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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I am 30 yr old, mother of 2 children. Started my symptoms first time with lots of itching and red patches specially on hands and legs 1 month after my 2nd cesarian delivery.Later it started almost on entire body including face.I m feeling chocking sensaton in oesophagus some times. All this my symtoms starts mostly in neight time.I am getting relief with Atarax 10 mg (hydroxyine hydrochloride).
  Nisha Shah on 2005-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You probably had a load of antibiotics when you had the ceasarians.

This is probably a reaction to that.

Does it happen on inspiration?.

On swallowing?.

Do you get hot feet in bed?.

As an interim you might want to get some Urtica Urens 6x and take a couple of doses before going to bed . Keep it by the bed and use as required.
passkey last decade
Get some APIS M 30X also. If you have a choking sensation, your throat may be swelling. Take one dose and see if this relieves the choke sensation. Unusual swelling calls for APIS.

Although Apis is not for itching as much as Urtica Urens.

Please let us know how you are.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
i had taken apis and urtica urens both but still i m getting urticaria in neight times or morning imediatly after waking up.not going completely. so help me out please.
Nisha Shah last decade
Hi Nisha,

What helps your breathlessness and rash ? ( cold/ hot application or fan or scratching etc....)

Also, what makes it worse?

When did you take Apis and Urtica? (at what time of the day, how many times a day, and for how many days)

How much would you say are you feeling better after starting with these remedies? ( write as % of original suffering)
magicure last decade
I gets itiching then i scratch a lot but it start bleeding after much scratch and it does not relives my complaints.In neight time it starts and after waking also it continues but as day progress it vanish.now i can say i have 30% improvment.I startted with uricaria then apis and now i m taking both of them.Even my 3 yr old son started this urticaria -- red patch with itching since 4 days.still i m getting choking sensation in throat but it is improved from what it started.
Nisha Shah last decade
Not good .you should not be on anything for long periods.

If you do this you are only ameliorating the problem -- NOT going in the direction of cure.

You either need to change the potency -- or the remedy ,

In any case you should, only exceptionally , take more than one remedy at a time.

It starts on waking and gradually gets better until it starts again at night.

Check out Lachesis/ Calc Sul / Sulphur /Kali Sul and Pulsatilla. See which best matches your conditions and come back.
passkey last decade

Be very careful, urticaria causing a choking feeling can be dangerous. It is causing your throat to swell and close up, which can kill.
Does your son feel this choking feeling? That would be very dangerous too.

Please make sure your family doctor knows what is going on at all times and knows what remedies you are taking.

Best wishes to you!
Orume last decade
i second Lachesis
CHELLE last decade
And if you are into orthodox doctors you shouldnt be on this site!.
passkey last decade
Doesn't matter what I am "into" or not -- hives (urticaria) with throat inflammation is *very* dangerous.

I mention this only because I care -- I don't want anything bad to happen to Nisha or her son. So, I state the obvious; that because of the serious nature of her problem, her doctor should be aware of everything she is doing about this illness, homeopathic or otherwise, to make sure she's OK. :-)
Orume last decade
Orume -- Why would her doctor take better care of her than homeopathy?.

Orthodox medicines cause more problems than they cure.

THere are cases on this site where people have been driven into seious incurable trouble by following the advice of a doctor.

passkey last decade
After taking Apis (30) my choking sensation is reduced. I take one or two dosge in week when required or SOS. I can say it is improved by 50%.

My Urticaria reduces after taking 3 - 4 dosage of Uritca Urens (200) day. The itching reduces but rashes remains.

Shall I take one dosage of Lachesis?

I have consulted the Physian few time they prescribed Atarex (Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride 10 mg) relieves me for couple of days.

Nisha Shah last decade
If the condition is worse when you awake then try Lachesis 30c -- ONE single dose and wait about 7 days to judge result.
passkey last decade
Hello all,

I just have to tell everyone this as I have suffered for the past three months with Urticaria and had some really bad days.

What I noticed was that at the weekend I never got it and so started to wonder. I drink Guinness Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I never have a problem. You cant drink every night though.

What I was wondering was what was in the Guinness that I may be lacking? It is known as a good source of Iron so I said right i'll get some Iron supplements.

I got an Iron & Vitamin C supplement and I havent had one welt or itch since.

I visited the homeopath and am waiting on her tablets/lotion to arrive but I might not need it now, we'll see.

I also had patches of exchimea (pardon the spelling) during my Urticaria and I tell you within two days it is almost gone.

So Im just telling you what has worked for me, I hope it will work for others.

Its an awful affliction so let me know how you get on.

urticariagone last decade
i m suffering from a very chronic urticaria since last 15 years.
symptoms are below.
1. i feel itching whenever pressure is induced on my body any where below my neck.
2. any type of rash or pressure induce itching on my whole body which last 20 to 30 min.
3. i m 30 yrs, 5' 11'' having wt 65 kg. lean and thin.
4. it doesn't cause any mark on my skin just itchy feeling make me anxious .
5. after bath i feel same because during bath i use to rub my body that causes itching.
6. i am allergic to eggs and peanut as i can not digest them( feels vomiting whenever consumes).
7. during humidity my problem get worse.
8. i am going to marry within few month kindly help me.
9. i love to masturbate is that harmful.
10. my skin looks very normal and its nature is oily.
11. i have tried all types of medicines including homeopathy but of no help.

kindly help me plz
amarsmusic last decade
Yea looks like you do have Urticaria. The best way to find out if you really do or not, is to go to your doctor as only he will be able to tell you :)

If you are having problems then I suggest you try out this great product that worked great for me in the past :)

I use to suffer from urticaria as well until I started using it, now I feel great.


try it out
Robert20 last decade

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