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Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose helps Chronic Smokers to QUIT SMOKING

Members may like to know that I pioneered in helping chronic smokers to QUIT SMOKING with Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. I discovered this unusual effect of Arnica quite accidentally in 2005 when I gave this remedy to a patient who was suffering from some ailment and was also a chronic smoker. Since that time I have conducted experiments with about 20 chronic smokers and about 85% have confirmed that they lost the urge for that next cigarette after about 4 doses taken over 2 days on Arnica and within a week they were able to QUIT the habit.

Classical homeopaths who have often delighted in the recent past in belittling my contribution to Homeopathy may be forced to reluctantly accept that this discovery qualifies for the term 'Joepathy' as it has never been reported in any classical text before.

You can read the case of Will whom I treated in 2007 who confirmed that he QUIT smoking in a few weeks on this therapy which has not been listed in the MM's and Repertories in use today and it is my hope that it will be included in future editions.



The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
  Joe De Livera on 2010-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have Arnica Montana 30 (liquid dilution)can you tell me the dosage for it to quit smoking?
Thank you
simkhan06 last decade
To Simkhan

You will only use 3 drops of the Arnica 30 to activate the bottle of water.

You will take a dose (a capful as per the instructions in my last post) thrice daily for the first week and when you discover that your urge for that next cigarette has diminished, you can reduce it to twice daily.

Please report progress in a few weeks.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thankyou, definitely I will report the progress after a week.
simkhan06 last decade
Can i give my baby who is 5.5 bio comb 4 for constipation.he started having his solids since 4 months.,but recently he has started to have constipation.He passes stool in 3 -4 days.Plus its been two months since he has been passing green stool.he has had cold though minor one:little cough,dry coryza with blocked nose and sniffles)the cold keeps coming back after a week or two.
This is the only type of cold he has.
My baby is a boy born on 14th june 2010.he weighs 7 kg.
He is teething too for which I am giving him bio comb 21.two of his lower central incisors have come out without too much irritation,thank to bio comb 21.
Please help,allopathic is not helping him much.
I am worried about his constipation and dark green stools.
simkhan06 last decade
Your Baby son's remedy is Nat Phos 6x.

You can start with half a tablet which you can give him dissolved in his feed or in a little water. Many mothers who have used it have confirmed that their baby's constipation and also cholic due to acidity are helped by the NP within the day.

Please report baby's progress in 2 days.

I would prefer that you do not give him the Bio Comb 4 when you are giving him the NP.

How is your smoking problem faring?

It occurred to me that I should warn you about smoking in your baby's presence. Passive smoking is even worse than the smoker inhaling the smoke and must never be done where the baby can also inhale the smoke. It is worse as the smoke remains in the air in a room and I am aware of a girl who is my grand niece who presented severe Asthma as a child and was in and out of hospital being nebulized at least monthly. It was only when my nephew died that her daily attacks of Asthma were controlled and I eventually cured her of this disease within a month with my Joepathy.
She is now 24 and will be married next Friday and does not have any Asthmatic problems whatever.
Joe De Livera last decade
Can you please tell me how many times a day?
can he chew the half tablet because i do the same with his teething pills.
simkhan06 last decade
I would hesitate to give a 6 month old baby and hard solid like a tablet as he may not be able to swallow it. You can give half tablet after or mixed with a feed thrice daily and report.

It is far safer to give it to him dissolved as the NP will dissolve almost instantly. Mix it into his feed if he is on formula or give it in a little water.

I note that you have not commented on your smoking.
Joe De Livera last decade
Actualli it was for my husband.i had started to give hime arnica 3mixed in the water they way you had mentioned but i dont see any changes yet so I though i will wait for a week and then post u a reply.

one more thing you did not comment anything about my baby's green stool and cold I mentioned in the post.
simkhan06 last decade
'Actualli it was for my husband.i had started to give hime arnica 3mixed in the water they way you had mentioned'

I prescribed Arnica 30c and not 3.

Your baby's green stools can be due to insufficient feed but you must pose this question to your pediatrician. If he is eating normally the green stools will be history. I presume that you are giving him semi solids.

