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left upper arm pain - reoccur after one year

I am suffering from a upper arm pain in the left arm. I am feeling the pain for the whole day - from morning to night. Not very much butt irritating and that is increasing with any form of stress/pressure over there. Even when I am trying to carry 1Kg load then also it is getting worse. I cannot remember any injury/falls that damaged that area. I was suffered similar pain in last January (that also during winter). Last year I had taken physiotherapy treatment for one month for removing the pain. This time I want homeopathy. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
(Currently for the last two weeks I am taking Sulpher 200 and NuxVomica 200 in morning and night respectively because of piles)
  sksaha on 2010-12-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please see whether Ruta 200 helps.
kadwa last decade
Thank you very much for the suggestion. Is there any problem if I take Ruta 200 with Sulpher 200. And please tell me the doses (how many times and when and for how many days) of Ruta.
sksaha last decade
Please take three doses of Ruta 200 as follows and see how that affects in the next 15 days.

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

Instead of taking Sulphur and Nux Vomica daily for piles. You should take only the indicated remedy out of these two as above and wait for 15 days. It is better not to take two remedies on the same day.

The bio-chemic combination bc-17 is good for piles. It may be taken daily with a gap of one week after every 3 weeks. You should skip bc-17 when you take any homeo remedy.
kadwa last decade
Thank you very much for the help.
I'll take the Ruta 200 doses and inform you the status after a week.
sksaha last decade

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