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Arnica and jet lag


I read in internet that arnica helps with jet lag.

Did any body tried it for jet lag? If so can you tell me how to use it? I have Arnica 30 c.

Since i am going to india from us , i want to try that.

  anon99 on 2005-05-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have used Arnica 30c for many years and have also recommended it to others to be used to overcome Jet Lag many of whom have confirmed that this remedy helped them.

The dose that I use is 2 pellets to be taken twice 12 hours before departure and immediately before. I also take it every 3 hours on board and find that as a result I invariably sleep quite soundly often missing meals and use the Do not Disturb sticker to ensure that I am not woken up every few hours.

I arrive at my destination quite refreshed and it is interesting to record that Dr Luc de Schepper who was in Sri Lanka to treat the survivors of the Tsunami, used Arnica with his succussed method and sipped the water from a bottle on his return trip to the US a few weeks ago with success.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Dr. Joe. for your information. I was too lazy to post.

Sometimes when my daughter wakes up in the middle of the night and complains leg pains and cries, ( because that day she ran a lot outside while playing for 2 hours) i give her arnica and she sleeps in 10 min.

Is this because arnica promotes sleep? or it reduces
pain? or both.

anon99 last decade
Arnica is my favourite remedy and I have used it for many ailments that are not listed in the classical and modern texts.

There is no record of it to be used for jet lag and insomnia but I have discovered that it is perhaps the most effective of remedies for both problems. It works by dialatint the blood vessels, especially the capillaries and I have used it to cure chronic eczema and recurrent cellulitis in people who were constantly in and out of hospital for their 'incurable' conditions. It is specifically to be used for injuries but can also be used for so many other ailments.

Incidentally I am not qualified as a doctor although I have 35 years of dedication to Homeopathy which I use exclusively for my own and my family's ailments.
Joe De Livera last decade

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