It is unusual for a 6 months old baby to catch a cold. Here too you will have to consult your doctor to check his chest for any infection, which I doubt is the case.
Joe De Livera last decade
sorry i did a mistake while typing it is Arnica montana 30 in liquid dilution.
i did consult a pead he says its the mucus coming out.
thanks to God he has no chest infection its just the common cold.
i want to be totally homeopathic with my baby because due to this allopathic medicines I already lost a 1.5 year old daughter 2 years back.(i hope now u understand my reason to be worried for my baby)
She had 3 recurrent episodes of pneumoni at age of 5.5 months and after the third episode she was diagnosed with trachea malacia and zenkers diverticulum.I took up homeopathy to treat thes ailments and touchwood they all worked good within 4 months of the treatment the doctors removed her feeding tube and she was able to eat orallyu but her all the previous episodes had made her immune system very weak so at the age of 9 months she had a fever and then till she died she had constant fever every day only nimesulide could bring her fever down.Doctors at AIIMS did all the test but every test came out good ,so in the end they clinically declared her immune system is weak and at age of 1 year she passed away due to refractory sepsis.
simkhan06 last decade
I am so very sorry to learn about your traumatic experience with your baby daughter. It is very likely that the drugs may have had a hand in making her problems worse which resulted in her demise. What was her weight at birth and did you suffer from any problems in pregnancy? Did your husband's smoking affect you and your baby daughter?

Let us jointly try to ensure that your son lives a healthy life.

I hope that your husband does not smoke in your son's presence as passive smoke is even more dangerous for others than smoking is for him. Please make him understand this simple fact.

Where do you live?
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanx for understanding.
My husband does not smoke in his presence.
My daughter's weight was 2.8 at the time of birth and till the age of 5 months she growing very healthy.
I did not had any problem during my daughter's pregnancy infact i had no morning sickness.

I live in New Delhi,India.
Infact the whole episode has made fall in love to homeopathy,so I am planning to take up a home study homeopathy course very soon.
I dont know but of all the Drs in the forum i trust you prescription thats why I contacted you directly.

Thank you for all the help you giving you.
simkhan06 last decade
it is to inform you that the first does of nat phos 6x worked.he passed stool shouyld i still continue with the medicine.and if yes till when?
simkhan06 last decade
Glad to note that my Joepathy worked so fast.

Nat Phos 6x is absolutely safe to be used even with infants and you are free to use it whenever you find that baby is not taking his feed. It seems to work by accelerating the passage of food down the gut and thereby eliminating GERD or Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease which even babies are diagnosed with and are often given the PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which can be considered as poisonous even though they are prescribed by pediatricians who should know the damage they are causing these tender infants at the beginning of their lives.

Please be informed that your husband must be prohibited from smoking in the house as his cigarette smoke when inhaled second hand by you and your son as passive smoke, can cause other diseases and may even have been the indirect cause of your daughter's demise.
Joe De Livera last decade
For the record can you tell me how long after the Nat Phos did he pass a stool ?

How many days was he constipated?
Joe De Livera last decade
he was constipated for 2 days.He passed stool after the first dose.
should i stop giving him nat phos.
simkhan06 last decade
Please read my last post where I have already answered your question.

You do not need to give him the NP if he passes his motions as usual.

NP is very effective when the baby cries as if having a colic and in many instances I have advised the mother to take the NP which she passes down to the baby in her breast milk and all is well. This is only effective in babies up to 3 months of age. After that age the baby can be given just half a tablet with his feed and this helps in the digestion.

Remember my comments on your husband's smoking in the house.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,

I came across your advise of using Arnica for smoking cessation. I have been smoking for past 2 yrs around 8-10 cigarettes per day and want to quit. I have tried quitting multiple times but was unable to do that.

When I try quitting, I can not sleep well, I feel disturbed, fearful, irritated and shallow. This makes me go back to smoking every time.

I read on some forums that combination of Arnica 30, Caladium 200, Kali Phos 6X (Only when the urge to smoke is at peak) works well in helping in reducing the urge to smoke if one has willingness to do so.

I have purchased these medicines and want to start using them. Wanted to know your opinion about this combination. Or should I only use Arnica wet dose and no Kali Phos or Caladium?

Also, by mistake, I have got Arnica 200 liquid formulation instead of Arnica 30 liquid. Please advise, if it is possible to use Arnica 200 in wet dose or I should go and get Arnica 30?
nilmitr last decade

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