The ABC Homeopathy Forum
What potency Ignatia?
I've been having some breathing problems and am pretty sure I need Ignatia. (I've taken it before.)What potency should I take or what guidelines should I follow for figuring out what potency I need? Meaning, since physical symptoms are predominant at the moment, does that mean I need to go low -- like 30c -- maybe several times per day or is Ignatia one that really does its work in high potency?
Thank you.
ruth45 on 2005-04-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ignatia ?, on the principle of -- the devil you know?.
No one needs more info-- Ipecac is more likely than Ignatia!.
Read other posts and see what we need to know - also enlightening !.
No one needs more info-- Ipecac is more likely than Ignatia!.
Read other posts and see what we need to know - also enlightening !.
passkey last decade
Passkey, No disrespect intended, but not everyone who writes in is a complete novice. I've been using homeopathy for 20 years.
In those 20 years I've been under the care of 4 different homeopaths and each had completely different ideas on prescribing and potency.
I recognize that my breathing problems are probably related to grief and I'm asking for advice on deciding on a potency, not deciding on a remedy. My question is: If you were prescribing Ignatia, what guidelines would you use for deciding on a potency?
Thanks for the help.
In those 20 years I've been under the care of 4 different homeopaths and each had completely different ideas on prescribing and potency.
I recognize that my breathing problems are probably related to grief and I'm asking for advice on deciding on a potency, not deciding on a remedy. My question is: If you were prescribing Ignatia, what guidelines would you use for deciding on a potency?
Thanks for the help.
ruth45 last decade
As an admirer of the autodidact I accept your rebuke in good part.
Two ways to go Look up the book and see if the remedy matches your TOTAL condition - fairly closely. If it does then take the high road. Use 10m , then wait until any beneficial effects wear off and then repeat.
To be honest if you are involved in grief then high is probably best.
Other way is to use low 3x-6x when the low potency has a broad band effect without having to get the nail on the head.
Hope this helps.
Two ways to go Look up the book and see if the remedy matches your TOTAL condition - fairly closely. If it does then take the high road. Use 10m , then wait until any beneficial effects wear off and then repeat.
To be honest if you are involved in grief then high is probably best.
Other way is to use low 3x-6x when the low potency has a broad band effect without having to get the nail on the head.
Hope this helps.
passkey last decade
I believe that you may be successful in the treatment of your ailment by using the technique that Dr Luc de Schepper used and demonstrated to me and his patients when he was with us in Sri Lanka a few weeks ago to treat the survivors of the Tsunami.
The technique that Dr Luc uses for Chromic ailments is to put just 2 pellets of the 6C remedy into 350ml water which is succussed twice before each dose. A teaspoonful of the remedy is poured out from the bottle and put into half a cup of water which is stirred. A teaspoonful is then taken from the cup and is sipped slowly. Since your ailment qualifies as a chronic you can use this method.
For Acute ailments he uses the 200C remedy in 250ml water which is succussed twice before each dose of 2 teaspoonfuls which are taken directly from the bottle tds. Dr Luc details this technique in his book "Hahnemann Revisited" and emphasizes that this technique is mentioned in Hahnemann's 5th Edition.
I am now using this technique exclusively as I have discovered that it really works as according to Dr Luc the succussion of the remedy increases the potency slightly thereby rendering it more effective in the treatment of any ailment.
The technique that Dr Luc uses for Chromic ailments is to put just 2 pellets of the 6C remedy into 350ml water which is succussed twice before each dose. A teaspoonful of the remedy is poured out from the bottle and put into half a cup of water which is stirred. A teaspoonful is then taken from the cup and is sipped slowly. Since your ailment qualifies as a chronic you can use this method.
For Acute ailments he uses the 200C remedy in 250ml water which is succussed twice before each dose of 2 teaspoonfuls which are taken directly from the bottle tds. Dr Luc details this technique in his book "Hahnemann Revisited" and emphasizes that this technique is mentioned in Hahnemann's 5th Edition.
I am now using this technique exclusively as I have discovered that it really works as according to Dr Luc the succussion of the remedy increases the potency slightly thereby rendering it more effective in the treatment of any ailment.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
r u sure that u need ignatia 4 ur breathing problem?? what r ur symptoms & modalities( i.e. aggrevation ammilaration and mental conditions [modality is the soul of a drug u know]) if ur case is really of ignatia, then, u must take ignatia m/1 or 0/1 (milicimal potency[ 6th edition]. NOT centicimal potency!!!! milicimal potency is the latest installment[version] of homeopathy) 7 to 8 doses in 4 ounce aquous. take it 6, 8 or 12 hourly according 2 the sevierity of ur symptoms. if u have any more queries, PM me or e-mail me
dr_chakresh last decade
Hello Dr Chakresh,
I have recently read what you had to say about potencies of Ignatia.
I have just been advised to take Ignatia 1 per week at 200 potency. Do you think this is the correct potency.
I am suffering anxiety in chest region with breathing difficulties.
Please advise
Kindest Regards
sonia x
I have recently read what you had to say about potencies of Ignatia.
I have just been advised to take Ignatia 1 per week at 200 potency. Do you think this is the correct potency.
I am suffering anxiety in chest region with breathing difficulties.
Please advise
Kindest Regards
sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
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