The ABC Homeopathy Forum
New mama needs help with remedy for coughing baby!
My three month old baby has been sick for three days. The first day he had a sore throat, that has now seemed to go away and evolve into a chest infection. I have been giving him hylands 'sniffles and sneezes for kids' which contains: acontium napellus 6x HPUS, allium cepa 6x HUPS, gelsemium sempervirens 6x HUPS, zincum gluconicum 2x HPUS in a base of lactose n.f.Should I continue with this remedy or do something different? He doesn't seem to be too uncomfortable but he is coughing quite a bit and I don't know what to do.
I don't know much about homeopathy would also lobe suggestions for books about homeopathy for the family / pediatrics... Or just anything really
mumflower on 2011-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If the child is cheerful and mild mannered please give him pulsatilla 30c thrice a day for few days.
If the child is weak and irritable give him Calc Carb 30c in the same way.
If the child is weak and irritable give him Calc Carb 30c in the same way.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thank you very much. He is very cheerful despite experiencing his first cold and mild mannered so I will try the pulsatilla.
mumflower last decade
Oh! Is there a certain type of pulsatilla or can a plain one be found?
mumflower last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
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