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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic hair loss pls help

I tried to answer most of the questions.Please suggest treatment. I have chronic hairloss -9yrs, occurs in phases 1-2 phases a year. I also have pain in joints and extreme fatigue associated with autoimmune ankylosing spondylitis since 3 yrs. Pls help

1. Age- 32
2. Sex- F
3. Weight- 140lb
4. Mode of living-
5. Occupation- healthcare
6. Disposition when present complaint(s) was not present-
7. Complexion- brown
8. Colour of the hair-black
9. Lean or Corpulent- Lean
10. Former Sickness if any (give details)- Ankylosing spondylitis
11. Course and cure of such Sickness if any- constant pain in joints, taking Enbrel for 2 yrs
12. Any sequealae such sickness has left(if any)- Chronic condition
13. Kind of treatment received- Enbrel injections, plaqanil tabs, pain killers as needed
14. What medicines taken-
15. Describe present disease in detail-
Hair thinning, hair loss for 8-9 yrs, thyroid normal, all lab work normal, no deficiencies, healthy diet, hair loss in phases, when it falls it lasts for 3-6 months a year falls in bunches followed by a quiet phase for 3-5 months and falls again. Hairloss and thinning very prominent lately.
16. Emphasize the most prominent and most trouble symptoms- Hair lusterless when falling in bunches.
17. How the patient feels about the suffering/disease-
Depressed and frustating
18. How those around the patient observe the matter-
Very obvious
19. Please state all the symptoms in detail regarding the disease-
20. Location on the body affected- Scalp
21. What aggravates the suffering- stress, but sometimes nothing, infact hairloss causing stress
22. What ameliorates the suffering-
23. What times of day/hour/season suffering is aggravated- round the year
24. What times of day/hour/season suffering is ameliorated-
25. What influence is exerted by rest , motion,lying ,sitting,standing,walking,running,riding on horseback or vehicle etc.- not applicable
26. What influence is exerted by warmth or cold, open air, Rooms,various enjoyments ,by touch ,by baring the body, by over heating,by eating and drinking ,by bathing,by emotions,by clothes, by dry or wet weather,by thunder storms, by day light, candle light etc . . Also mention relation of any of these factors In aggravation or amelioration of condition-.
27. Any thing unusual about perspiration- No
28. Which part of body perspires unusually more (if any)- palms and feet
29. Any unusual in Odour of body,perspiration,stool,odour of breath – no
30. Any Sleep dis order- no
31. Any preferred side to sleep- no
31.Any particular disease/suffering effecting your family through generations i.e
hereditary ailments if any e.g. diabetes,blood pressure,Heart ailments, Eczema,Leucorrhoea, Warts.Cancer, Tuberculosis-

Yes; Autoimmune condition like ankylosing spondylitis
32. How is thirst? Fine
33. Any vertigo? none
34. Any Headache? Very freequent
35. Any eye and vision problem- no
36. Any Nose and smell problem- no
37. Any Respiratory problem- no
38. Any throat problem- freequent pharyngitis
39. Any skin problem give details- none
40. Any stomach/digestion problem- none
41. Any food/drink dis agrees- no
42. Craving for any particular food/drink- sweets, coffee
43. Any heart/chest problem- no
44. Any Constipation- some
45. Any pains in hands and limbs- yes both
46. Any urinary problem-
47. Any Gynaecological problem- no
48. Any sexual problem- no
49. Any allergy- sulpha allergy
50. Any peculiar habit, symptom, feeling, occurrence-
no, lots of fatigue to the autoimmune condition
51. Any particular time of day agrees or dis agrees-
52. Any particular season agrees or disagrees- no
  sgadde on 2011-01-29
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