught when or before im crying and when I feel upset, I get it alot. Its weird that your questions fit me so well. Thankyou for your reply and any help that you can give me,
MartinaRae last decade
Seems like Erika has something on mind ;)
Erika, would you please look at my post - "Help with constitutional remedy"? Nobody answered me yet :(
Erika, would you please look at my post - "Help with constitutional remedy"? Nobody answered me yet :(
Selina last decade
I was looking at agnatia, and I do have alot of the listings, but under skin it doesnt mention acne, but it did say rashes and that made me think about a few months ago I broke out in hives on my face, on my cheeks, down the langth of them, they were raised and then sometimes they were just a bunch of little bumps, it has happened twice pretty close to each other, never happened before or after, I dont seem to have any allergic reactions to anything, but mabey I came into contact with something, the itched really bad, but it hasnt happened since. It made me nervous because my dad has lupus on his skin and I was worried that I could get it too. well if there is anything else that is needed for info let me know, My acne is only on my face, sometimes I get little ones on my chest but not very often, its on my chin mostly and in the middle of my forehead, I get small ones, that are hard and I get large cystic ones too. Thankyou for all of the help, hope to hear back from you erika
MartinaRae last decade
If the emotional symptoms of Ignatia fit so well don't worry that the skin symptoms don't fit exactly..even though homeopathic remedies have been 'proved' not every single symptoms of every single remedy has yet been discovered and probably never will be.
As your emotional symptoms fit so well take the ignatia and just see whether it helps the acne - you may be pleasantly surprised or you may only get a slight improvement in your skin and a lot in your emotional level.
Skin is always the last thing to heal with homeopathy. Even if you chose a remedy to exactly match your skin it would not make it better for long if the remedy did not help the emotional enough. Hope that makes sense? :)
As your emotional symptoms fit so well take the ignatia and just see whether it helps the acne - you may be pleasantly surprised or you may only get a slight improvement in your skin and a lot in your emotional level.
Skin is always the last thing to heal with homeopathy. Even if you chose a remedy to exactly match your skin it would not make it better for long if the remedy did not help the emotional enough. Hope that makes sense? :)
erika last decade
thabkyou so much for all of you help, I was wondering how much to take how to take it and what strength and how often I should take it. and on this site it only has ignatia amara, is that the same as regular ignatia, or should I get it from somewhere else, if so can you give me a web adress to it. thankyou again,
MartinaRae last decade
oh yeah, and as I mentioned earlier I am taking alot of vitamins, will this mess things up or is it allright to take it together? thankyou
MartinaRae last decade
Vitamins are fine with homeopathy. As you have skin problems and migraines then check out carefully that you are not sensitve to the ingredients of the vitamins and buy a good brand. Citrus in vitamins can be a problem for some people - for others the colourings and other ingredients cause skin/migraine probs...
Ignatia amara is the full name for ignatia so that too is fine.
As you get migraines/skin problems I would suggest starting with a not too high a potency (normally when emotional fits so well I would suggest very high but in your case not!) - start with a 30c.
To begin with take this 3 times daily (one dose am, one around noon, and one early evening - do not take this last dose too close to sleep as it can cause wakefulness if you do). Quite often the effect of ignatia wears off quickly so it will not hurt to repeat this often. After a couple of weeks come and report back to see what dosage to continue with - if you have any problems come back sooner. :)
Ignatia amara is the full name for ignatia so that too is fine.
As you get migraines/skin problems I would suggest starting with a not too high a potency (normally when emotional fits so well I would suggest very high but in your case not!) - start with a 30c.
To begin with take this 3 times daily (one dose am, one around noon, and one early evening - do not take this last dose too close to sleep as it can cause wakefulness if you do). Quite often the effect of ignatia wears off quickly so it will not hurt to repeat this often. After a couple of weeks come and report back to see what dosage to continue with - if you have any problems come back sooner. :)
erika last decade
forgot to say - take the remedy by putting the pill/tablet under tongue and allow to dissolve. Avoid food, drink, toothpaste, cigarettes etc. for 5-10 minutes before and after taking the remedy.
erika last decade
thankyou again, I will order that now and post back with any changes, thanks for the info on the vitamins too, I will check into my ingredients. so just to be clear, take 30c three times daily every day for 2 weeks, if thats right let me know, oh and I will be posting to let you know my progress, dont forget to check, I dont want to loose you:) thankyou for your help,
MartinaRae last decade
yep - that's right and if you have any problems with this just get back sooner than 2 weeks. spk soon, :)
erika last decade
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